C H A P T E R 7
Checking Inside the Computer
Your Dell PowerEdge 300 system supports a variety of internal options that expand
system capabilities. This file prepares you to install options inside the computer. It
describes how to remove and replace the computer cover and rotate the power sup-
ply away from the system board. It also familiarizes you with the internal components
you may handle if you install Dell hardware options.
Before You Begin
To make working inside your computer easier, make sure you have adequate lighting
and a clean work space. If you temporarily disconnect cables or remove expansion
cards, note the position of the connectors and slots so that you can reassemble the
system correctly.
You will use the information in this section every time you install a hardware option
inside your computer. Read this section carefully, because the information is not
repeated in such detail elsewhere in this guide.
Safety First—For You and Your Computer
Working inside your computer is safe—if you observe the following precautions.
Before starting to work on your computer, perform the following steps in the
sequence indicated:
1. Turn off your computer and all peripherals.
2. Disconnect your computer and peripherals from their AC power sources.
Also, disconnect any telephone or telecommunication lines from the com-
puter. Doing so reduces the potential for personal injury or shock.
3. If you are disconnecting a peripheral from the computer or are removing a
component from the system board, wait 10 to 20 seconds after disconnect-
ing the computer from AC power before disconnecting the peripheral or
removing the component to avoid possible damage to the system board.
Checking Inside the Computer
padlock ring
cable slot
3. Remove the cover.
4. Facing the left side cover, press the release button (located at the bottom-left cor-
ner of the front bezel) and lift the bottom of the cover, allowing it to pivot up
toward you (see Figure 7-2).
5. Disengage the tabs that secure the cover to the top of the chassis, and lift the
cover away.
Checking Inside the Computer
release button
Figure 7-2. Removing the Computer Cover
Replacing the Computer Cover
Use the following procedure to replace the computer cover:
1. Check all cable connections, especially those that might have come loose during
your work. Fold cables out of the way so that they do not catch on the computer
cover. Make sure cables are not routed over the drive cage—they will prevent the
cover from closing properly.
2. Check to see that no tools or extra parts (including screws) are left inside the
computer's chassis.
3. Replace the cover.
4. Facing the left side of the computer, hold the cover at a slight angle as shown in
Figure 7-3, and then align the top of the cover with the top of the chassis. Hook
Installation and Troubleshooting Guide
the tabs on the cover into the recessed slots on the computer chassis so that the
tabs catch the hooks inside the slots.
Pivot the cover down toward the bottom of the chassis and into position. Make
sure the securing hooks at the bottom of the cover click into place.
tabs (3)
recessed slot
Figure 7-3. Replacing the Computer Cover
5. If you are using a padlock to secure your system, reinstall the padlock.
NOTE: After removing and replacing the chassis, the chassis intrusion detector will
cause the following message to be displayed at the next system start-up:
ALERT! Cover was previously removed.
6. Reset the chassis intrusion detector by entering the System Setup program and
setting Chassis Intrusion to Not Detected. See “Using the System Setup Pro-
gram” in your User's Guide for instructions.
NOTE: If a setup password has been assigned by someone else, contact your net-
work administrator for information on resetting the chassis intrusion detector.
Checking Inside the Computer
Inside Your Computer
Figure 7-4 shows a side view of your computer to help you orient yourself when
installing hardware options. Unless otherwise specified, locations or directions rela-
tive to the computer are as shown.
back of computer
left side
right side
front of computer
Figure 7-4. Computer Orientation View
Figure 7-5 shows your computer with its cover removed. Refer to this illustration to
locate interior features and components discussed in this guide.
Installation and Troubleshooting Guide
power supply
AC power
drive bays
(I/O) panel
drive bays
card slots
drive interface
drive power cable
system board
cable lock
padlock ring
Figure 7-5. Inside the Chassis
The system board holds the computer's control circuitry and other electronic compo-
nents. Some hardware options are installed directly on the system board. Drive
support is as follows:
The three 5.25-inch external drive bays provide space for up to three drives,
including a 3.5-inch diskette drive (standard) and, typically, an optional CD-ROM
drive and/or tape drive.
The removable hard-disk drive cage provides space for up to three 1-inch hard-
disk drives.
When you look inside the computer, note the DC power cables leading from the
power supply. The power cables supply power to the system board, drives, and any
expansion cards that connect to external peripherals.
The wide ribbon cables are the interface cables for internal drives. For the diskette
drive, an interface cable connects each drive to an interface connector on the system
board or on an expansion card. For IDE devices, interface cables connect the devices
Checking Inside the Computer
to an IDE connector on the system board. (For more information, see Chapter 9,
“Installing Drives.”)
During an installation or troubleshooting procedure, you may be required to change
a jumper or switch setting. For information on the system board jumpers, see
Appendix B, “Jumpers, Switches, and Connectors.”
Rotating the Power Supply Away From the
System Board
To access some components on the system board, you may have to rotate the sys-
1. Remove the computer cover as instructed in “Removing the Computer Cover”
earlier in this chapter.
2. Disconnect the AC power cable from the AC power receptacle on the back of the
power supply (see “Rotating the Power Supply”).
power supply
AC power
AC power
DC power
securing tab
Figure 7-6. Rotating the Power Supply
3. Free the power supply by pressing the securing tab labeled “RELEASE,” then
rotate the power supply upward until it locks in one of its extended positions.
Installation and Troubleshooting Guide
4. The power supply bracket has detents to hold the power supply up in one of sev-
eral extended positions, which are especially useful when the chassis is standing
The bezel is secured to the front of the chassis by two tabs and two hooks. The tab
release for the bezel is at the top of the computer chassis and can be accessed only
with the computer cover removed (see “Replacing the Computer Cover”). With the
cover removed, release the bezel by pressing the tab release marked with the icon
(see Figure 7-7).
release tab
retaining hooks (2)
Figure 7-7. Removing the Front Bezel
While pressing the tab release, tilt the bezel away from the chassis, disengage the
two retaining hooks at the bottom of the bezel, and carefully pull the bezel away from
the chassis.
Checking Inside the Computer
To replace the bezel, fit the two retaining hooks on the bezel into their corresponding
slots at the bottom of the chassis. Then rotate the top of the bezel toward the chassis
until the top tabs snap into their corresponding slots on the bezel.
Empty 5.25-inch drive bays contain a front-panel insert to protect the inside of the
computer from dust particles and also to ensure proper airflow within the computer.
Before you install a drive in an empty drive bay, you must first remove the front-panel
insert (see Figure 7-8).
To remove the insert covering a drive bay, follow these steps:
power cables from their power sources.
2. Remove the computer cover as instructed in “Removing the Computer Cover,”
earlier in this chapter.
3. Remove the front bezel using the instructions in “Removing and Replacing the
Front Bezel,”earlier in this chapter.
4. With your thumbs, press in on each end of the insert until the insert snaps free of
the bezel.
7-10 Installation and Troubleshooting Guide
posts (2)
ring tabs (2)
Figure 7-8. Removing a Front-Panel Insert
To replace a front-panel insert, work from inside the bezel. Insert the two ring-tabs
(one on each end of the insert) over the posts on the inside of the bay opening, and
firmly press both ends of the insert into place.
Responding to a Dell OpenManage Server
Agent Alert Message
The optional Dell OpenManage Server Agent management application monitors criti-
cal system voltages, temperatures and the system cooling fan. It also generates alert
messages that appear in the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) trap log
file. To see the trap log, select any enterprise under the SNMP trap log icon. More
information about the Alert Log window and options is provided in the Dell Open-
Manage Server Agent documentation found on the Dell OpenManage Server
Assistant CD.
Checking Inside the Computer 7-11
Troubleshooting a Wet Computer
Liquid spills, splashes, and excessive humidity can cause damage to the system. If an
external device (such as a printer or an external drive) gets wet, contact the device
manufacturer for instructions. If the computer gets wet, complete the following
CAUTION: See “Protecting Against Electrostatic Discharge” in the safety
instructions at the front of this guide.
1. Turn off the system, including any attached peripherals, and disconnect the sys-
tem from the electrical outlet. Remove the computer cover. See “Removing the
Computer Cover,” earlier in this chapter.
2. Let the computer dry for at least 24 hours.
Make sure that it is thoroughly dry before proceeding.
3. Remove all expansion cards installed in the computer.
See “Removing an Expansion Card,” in Chapter 8.
4. Replace the computer cover, reconnect the system to the electrical outlet, and
turn on the system.
Does the system have power?
Ye s . Go to step 6.
No. See Chapter 10, “Getting Help,” for instructions on obtaining technical
5. Turn off the system, disconnect it from the electrical outlet, remove the computer
cover, and reinstall all expansion cards you removed in step 4.
See “Installing an Expansion Card,” in Chapter 8.
6. Replace the computer cover, and reconnect the system to the electrical outlet.
7. R u n t h e System Set test group in the Dell Diagnostics.
See Chapter 5, “Running the Dell Diagnostics.”
Did the tests run successfully?
Ye s . The system is operating properly.
No. See Chapter 10, “Getting Help,” for instructions on obtaining technical
Troubleshooting a Damaged Computer
If the computer was dropped or damaged while being moved, you should check the
computer to see if it functions properly. If an external device attached to the computer
is dropped or damaged, contact the manufacturer of the device for information on
7-12 Installation and Troubleshooting Guide
obtaining technical assistance from Dell. Follow these steps to troubleshoot a dam-
aged computer:
1. Turn off the system, including any attached peripherals, and disconnect the sys-
tem from its electrical outlet.
CAUTION: See “Protecting Against Electrostatic Discharge” in the safety
instructions at the front of this guide.
2. Remove the computer cover.
See “Removing the Computer Cover,” earlier in this chapter.
3. Check all the board and card connections in the computer.
4. Verify all internal cable and component connections.
Make sure that all cables are properly connected and that all components are
properly seated in their connectors and sockets.
5. Replace the computer cover and reconnect the system to the electrical outlet.
6. Run the System Set test group in the Dell Diagnostics.
See Chapter 5, “Running the Dell Diagnostics.”
Did the tests run successfully?
Yes . The system is operating properly.
No. See Chapter 10, “Getting Help,” for instructions on obtaining technical
Troubleshooting the Battery
If an error message indicates a problem with the battery, or if the System Setup pro-
gram loses the system configuration information when the computer is turned off, the
battery may be defective.
Follow these steps to troubleshoot the battery:
1. Turn off the system, including any attached peripherals, and disconnect the sys-
tem from its electrical outlet.
CAUTION: See “Protecting Against Electrostatic Discharge” in the safety
instructions at the front of this guide.
2. Remove the computer cover.
See “Removing the Computer Cover,” found earlier in this chapter.
3. If an expansion card blocks your access to the battery, remove the expansion
See “Removing an Expansion Card,” in Chapter 8, for instructions.
Checking Inside the Computer 7-13
4. Check the connection of the coin cell battery to the system board.
Is the battery firmly installed in the battery socket on the system board?
Ye s . Go to step 6.
No. Go to step 5.
5. Reseat the battery in its socket.
Is the problem resolved?
Ye s . The battery was loose. You have fixed the problem.
No. Continue with this procedure.
There is a danger of a new battery exploding if it is incorrectly installed.
Replace the battery only with the same or equivalent type recommended by
the manufacturer. Discard used batteries according to the manufacturer's
6. Replace the battery.
See “Replacing the System Battery,” in Chapter 8, for instructions on replacing
the battery.
Is the problem resolved?
Ye s . The battery's charge was low. You have fixed the problem.
No. See Chapter 10, “Getting Help,” for instructions on obtaining technical
7. Reinstall the expansion cards removed in step 3, if applicable.
Troubleshooting the Power Supply
The system contains one 330-watt power supply that can be rotated up to provide
access to the system board (see Figure 7-6).
Troubleshooting Power Cable Connections
Follow these steps to troubleshoot power cable connections:
1. Check the power outlet and power cable (see Chapter 2, “Checking Connections
and Switches”).
2. Turn off the system, including any attached peripherals, and disconnect all the
power cables from the electrical outlets.
7-14 Installation and Troubleshooting Guide
CAUTION: See "Protecting Against Electrostatic Discharge" in the safety
instructions at the front of this guide.
3. Remove the computer cover. See “Replacing the Computer Cover,” found earlier
in this chapter.
4. Check the power cable connection to the POWER_1 connector on the system
Troubleshooting the Cooling Fan
If you experience trouble with the cooling fan, make sure the fan cable is plugged into
the FAN connector on the system board.
Troubleshooting Expansion Cards
If an error message indicates an expansion-card problem or if an expansion card
seems to perform incorrectly or not at all, the problem could be a faulty connection, a
conflict with software or other hardware, or a faulty expansion card. Follow these
steps to troubleshoot expansion cards:
1. Start the Resource Configuration Utility (RCU), and verify that all ISA expansion
cards have been configured correctly. Save the configuration before exiting the
See “Using the Resource Configuration Utility” in the User's Guide for
2. Turn off the system, including any attached peripherals, and disconnect the sys-
tem from the electrical outlet.
CAUTION: See “Protecting Against Electrostatic Discharge” in the safety
instructions at the front of this guide.
3. Remove the computer cover and verify that each expansion card is firmly seated
in its connector.
See “Removing the Computer Cover,” found earlier in this chapter.
Are the expansion cards properly seated in their connectors?
Yes . Go to step 5.
No. Go to step 4.
Checking Inside the Computer 7-15
4. Reseat the expansion cards in their connectors.
See “Removing an Expansion Card” and “Installing an Expansion Card” in Chap-
ter 8 for instructions on removing and replacing expansion cards.
Is the problem resolved?
Ye s . The connection was loose. You have fixed the problem.
No. Go to step 5.
5. Verify that any appropriate cables are firmly connected to their corresponding
connectors on the expansion cards.
For instructions on which cables should be attached to specific connectors on an
expansion card, see the expansion card's documentation.
Are the appropriate cables firmly attached to their connectors?
Ye s . Go to step 7.
No. Go to step 6.
6. Reconnect the cable connectors to the appropriate connectors on the expansion
Is the problem resolved?
Ye s . The cable connections were loose. You have fixed the problem.
No. Go to step 7.
7. If applicable, inspect all jumpers and configuration switches on each expansion
Most ISA expansion cards have configuration settings for an interrupt request
(IRQ) line, a direct memory access (DMA) channel, and a base memory or basic
input/output system (BIOS) address. To keep expansion cards from conflicting
with each other, you need to know both the starting memory address and the
amount of memory required by each card.
For instructions on jumper and configuration settings, see the expansion card's
Is each expansion card configured correctly?
Ye s . Go to step 9.
No. Go to step 8.
7-16 Installation and Troubleshooting Guide
8. Reconfigure the card according to the instructions in the card's documentation.
Is the problem resolved?
Yes . The memory configuration of the card was incorrect. You have fixed the
No. Go to step 9.
9. Remove all expansion cards.
See “Removing an Expansion Card” in Chapter 8 for information on removing
expansion cards.
10. Replace the computer cover, reconnect the system to the electrical outlet, and
turn on the system.
11. Enter the System Setup program, and update the system configuration
See “Using the System Setup Program” in the User's Guide for instructions.
For any ISA expansion cards, run the RCU and update the configuration informa-
tion. See “Using the Resource Configuration Utility” in the User's Guide for
12. Run the RAM test group in the Dell Diagnostics.
See Chapter 5, “Running the Dell Diagnostics.”
Did the tests run successfully?
Yes . Go to step 13.
No. See Chapter 10, “Getting Help,” for information on obtaining technical
13. Turn off the system, including any attached peripherals, and disconnect the sys-
tem from the electrical outlet.
14. Remove the computer cover, reinstall one of the expansion cards you removed in
step 9, and repeat steps 10 through 12.
15. Repeat steps 13 and 14 for each of the remaining expansion cards that you
removed in step 9.
Have you reinstalled all of the expansion cards without encountering a test
Yes . You have fixed the problem.
No. See Chapter 10, “Getting Help,” for information on obtaining technical
Checking Inside the Computer 7-17
Troubleshooting System Memory
A system memory problem can be a faulty dual in-line memory module (DIMM) or a
faulty system board. If a random-access memory (RAM) error message appears, the
system probably has a memory problem.
When you turn on or reboot the system, the <Caps Lock> and <Scroll Lock> indica-
tors on the keyboard should flash momentarily and then turn off. If Num Lock in
the System Setup program is set to On, the <Num Lock> indicator should flash
momentarily and then remain on; otherwise, it should turn off. Abnormal operation of
these indicators can result from a defective DIMM in socket DIMM_A.
Follow these steps to troubleshoot system memory:
1. Turn on the system, including any attached peripherals.
Is there an error message indicating invalid system configuration information
after the memory count is completed?
Ye s . Go to step 2.
No. Go to step 10.
2. Enter the System Setup program and check the System Memory setting.
See "Using the System Setup Program" in the User's Guide for instructions.
Does the amount of memory installed match the System Memory setting?
Ye s . Go to step 10.
No. Go to step 3.
3. Turn off the system, including any attached peripherals, and disconnect the
power cable from the electrical outlet.
CAUTION: See “Protecting Against Electrostatic Discharge” in the safety
instructions at the front of this guide.
4. Remove the computer cover.
See “Removing the Computer Cover,” earlier in this chapter.
5. Remove the support panel.
Turn the two thumbscrews on the support panel and pull the tabs on the right
side of the panel out of the slots in the chassis.
6. Reseat the DIMMs in their sockets.
See “Adding Memory” for instructions on removing and replacing DIMMs.
7-18 Installation and Troubleshooting Guide
7. Replace the support panel.
Align the panel so that the two tabs are to the right. Fit the tabs into the two slots
on the chassis back and swing the panel closed. Secure the panel with the two
8. Replace the computer cover, reconnect the system to an electrical outlet, and
turn on the system.
9. Enter the System Setup program and check the System Memory setting again.
Does the amount of memory installed match the System Memory setting?
Yes . Go to step 10.
No. Go to step 11.
10. Reboot the system, and observe the monitor screen and the <Num Lock>,
<Caps Lock>, and <Scroll Lock> indicators on the keyboard.
Does the monitor screen remain blank, and do the <Num Lock>, <Caps Lock>,
and <Scroll Lock> indicators on the keyboard remain on?
Yes . Go to step 11.
No. Go to step 13.
11. Repeat steps 3 and 4.
12. If possible, swap the DIMM in socket DIMM_A with one of the same capacity,
reboot the system, and observe the monitor screen and the indicators on the
Is the problem resolved?
Yes . You have fixed the problem.
No. Go to step 13.
13. Run the RAM test group in the Dell Diagnostics.
See Chapter 5, “Running the Dell Diagnostics.”
Did the tests run successfully?
Yes . You have fixed the problem.
No. See Chapter 10, “Getting Help,” for instructions on obtaining technical
Checking Inside the Computer 7-19
Troubleshooting the Video Subsystem
Troubleshooting video problems involves determining which of the following is the
source of the problem: the monitor, the monitor interface cable, the video memory, or
the video logic of the computer. You can also have a high-resolution video expansion
card installed, which overrides the video logic of the computer.
The following procedure troubleshoots problems with the video memory and video
logic only. Before you begin, perform the procedure found in “Troubleshooting the
Monitor” in Chapter 6 to determine whether or not the monitor is the source of the
If you have a high-resolution video expansion card, first complete the steps in “Trou-
bleshooting Expansion Cards” in this chapter to verify that the card is configured and
installed correctly.
Follow these steps to troubleshoot the video subsystem:
1. Run the Video test group in the Dell Diagnostics.
See Chapter 5, “Running the Dell Diagnostics.”
Most of the tests in the Video test group are interactive; that is, you must
respond before the diagnostics continues with the next test.
Did the tests run successfully?
Ye s . It is not a video hardware problem. See Chapter 4, “Finding Software
No. Go to step 2.
2. Turn off the system, including any attached peripherals, and disconnect the
power cable from the electrical outlet.
CAUTION: See “Protecting Against Electrostatic Discharge” in the safety
instructions at the front of this guide.
3. Remove the computer cover.
See “Removing the Computer Cover,” found earlier in this chapter.
4. Determine whether a video expansion card is installed.
Is a video expansion card installed?
Ye s . Go to step 5.
No. The integrated video controller is faulty. See Chapter 10, “Getting Help,” for
instructions on obtaining technical assistance.
5. Remove the video expansion card, connect the monitor interface cable to the
video connector on the computer's back panel.
7-20 Installation and Troubleshooting Guide
6. Replace the computer cover, reconnect the system to an electrical outlet, and
turn on the system.
Did the tests run successfully?
Yes . The video expansion card is faulty. See Chapter 10, “Getting Help,” for
instructions on obtaining technical assistance.
No. See Chapter 10, “Getting Help,” for instructions on obtaining assistance.
Troubleshooting the System Board
A system board problem can result from a defective system board component, a
faulty power supply, or a defective component connected to the system board. If an
error message indicates a system board problem, follow these steps to troubleshoot
the problem:
1. Turn off the system, including any attached peripherals, and disconnect the sys-
tem from its electrical outlet.
CAUTION: See “Protecting Against Electrostatic Discharge” in the safety
instructions at the front of this guide.
2. Remove the computer cover.
See “Removing the Computer Cover,” found earlier in this chapter.
3. Reseat the DIMMs in their sockets.
See “Adding Memory,” in Chapter 8, for instructions on removing and replacing
4. Replace the computer cover, reconnect the system to the electrical outlet, and
turn on the system.
Is the problem resolved?
Yes . You have fixed the problem.
No. Go to step 5.
5. Remove all expansion cards except the SCSI host adapter card and the video
expansion card (if they are installed).
6. Replace the computer cover, reconnect the system to the electrical outlet, and
turn on the system.
7. For any ISA expansion cards, run the RCU and update the configuration
See “Using the Resource Configuration Utility” in the User's Guide for
Checking Inside the Computer 7-21
8. Enter the System Setup program and update the system information.
See “Using the System Setup Program” in the User's Guide for instructions.
9. Run the System Set test group in the Dell Diagnostics.
See Chapter 5, “Running the Dell Diagnostics.”
Did the tests run successfully?
Ye s . Go to step 10.
No. Go to step 15.
10. Repeat steps 1 and 2.
11. Reinstall one of the expansion cards you removed in step 5, repeat steps 6
through 8, and continue with step 12.
12. Run the System Set test group again.
Did the tests run successfully?
Ye s . Go to step 13.
No. Go to step 14.
13. Repeat step 11 for each of the remaining expansion cards you removed in step 5.
Have you reinstalled all of the expansion cards without a test failure?
Ye s . Go to step 14.
No. One of the expansion cards is faulty. See Chapter 10, “Getting Help,” for
instructions on obtaining technical assistance.
14. Disconnect the keyboard and reboot the system.
Does the system boot successfully to the operating system?
Ye s . Go to step 15.
No. See Chapter 10, “Getting Help,” for instructions on obtaining technical
15. Swap the keyboard with a comparable working keyboard and run the System Set
test group again.
Did the tests run successfully?
Ye s . You have fixed the problem.
No. See Chapter 10, “Getting Help,” for instructions on obtaining technical
7-22 Installation and Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting the Diskette Drive
If the monitor displays a system error message indicating a diskette drive problem
during execution of either the boot routine or the Dell Diagnostics, the problem may
be caused by any of the following conditions:
The system configuration settings do not match the physical diskette subsystem
The diskette drive cable is not properly connected or is faulty.
An expansion card is interfering with proper drive operations.
A diskette drive may be improperly configured.
The diskette drive is faulty.
The computer's power supply is not providing sufficient power for the drives.
The computer's diskette drive logic is faulty.
Follow these steps to troubleshoot the diskette drive subsystem:
1. Enter the System Setup program, and verify that the system is configured cor-
rectly for the Diskette Drive A setting.
See “Using the System Setup Program” in the User's Guide for instructions.
2. If the system configuration settings are incorrect, make the necessary correc-
tions in the System Setup program, and then reboot the system.
3. Run the Diskette Drives test group in the Dell Diagnostics to see whether the
diskette drive subsystem now works correctly.
See Chapter 5 “Running the Dell Diagnostics,” for more information.
Did the tests run successfully?
Yes . If you were in the middle of another procedure, continue with the next step
in the procedure you were performing.
No. Go to step 4.
4. Turn off the system, including any attached peripherals, and disconnect the sys-
tem from its electrical outlet.
CAUTION: See “Protecting Against Electrostatic Discharge” in the safety
instructions at the front of this guide.
5. Remove the computer cover.
See “Removing the Computer Cover,” found earlier in this chapter.
Checking Inside the Computer 7-23
6. Check the diskette drive cabling.
Is the diskette drive securely connected to the diskette-drive interface cable
Is the diskette-drive interface cable securely connected to the interface connec-
tor (labeled “DISKETTE”) on the system board?
Is the drive's DC power cable firmly connected to the drive?
Ye s . Go to step 8.
No. Go to step 7.
7. Reconnect the DC power cable connector.
8. Replace the computer cover, reconnect the system to the electrical outlet, and
turn on the system.
9. Run the Diskette Drives test group in the Dell Diagnostics to determine whether
the diskette drive subsystem now works correctly.
See Chapter 5, “Running the Dell Diagnostics,” for more information.
Did the tests run successfully?
Ye s . You have fixed the problem.
No. Go to step 10.
10. Repeat steps 4 and 5, and remove all expansion cards.
See “Removing an Expansion Card” in Chapter 8, for instructions.
11. Replace the computer cover, reconnect the system to the electrical outlet, and
turn on the system.
12. Run the Diskette Drives test group in the Dell Diagnostics to determine whether
the diskette drive subsystem now works correctly.
Did the tests run successfully?
Ye s . An expansion card may be conflicting with the diskette drive logic, or you
may have a faulty expansion card. Repeat steps 1, 2, and 3.
No. Go to step 13.
13. Repeat steps 4 and 5, and reinstall one of the expansion cards you removed in
step 10.
See “Installing an Expansion Card” in Chapter 8, for instructions.
14. Replace the computer cover, reconnect the system to the electrical outlet, and
turn on the system.
7-24 Installation and Troubleshooting Guide
15. Run the Diskette Drives test group in the Dell Diagnostics to determine whether
the diskette drive subsystem now works correctly.
Did the tests run successfully?
Yes . Go to step 16.
No. Go to step 17.
16. Repeat steps 13 through 15 until all expansion cards have been reinstalled or until
one of the expansion cards prevents the system from booting from the diagnos-
tics diskette.
17. Repeat steps 4 and 5. Verify that the drive's termination is enabled and that the
drive-select jumper is set to the DS1 position.
Some diskette drives may require you to remove the drive from the computer to
change the drive's termination and drive-select settings.
For information about removing and replacing diskette drives, see “Installing a
Drive in a 5.25-Inch Drive Bay.”
For information about the drive's termination and drive-select settings, refer to
the documentation for the drive.
Is the drive configured correctly?
Yes . See Chapter 10, “Getting Help,” for instructions on obtaining technical
No. Go to step 18.
18. Correct the drive-select jumper and drive termination settings.
19. Replace the computer cover, reconnect the system to the electrical outlet, and
turn on the system.
20. Run the Diskette Drives test group in the Dell Diagnostics to see whether the
diskette drive subsystem now works correctly.
Did the tests run successfully?
Yes . You have solved the problem.
No. See Chapter 10, “Getting Help,” for instructions on obtaining technical
Checking Inside the Computer 7-25
7-26 Installation and Troubleshooting Guide
GE DECT 28165xx6 User Manual
Fisher Paykel Cooktop CI603DTB User Manual
Envision Peripherals H712a User Manual
Electrolux 584159 User Manual
Delta Electronics High Speed PCI 12 Axis Motion Control Card PCI DMC A01 User Manual
Dell ST2410B User Manual
Dell E190S User Manual
Dell Dimension 9150 User Manual
AKG Acoustics CS 5 User Manual
Addonics Technologies ADSAU3 User Manual