Scotch Brand 5.1.10 User Manual

Scotch and libScotch 5.1 User’s Guide  
(version 5.1.10)  
Fran¸cois Pellegrini  
Bacchus team, INRIA Bordeaux Sud-Ouest  
Universit´e Bordeaux I  
351 cours de la Lib´eration, 33405 TALENCE, FRANCE  
August 29, 2010  
This document describes the capabilities and operations of Scotch and  
libScotch, a software package and a software library devoted to static  
mapping, partitioning, and sparse matrix block ordering of graphs and  
meshes/hypergraphs. It gives brief descriptions of the algorithms, details  
the input/output formats, instructions for use, installation procedures, and  
provides a number of examples.  
Scotch is distributed as free/libre software, and has been designed such  
that new partitioning or ordering methods can be added in a straightforward  
manner. It can therefore be used as a testbed for the easy and quick coding  
and testing of such new methods, and may also be redistributed, as a library,  
along with third-party software that makes use of it, either in its original or  
in updated forms.  
6.3.5 gcv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33  
6.3.6 gmap / gpart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34  
6.3.7 gmk * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35  
6.3.8 gmk msh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36  
6.3.9 gmtst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37  
6.3.10 gord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37  
6.3.11 gotst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39  
6.3.12 gout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40  
6.3.13 gtst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43  
6.3.14 mcv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43  
6.3.15 mmk * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44  
6.3.16 mord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44  
6.3.17 mtst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46  
7.1 Calling the routines of libScotch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47  
7.1.1 Calling from C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47  
7.1.2 Calling from Fortran . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47  
7.1.3 Compiling and linking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48  
7.1.4 Machine word size issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49  
7.2 Data formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49  
7.2.1 Architecture format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50  
7.2.2 Graph format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50  
7.2.3 Mesh format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52  
7.2.4 Geometry format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54  
7.2.5 Block ordering format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56  
7.3 Strategy strings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56  
7.3.1 Using default strategy strings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57  
7.3.2 Mapping strategy strings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58  
7.3.3 Graph bipartitioning strategy strings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59  
7.3.4 Ordering strategy strings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63  
7.3.5 Node separation strategy strings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66  
7.4 Target architecture handling routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70  
7.4.1 SCOTCH archInit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70  
7.4.2 SCOTCH archExit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70  
7.4.3 SCOTCH archLoad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70  
7.4.4 SCOTCH archSave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71  
7.4.5 SCOTCH archName . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71  
7.4.6 SCOTCH archSize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72  
7.4.7 SCOTCH archBuild . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72  
7.4.8 SCOTCH archCmplt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73  
7.4.9 SCOTCH archCmpltw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73  
7.4.10 SCOTCH archHcub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74  
7.4.11 SCOTCH archMesh2D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74  
7.4.12 SCOTCH archMesh3D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75  
7.4.13 SCOTCH archTleaf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75  
7.4.14 SCOTCH archTorus2D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76  
7.4.15 SCOTCH archTorus3D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76  
7.5 Graph handling routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77  
7.5.1 SCOTCH graphInit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77  
7.5.2 SCOTCH graphExit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77  
7.5.3 SCOTCH graphFree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77  
7.5.4 SCOTCH graphLoad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78  
7.5.5 SCOTCH graphSave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79  
7.5.6 SCOTCH graphBuild . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79  
7.5.7 SCOTCH graphBase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80  
7.5.8 SCOTCH graphCheck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81  
7.5.9 SCOTCH graphSize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81  
7.5.10 SCOTCH graphData . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82  
7.5.11 SCOTCH graphStat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83  
7.6 Graph mapping and partitioning routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84  
7.6.1 SCOTCH graphPart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84  
7.6.2 SCOTCH graphMap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85  
7.6.3 SCOTCH graphMapInit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86  
7.6.4 SCOTCH graphMapExit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86  
7.6.5 SCOTCH graphMapLoad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87  
7.6.6 SCOTCH graphMapSave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87  
7.6.7 SCOTCH graphMapCompute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88  
7.6.8 SCOTCH graphMapView . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88  
7.7 Graph ordering routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89  
7.7.1 SCOTCH graphOrder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89  
7.7.2 SCOTCH graphOrderInit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90  
7.7.3 SCOTCH graphOrderExit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91  
7.7.4 SCOTCH graphOrderLoad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91  
7.7.5 SCOTCH graphOrderSave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92  
7.7.6 SCOTCH graphOrderSaveMap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92  
7.7.7 SCOTCH graphOrderSaveTree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93  
7.7.8 SCOTCH graphOrderCheck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93  
7.7.9 SCOTCH graphOrderCompute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94  
7.7.10 SCOTCH graphOrderComputeList . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94  
7.8 Mesh handling routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95  
7.8.1 SCOTCH meshInit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95  
7.8.2 SCOTCH meshExit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96  
7.8.3 SCOTCH meshLoad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96  
7.8.4 SCOTCH meshSave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97  
7.8.5 SCOTCH meshBuild . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97  
7.8.6 SCOTCH meshCheck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99  
7.8.7 SCOTCH meshSize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99  
7.8.8 SCOTCH meshData . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100  
7.8.9 SCOTCH meshStat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101  
7.8.10 SCOTCH meshGraph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102  
7.9 Mesh ordering routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103  
7.9.1 SCOTCH meshOrder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103  
7.9.2 SCOTCH meshOrderInit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104  
7.9.3 SCOTCH meshOrderExit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105  
7.9.4 SCOTCH meshOrderSave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105  
7.9.5 SCOTCH meshOrderSaveMap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106  
7.9.6 SCOTCH meshOrderSaveTree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106  
7.9.7 SCOTCH meshOrderCheck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107  
7.9.8 SCOTCH meshOrderCompute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107  
7.10 Strategy handling routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108  
7.10.1 SCOTCH stratInit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108  
7.10.2 SCOTCH stratExit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108  
7.10.3 SCOTCH stratSave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109  
7.10.4 SCOTCH stratGraphBipart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109  
7.10.5 SCOTCH stratGraphMap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110  
7.10.6 SCOTCH stratGraphMapBuild . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110  
7.10.7 SCOTCH stratGraphOrder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111  
7.10.8 SCOTCH stratGraphOrderBuild . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111  
7.10.9 SCOTCH stratMeshOrder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112  
7.10.10SCOTCH stratMeshOrderBuild . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112  
7.11 Geometry handling routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113  
7.11.1 SCOTCH geomInit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113  
7.11.2 SCOTCH geomExit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113  
7.11.3 SCOTCH geomData . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114  
7.11.4 SCOTCH graphGeomLoadChac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115  
7.11.5 SCOTCH graphGeomSaveChac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115  
7.11.6 SCOTCH graphGeomLoadHabo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116  
7.11.7 SCOTCH graphGeomLoadScot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116  
7.11.8 SCOTCH graphGeomSaveScot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117  
7.11.9 SCOTCH meshGeomLoadHabo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118  
7.11.10SCOTCH meshGeomLoadScot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118  
7.11.11SCOTCH meshGeomSaveScot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119  
7.12 Error handling routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120  
7.12.1 SCOTCH errorPrint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120  
7.12.2 SCOTCH errorPrintW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120  
7.12.3 SCOTCH errorProg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120  
7.13 Miscellaneous routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121  
7.13.1 SCOTCH randomReset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121  
7.14 MeTiS compatibility library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121  
7.14.1 METIS EdgeND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121  
7.14.2 METIS NodeND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122  
7.14.3 METIS NodeWND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123  
7.14.4 METIS PartGraphKway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123  
7.14.5 METIS PartGraphRecursive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124  
7.14.6 METIS PartGraphVKway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125  
8.1 Thread issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126  
8.2 File compression issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126  
8.3 Machine word size issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127  
10 Adding new features to Scotch  
10.1 Graphs and meshes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129  
10.2 Methods and partition data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130  
10.3 Adding a new method to Scotch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130  
10.4 Licensing of new methods and of derived works . . . . . . . . . . . . 132  
1 Introduction  
1.1 Static mapping  
The efficient execution of a parallel program on a parallel machine requires that  
the communicating processes of the program be assigned to the processors of the  
machine so as to minimize its overall running time. When processes have a lim-  
ited duration and their logical dependencies are accounted for, this optimization  
problem is referred to as scheduling. When processes are assumed to coexist simul-  
taneously for the entire duration of the program, it is referred to as mapping. It  
amounts to balancing the computational weight of the processes among the proces-  
sors of the machine, while reducing the cost of communication by keeping intensively  
inter-communicating processes on nearby processors. In most cases, the underlying  
computational structure of the parallel programs to map can be conveniently mod-  
eled as a graph in which vertices correspond to processes that handle distributed  
pieces of data, and edges reflect data dependencies. The mapping problem can then  
be addressed by assigning processor labels to the vertices of the graph, so that all  
processes assigned to some processor are loaded and run on it. In a SPMD con-  
text, this is equivalent to the distribution across processors of the data structures  
of parallel programs; in this case, all pieces of data assigned to some processor are  
handled by a single process located on this processor.  
A mapping is called static if it is computed prior to the execution of the program.  
Static mapping is NP-complete in the general case [13]. Therefore, many studies  
have been carried out in order to find sub-optimal solutions in reasonable time,  
including the development of specific algorithms for common topologies such as the  
hypercube [11, 21]. When the target machine is assumed to have a communication  
network in the shape of a complete graph, the static mapping problem turns into the  
partitioning problem, which has also been intensely studied [4, 22, 31, 33, 49]. How-  
ever, when mapping onto parallel machines the communication network of which is  
not a bus, not accounting for the topology of the target machine usually leads to  
worse running times, because simple cut minimization can induce more expensive  
long-distance communication [21, 56].  
1.2 Sparse matrix ordering  
Many scientific and engineering problems can be modeled by sparse linear systems,  
which are solved either by iterative or direct methods. To achieve efficiency with  
direct methods, one must minimize the fill-in induced by factorization. This fill-in  
is a direct consequence of the order in which the unknowns of the linear system are  
numbered, and its effects are critical both in terms of memory and computation  
An efficient way to compute fill reducing orderings of symmetric sparse matrices  
is to use recursive nested dissection [17]. It amounts to computing a vertex set S  
that separates the graph into two parts A and B, ordering S with the highest indices  
that are still available, and proceeding recursively on parts A and B until their sizes  
become smaller than some threshold value. This ordering guarantees that, at each  
step, no non-zero term can appear in the factorization process between unknowns  
of A and unknowns of B.  
The main issue of the nested dissection ordering algorithm is thus to find small  
vertex separators that balance the remaining subgraphs as evenly as possible, in  
order to minimize fill-in and to increase concurrency in the factorization process.  
1.3 Contents of this document  
This document describes the capabilities and operations of Scotch, a software  
package devoted to static mapping, graph and mesh partitioning, and sparse matrix  
block ordering. Scotch allows the user to map efficiently any kind of weighted  
process graph onto any kind of weighted architecture graph, and provides high-  
quality block orderings of sparse matrices. The rest of this manual is organized  
as follows. Section 2 presents the goals of the Scotch project, and section 3  
outlines the most important aspects of the mapping and ordering algorithms that it  
implements. Section 4 summarizes the most important changes between version 5.0  
and previous versions. Section 5 defines the formats of the files used in Scotch,  
section 6 describes the programs of the Scotch distribution, and section 7 defines  
the interface and operations of the libScotch library. Section 8 explains how  
to obtain and install the Scotch distribution. Finally, some practical examples  
are given in section 9, and instructions on how to implement new methods in the  
libScotch library are provided in section 10.  
2 The Scotch project  
2.1 Description  
Scotch is a project carried out at the Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en In-  
formatique (LaBRI) of the Universit´e Bordeaux I, and now within the ScAlApplix  
project of INRIA Bordeaux Sud-Ouest. Its goal is to study the applications of graph  
theory to scientific computing, using a “divide and conquer” approach.  
It focused first on static mapping, and has resulted in the development of the  
Dual Recursive Bipartitioning (or DRB) mapping algorithm and in the study of  
several graph bipartitioning heuristics [41], all of which have been implemented in  
the Scotch software package [45]. Then, it focused on the computation of high-  
quality vertex separators for the ordering of sparse matrices by nested dissection,  
by extending the work that has been done on graph partitioning in the context  
of static mapping [46, 47]. More recently, the ordering capabilities of Scotch  
have been extended to native mesh structures, thanks to hypergraph partitioning  
algorithms. New graph partitioning methods have also been recently added [8, 42].  
Version 5.0 of Scotch is the first one to comprise parallel graph ordering rou-  
tines. The parallel features of Scotch are referred to as PT-Scotch (“Parallel  
Threaded Scotch”). While both packages share a significant amount of code, bea-  
cuse PT-Scotch transfers control to the sequential routines of the libScotch  
library when the subgraphs on which it operates are located on a single processor,  
the two sets of routines have a distinct user’s manual. Readers interested in the  
parallel features of Scotch should refer to the PT-Scotch 5.1 User’s Guide [43].  
2.2 Availability  
Starting from version 4.0, which has been developed at INRIA within the ScAlAp-  
plix project, Scotch is available under a dual licensing basis. On the one hand, it  
is downloadable from the Scotch web page as free/libre software, to all interested  
parties willing to use it as a library or to contribute to it as a testbed for new  
partitioning and ordering methods. On the other hand, it can also be distributed,  
under other types of licenses and conditions, to parties willing to embed it tightly  
into closed, proprietary software.  
The free/libre software license under which Scotch 5.1 is distributed is  
the CeCILL-C license [6], which has basically the same features as the GNU  
LGPL (“Lesser General Public License”): ability to link the code as a library  
to any free/libre or even proprietary software, ability to modify the code and to  
redistribute these modifications. Version 4.0 of Scotch was distributed under the  
LGPL itself.  
Please refer to section 8 to see how to obtain the free/libre distribution of  
3 Algorithms  
3.1 Static mapping by Dual Recursive Bipartitioning  
For a detailed description of the mapping algorithm and an extensive analysis of its  
performance, please refer to [41, 44]. In the next sections, we will only outline the  
most important aspects of the algorithm.  
3.1.1 Static mapping  
The parallel program to be mapped onto the target architecture is modeled by a val-  
uated unoriented graph S called source graph or process graph, the vertices of which  
represent the processes of the parallel program, and the edges of which the commu-  
nication channels between communicating processes. Vertex- and edge- valuations  
associate with every vertex vS and every edge eS of S integer numbers wS(vS) and  
wS(eS) which estimate the computation weight of the corresponding process and  
the amount of communication to be transmitted on the channel, respectively.  
The target machine onto which is mapped the parallel program is also modeled  
by a valuated unoriented graph T called target graph or architecture graph. Vertices  
vT and edges eT of T are assigned integer weights wT (vT ) and wT (eT ), which  
estimate the computational power of the corresponding processor and the cost of  
traversal of the inter-processor link, respectively.  
A mapping from S to T consists of two applications τS,T : V (S) V (T ) and  
ρS,T : E(S) P(E(T )), where P(E(T )) denotes the set of all simple loopless  
paths which can be built from E(T ). τS,T (vS) = vT if process vS of S is mapped  
onto processor vT of T , and ρS,T (eS) = {e1T , eT2 , . . . , eTn } if communication channel  
eS of S is routed through communication links e1T , e2T , . . . , eTn of T . |ρS,T (eS)|  
denotes the dilation of edge eS, that is, the number of edges of E(T ) used to route  
3.1.2 Cost function and performance criteria  
The computation of efficient static mappings requires an a priori knowledge of the  
dynamic behavior of the target machine with respect to the programs which are  
run on it. This knowledge is synthesized in a cost function, the nature of which  
determines the characteristics of the desired optimal mappings. The goal of our  
mapping algorithm is to minimize some communication cost function, while keeping  
the load balance within a specified tolerance. The communication cost function fC  
that we have chosen is the sum, for all edges, of their dilation multiplied by their  
fC(τS,T , ρS,T ) d=ef  
wS(eS) |ρS,T (eS)| .  
eS E(S)  
This function, which has already been considered by several authors for hyper-  
cube target topologies [11, 21, 25], has several interesting properties: it is easy  
to compute, allows incremental updates performed by iterative algorithms, and its  
minimization favors the mapping of intensively intercommunicating processes onto  
nearby processors; regardless of the type of routage implemented on the target  
machine (store-and-forward or cut-through), it models the traffic on the intercon-  
nection network and thus the risk of congestion.  
The strong positive correlation between values of this function and effective  
execution times has been experimentally verified by Hammond [21] on the CM-2,  
and by Hendrickson and Leland [26] on the nCUBE 2.  
The quality of mappings is evaluated with respect to the criteria for quality that  
we have chosen: the balance of the computation load across processors, and the  
minimization of the interprocessor communication cost modeled by function fC.  
These criteria lead to the definition of several parameters, which are described  
For load balance, one can define µmap, the average load per computational  
power unit (which does not depend on the mapping), and δmap, the load imbalance  
ratio, as  
vS V (S)  
vT V (T )  
wT (vT )  
vS V (S)  
S,T (vS ) = vT  
T (vT  
w (v ) µmap  
S   
V (T ) ꢂ  
vS V (S)  
However, since the maximum load imbalance ratio is provided by the user in input  
of the mapping, the information given by these parameters is of little interest, since  
what matters is the minimization of the communication cost function under this  
load balance constraint.  
For communication, the straightforward parameter to consider is fC. It can be  
normalized as µexp, the average edge expansion, which can be compared to µdil  
the average edge dilation; these are defined as  
|ρS,T (eS)|  
eS E(S)  
eS E(S)  
is smaller than 1 when the mapper succeeds in putting heavily inter-  
communicating processes closer to each other than it does for lightly communicating  
processes; they are equal if all edges have same weight.  
3.1.3 The Dual Recursive Bipartitioning algorithm  
Our mapping algorithm uses a divide and conquer approach to recursively allocate  
subsets of processes to subsets of processors [41]. It starts by considering a set of  
processors, also called domain, containing all the processors of the target machine,  
and with which is associated the set of all the processes to map. At each step, the  
algorithm bipartitions a yet unprocessed domain into two disjoint subdomains, and  
calls a graph bipartitioning algorithm to split the subset of processes associated with  
the domain across the two subdomains, as sketched in the following.  
mapping (D, P)  
Set_Of_Processors D;  
Set_Of_Processors D0, D1;  
Set_Of_Processes P0, P1;  
if (|P| == 0) return; /* If nothing to do.  
if (|D| == 1) {  
result (D, P);  
/* If one processor in D */  
/* P is mapped onto it. */  
(D0, D1) = processor_bipartition (D);  
(P0, P1) = process_bipartition (P, D0, D1);  
/* Perform recursion. */  
mapping (D0, P0);  
mapping (D1, P1);  
The association of a subdomain with every process defines a partial mapping of the  
process graph. As bipartitionings are performed, the subdomain sizes decrease, up  
to give a complete mapping when all subdomains are of size one.  
The above algorithm lies on the ability to define five main objects:  
a domain structure, which represents a set of processors in the target archi-  
a domain bipartitioning function, which, given a domain, bipartitions it in two  
disjoint subdomains;  
a domain distance function, which gives, in the target graph, a measure of the  
distance between two disjoint domains. Since domains may not be convex nor  
connected, this distance may be estimated. However, it must respect certain  
homogeneity properties, such as giving more accurate results as domain sizes  
decrease. The domain distance function is used by the graph bipartitioning  
algorithms to compute the communication function to minimize, since it allows  
the mapper to estimate the dilation of the edges that link vertices which belong  
to different domains. Using such a distance function amounts to considering  
that all routings will use shortest paths on the target architecture, which  
is how most parallel machines actually do. We have thus chosen that our  
program would not provide routings for the communication channels, leaving  
their handling to the communication system of the target machine;  
a process subgraph structure, which represents the subgraph induced by a  
subset of the vertex set of the original source graph;  
a process subgraph bipartitioning function, which bipartitions subgraphs in  
two disjoint pieces to be mapped onto the two subdomains computed by the  
domain bipartitioning function.  
All these routines are seen as black boxes by the mapping program, which can thus  
accept any kind of target architecture and process bipartitioning functions.  
3.1.4 Partial cost function  
The production of efficient complete mappings requires that all graph bipartition-  
ings favor the criteria that we have chosen. Therefore, the bipartitioning of a  
subgraph Sof S should maintain load balance within the user-specified tolerance,  
and minimize the partial communication cost function fC, defined as  
f(τS,T , ρS,T ) d=ef  
wS({v, v}) |ρS,T ({v, v})| ,  
v V (S )  
{v, v } ∈ E(S)  
which accounts for the dilation of edges internal to subgraph Sas well as for the  
one of edges which belong to the cocycle of S, as shown in Figure 1. Taking into  
account the partial mapping results issued by previous bipartitionings makes it pos-  
sible to avoid local choices that might prove globally bad, as explained below. This  
amounts to incorporating additional constraints to the standard graph bipartition-  
ing problem, turning it into a more general optimization problem termed skewed  
graph partitioning by some authors [27].  
a. Initial position.  
b. After one vertex is moved.  
Figure 1: Edges accounted for in the partial communication cost function when  
bipartitioning the subgraph associated with domain D between the two subdomains  
D0 and D1 of D. Dotted edges are of dilation zero, their two ends being mapped  
onto the same subdomain. Thin edges are cocycle edges.  
3.1.5 Execution scheme  
From an algorithmic point of view, our mapper behaves as a greedy algorithm, since  
the mapping of a process to a subdomain is never reconsidered, and at each step  
of which iterative algorithms can be applied. The double recursive call performed  
at each step induces a recursion scheme in the shape of a binary tree, each vertex  
of which corresponds to a bipartitioning job, that is, the bipartitioning of both a  
domain and its associated subgraph.  
In the case of depth-first sequencing, as written in the above sketch, biparti-  
tioning jobs run in the left branches of the tree have no information on the dis-  
tance between the vertices they handle and neighbor vertices to be processed in  
the right branches. On the contrary, sequencing the jobs according to a by-level  
(breadth-first) travel of the tree allows any bipartitioning job of a given level to  
have information on the subdomains to which all the processes have been assigned  
at the previous level. Thus, when deciding in which subdomain to put a given pro-  
cess, a bipartitioning job can account for the communication costs induced by its  
neighbor processes, whether they are handled by the job itself or not, since it can  
estimate in fCthe dilation of the corresponding edges. This results in an interesting  
feedback effect: once an edge has been kept in a cut between two subdomains, the  
distance between its end vertices will be accounted for in the partial communication  
cost function to be minimized, and following jobs will be more likely to keep these  
vertices close to each other, as illustrated in Figure 2. The relative efficiency of  
a. Depth-first sequencing.  
b. Breadth-first sequencing.  
Figure 2: Influence of depth-first and breadth-first sequencings on the bipartitioning  
of a domain D belonging to the leftmost branch of the bipartitioning tree. With  
breadth-first sequencing, the partial mapping data regarding vertices belonging to  
the right branches of the bipartitioning tree are more accurate (C.L. stands for “Cut  
depth-first and breadth-first sequencing schemes with respect to the structure of  
the source and target graphs is discussed in [44].  
3.1.6 Graph bipartitioning methods  
The core of our recursive mapping algorithm uses process graph bipartitioning meth-  
ods as black boxes. It allows the mapper to run any type of graph bipartitioning  
method compatible with our criteria for quality. Bipartitioning jobs maintain an in-  
ternal image of the current bipartition, indicating for every vertex of the job whether  
it is currently assigned to the first or to the second subdomain. It is therefore possi-  
ble to apply several different methods in sequence, each one starting from the result  
of the previous one, and to select the methods with respect to the job character-  
istics, thus enabling us to define mapping strategies. The currently implemented  
graph bipartitioning methods are listed below.  
Like the multi-level method which will be described below, the band method  
is a meta-algorithm, in the sense that it does not itself compute partitions, but  
rather helps other partitioning algorithms perform better. It is a refinement  
algorithm which, from a given initial partition, extracts a band graph of given  
width (which only contains graph vertices that are at most at this distance  
from the separator), calls a partitioning strategy on this band graph, and  
projects back the refined partition on the original graph. This method was  
designed to be able to use expensive partitioning heuristics, such as genetic  
algorithms, on large graphs, as it dramatically reduces the problem space by  
several orders of magnitude. However, it was found that, in a multi-level  
context, it also improves partition quality, by coercing partitions in a problem  
space that derives from the one which was globally defined at the coarsest  
level, thus preventing local optimization refinement algorithms to be trapped  
in local optima of the finer graphs [8].  
This global optimization method, presented in [42], flows two kinds of antag-  
onistic liquids, scotch and anti-scotch, from two source vertices, and sets the  
new frontier as the limit between vertices which contain scotch and the ones  
which contain anti-scotch. In order to add load-balancing constraints to the  
algorithm, a constant amount of liquid disappears from every vertex per unit  
of time, so that no domain can spread across more than half of the vertices.  
Because selecting the source vertices is essential to the obtainment of use-  
ful results, this method has been hard-coded so that the two source vertices  
are the two vertices of highest indices, since in the band method these are  
the anchor vertices which represent all of the removed vertices of each part.  
Therefore, this method must be used on band graphs only, or on specifically  
crafted graphs.  
This greedy algorithm refines the current partition so as to reduce load imbal-  
ance as much as possible, while keeping the value of the communication cost  
function as small as possible. The vertex set is scanned in order of decreasing  
vertex weights, and vertices are moved from one subdomain to the other if  
doing so reduces load imbalance. When several vertices have same weight,  
the vertex whose swap decreases most the communication cost function is se-  
lected first. This method is used in post-processing of other methods when  
load balance is mandatory. For weighted graphs, the strict enforcement of  
load balance may cause the swapping of isolated vertices of small weight, thus  
greatly increasing the cut. Therefore, great care should be taken when using  
this method if connectivity or cut minimization are mandatory.  
The Fiduccia-Mattheyses heuristics [12] is an almost-linear improvement of  
the famous Kernighan-Lin algorithm [35]. It tries to improve the bipartition  
that is input to it by incrementally moving vertices between the subsets of  
the partition, as long as it can find sequences of moves that lower its commu-  
nication cost. By considering sequences of moves instead of single swaps, the  
algorithm allows hill-climbing from local minima of the cost function. As an  
extension to the original Fiduccia-Mattheyses algorithm, we have developed  
new data structures, based on logarithmic indexings of arrays, that allow us  
to handle weighted graphs while preserving the almost-linearity in time of the  
algorithm [44].  
As several authors quoted before [24, 32], the Fiduccia-Mattheyses algorithm  
gives better results when trying to optimize a good starting partition. There-  
fore, it should not be used on its own, but rather after greedy starting methods  
such as the Gibbs-Poole-Stockmeyer or the greedy graph growing methods.  
This greedy bipartitioning method derives from an algorithm proposed by  
Gibbs, Poole, and Stockmeyer to minimize the dilation of graph orderings,  
that is, the maximum absolute value of the difference between the numbers of  
neighbor vertices [18]. The graph is sliced by using a breadth-first spanning  
tree rooted at a randomly chosen vertex, and this process is iterated by se-  
lecting a new root vertex within the last layer as long as the number of layers  
increases. Then, starting from the current root vertex, vertices are assigned  
layer after layer to the first subdomain, until half of the total weight has been  
processed. Remaining vertices are then allocated to the second subdomain.  
As for the original Gibbs, Poole, and Stockmeyer algorithm, it is assumed that  
the maximization of the number of layers results in the minimization of the  
sizes –and therefore of the cocycles– of the layers. This property has already  
been used by George and Liu to reorder sparse linear systems using the nested  
dissection method [17], and by Simon in [54].  
Greedy graph growing  
This greedy algorithm, which has been proposed by Karypis and Kumar [31],  
belongs to the GRASP (“Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure”)  
class [36]. It consists in selecting an initial vertex at random, and repeatedly  
adding vertices to this growing subset, such that each added vertex results  
in the smallest increase in the communication cost function. This process,  
which stops when load balance is achieved, is repeated several times in order  
to explore (mostly in a gradient-like fashion) different areas of the solution  
space, and the best partition found is kept.  
This algorithm, which has been studied by several authors [4, 23, 31] and  
should be considered as a strategy rather than as a method since it uses other  
methods as parameters, repeatedly reduces the size of the graph to bipartition  
by finding matchings that collapse vertices and edges, computes a partition  
for the coarsest graph obtained, and projects the result back to the original  
graph, as shown in Figure 3. The multi-level method, when used in conjunc-  
Refined partition  
Projected partition  
Initial partitioning  
Figure 3: The multi-level partitioning process. In the uncoarsening phase, the light  
and bold lines represent for each level the projected partition obtained from the  
coarser graph, and the partition obtained after refinement, respectively.  
tion with the Fiduccia-Mattheyses method to compute the initial partitions  
and refine the projected partitions at every level, usually leads to a signifi-  
cant improvement in quality with respect to the plain Fiduccia-Mattheyses  
method. By coarsening the graph used by the Fiduccia-Mattheyses method  
to compute and project back the initial partition, the multi-level algorithm  
broadens the scope of the Fiduccia-Mattheyses algorithm, and makes possible  
for it to account for topological structures of the graph that would else be of  
a too high level for it to encompass in its local optimization process.  
3.1.7 Mapping onto variable-sized architectures  
Several constrained graph partitioning problems can be modeled as mapping the  
problem graph onto a target architecture, the number of vertices and topology of  
which depend dynamically on the structure of the subgraphs to bipartition at each  
Variable-sized architectures are supported by the DRB algorithm in the follow-  
ing way: at the end of each bipartitioning step, if any of the variable subdomains  
is empty (that is, all vertices of the subgraph are mapped only to one of the sub-  
domains), then the DRB process stops for both subdomains, and all of the vertices  
are assigned to their parent subdomain; else, if a variable subdomain has only one  
vertex mapped onto it, the DRB process stops for this subdomain, and the vertex  
is assigned to it.  
The moment when to stop the DRB process for a specific subgraph can be con-  
trolled by defining a bipartitioning strategy that tests for the validity of a criterion  
at each bipartitioning step, and maps all of the subgraph vertices to one of the  
subdomains when it becomes false.  
3.2 Sparse matrix ordering by hybrid incomplete nested dis-  
When solving large sparse linear systems of the form Ax = b, it is common to  
precede the numerical factorization by a symmetric reordering. This reordering is  
chosen in such a way that pivoting down the diagonal in order on the resulting  
permuted matrix PAPT produces much less fill-in and work than computing the  
factors of A by pivoting down the diagonal in the original order (the fill-in is the  
set of zero entries in A that become non-zero in the factored matrix).  
3.2.1 Minimum Degree  
The minimum degree algorithm [55] is a local heuristic that performs its pivot  
selection by iteratively selecting from the graph a node of minimum degree.  
The minimum degree algorithm is known to be a very fast and general purpose  
algorithm, and has received much attention over the last three decades (see for  
example [1, 16, 39]). However, the algorithm is intrinsically sequential, and very  
little can be theoretically proved about its efficiency.  
3.2.2 Nested dissection  
The nested dissection algorithm [17] is a global, heuristic, recursive algorithm which  
computes a vertex set S that separates the graph into two parts A and B, ordering  
S with the highest remaining indices. It then proceeds recursively on parts A and B  
until their sizes become smaller than some threshold value. This ordering guarantees  
that, at each step, no non zero term can appear in the factorization process between  
unknowns of A and unknowns of B.  
Many theoretical results have been carried out on nested dissection order-  
ing [7, 38], and its divide and conquer nature makes it easily parallelizable. The  
main issue of the nested dissection ordering algorithm is thus to find small vertex  
separators that balance the remaining subgraphs as evenly as possible. Most often,  
vertex separators are computed by using direct heuristics [28, 37], or from edge  
separators [48, and included references] by minimum cover techniques [9, 30], but  
other techniques such as spectral vertex partitioning have also been used [49].  
Provided that good vertex separators are found, the nested dissection algorithm  
produces orderings which, both in terms of fill-in and operation count, compare  
favorably [19, 31, 46] to the ones obtained with the minimum degree algorithm [39].  
Moreover, the elimination trees induced by nested dissection are broader, shorter,  
and better balanced, and therefore exhibit much more concurrency in the context  
of parallel Cholesky factorization [3, 14, 15, 19, 46, 53, and included references].  
3.2.3 Hybridization  
Due to their complementary nature, several schemes have been proposed to  
hybridize the two methods [28, 34, 46]. However, to our knowledge, only loose  
couplings have been achieved: incomplete nested dissection is performed on the  
graph to order, and the resulting subgraphs are passed to some minimum degree  
algorithm. This results in the fact that the minimum degree algorithm does not  
have exact degree values for all of the boundary vertices of the subgraphs, leading  
to a misbehavior of the vertex selection process.  
Our ordering program implements a tight coupling of the nested dissection and  
minimum degree algorithms, that allows each of them to take advantage of the infor-  
mation computed by the other. First, the nested dissection algorithm provides exact  
degree values for the boundary vertices of the subgraphs passed to the minimum  
degree algorithm (called halo minimum degree since it has a partial visibility of the  
neighborhood of the subgraph). Second, the minimum degree algorithm returns the  
assembly tree that it computes for each subgraph, thus allowing for supervariable  
amalgamation, in order to obtain column-blocks of a size suitable for BLAS3 block  
As for our mapping program, it is possible to combine ordering methods into  
ordering strategies, which allow the user to select the proper methods with respect  
to the characteristics of the subgraphs.  
The ordering program is completely parametrized by its ordering strategy. The  
nested dissection method allows the user to take advantage of all of the graph  
partitioning routines that have been developed in the earlier stages of the Scotch  
project. Internal ordering strategies for the separators are relevant in the case of  
sequential or parallel [20, 50, 51, 52] block solving, to select ordering algorithms  
that minimize the number of extra-diagonal blocks [7], thus allowing for efficient  
use of BLAS3 primitives, and to reduce inter-processor communication.  
3.2.4 Performance criteria  
The quality of orderings is evaluated with respect to several criteria. The first  
one, NNZ, is the number of non-zero terms in the factored reordered matrix. The  
second one, OPC, is the operation count, that is the number of arithmetic operations  
required to factor the matrix. The operation count that we have considered takes  
into consideration all operations (additions, subtractions, multiplications, divisions)  
required by Cholesky factorization, except square roots; it is equal to c n2c, where  
nc is the number of non-zeros of column c of the factored matrix, diagonal included.  
A third criterion for quality is the shape of the elimination tree; concurrency in  
parallel solving is all the higher as the elimination tree is broad and short. To  
measure its quality, several parameters can be defined: hmin, hmax, and havg denote  
the minimum, maximum, and average heights of the tree1, respectively, and hdlt  
is the variance, expressed as a percentage of havg. Since small separators result in  
small chains in the elimination tree, havg should also indirectly reflect the quality  
of separators.  
3.2.5 Ordering methods  
The core of our ordering algorithm uses graph ordering methods as black boxes,  
which allows the orderer to run any type of ordering method. In addition to yielding  
orderings of the subgraphs that are passed to them, these methods may compute  
column block partitions of the subgraphs, that are recorded in a separate tree  
structure. The currently implemented graph ordering methods are listed below.  
Halo approximate minimum degree  
The halo approximate minimum degree method [47] is an improvement of  
the approximate minimum degree [1] algorithm, suited for use on subgraphs  
produced by nested dissection methods. Its interest compared to classical min-  
imum degree algorithms is that boundary vertices are processed using their  
real degree in the global graph rather than their (much smaller) degree in the  
subgraph, resulting in smaller fill-in and operation count. This method also  
implements amalgamation techniques that result in efficient block computa-  
tions in the factoring and the solving processes.  
Halo approximate minimum fill  
The halo approximate minimum fill method is a variant of the halo approxi-  
mate minimum degree algorithm, where the criterion to select the next vertex  
to permute is not based on its current estimated degree but on the minimiza-  
tion of the induced fill.  
Graph compression  
The graph compression method [2] merges cliques of vertices into single nodes,  
so as to speed-up the ordering of the compressed graph. It also results in some  
improvement of the quality of separators, especially for stiffness matrices.  
This method is mainly used on separators to reduce the number and extent  
of extra-diagonal blocks.  
Simple method  
Vertices are ordered consecutively, in the same order as they are stored in the  
graph. This is the fastest method to use on separators when the shape of  
extra-diagonal structures is not a concern.  
Nested dissection  
Incomplete nested dissection method. Separators are computed recursively on  
subgraphs, and specific ordering methods are applied to the separators and  
to the resulting subgraphs (see sections 3.2.2 and 3.2.3).  
1We do not consider as leaves the disconnected vertices that are present in some meshes, since  
they do not participate in the solving process.  
3.2.6 Graph separation methods  
The core of our incomplete nested dissection algorithm uses graph separation  
methods as black boxes. It allows the orderer to run any type of graph separation  
method compatible with our criteria for quality, that is, reducing the size of the  
vertex separator while maintaining the loads of the separated parts within some  
user-specified tolerance. Separation jobs maintain an internal image of the current  
vertex separator, indicating for every vertex of the job whether it is currently  
assigned to one of the two parts, or to the separator. It is therefore possible to  
apply several different methods in sequence, each one starting from the result of  
the previous one, and to select the methods with respect to the job characteristics,  
thus enabling the definition of separation strategies.  
The currently implemented graph separation methods are listed below.  
This is a vertex-oriented version of the original, edge-oriented, Fiduccia-  
Mattheyses heuristics described in page 13.  
Greedy graph growing  
This is a vertex-oriented version of the edge-oriented greedy graph growing  
algorithm described in page 14.  
This is a vertex-oriented version of the edge-oriented multi-level algorithm  
described in page 14.  
This greedy algorithm refines the current separator by removing all of the  
exceeding vertices, that is, vertices that do not have neighbors in both parts.  
It is provided as a simple gradient refinement algorithm for the multi-level  
method, and is clearly outperformed by the Fiduccia-Mattheyses algorithm.  
Vertex cover  
This algorithm computes a vertex separator by first computing an edge sepa-  
rator, that is, a bipartition of the graph, and then turning it into a vertex sep-  
arator by using the method proposed by Pothen and Fang [48]. This method  
requires the computation of maximal matchings in the bipartite graphs as-  
sociated with the edge cuts, which are built using Duff’s variant [9] of the  
Hopcroft and Karp algorithm [30]. Edge separators are computed by using a  
bipartitioning strategy, which can use any of the graph bipartitioning methods  
described in section 3.1.6, page 12.  
4 Updates  
4.1 Changes from version 4.0  
Scotch has gone parallel with the release of PT-Scotch, the Parallel Threaded  
Scotch. People interested in these parallel routines should refer to the PT-Scotch  
and libScotch 5.1 User’s Guide [43], which extends this manual.  
A compatibility library has been developed to allow users to try and use Scotch  
in programs that were designed to use MeTiS. Please refer to Section 7.14 for more  
Scotch can now handle compressed streams on the fly, in several widely used  
formats such as gzip, bzip2 or lzma. Please refer to Section 6.2 for more informa-  
4.2 Changes from version 5.0  
A new integer index type has been created in the Fortran interface, to address array  
indices larger than the maximum value which can be stored in a regular integer.  
Please refer to Section 8.3 for more information.  
5 Files and data structures  
For the sake of portability, readability, and reduction of storage space, all the data  
files shared by the different programs of the Scotch project are coded in plain  
ASCII text exclusively. Although we may speak of “lines” when describing file for-  
mats, text-formatting characters such as newlines or tabulations are not mandatory,  
and are not taken into account when files are read. They are only used to provide  
better readability and understanding. Whenever numbers are used to label objects,  
and unless explicitely stated, numberings always start from zero, not one.  
5.1 Graph files  
Graph files, which usually end in “.grf” or “.src”, describe valuated graphs, which  
can be valuated process graphs to be mapped onto target architectures, or graphs  
representing the adjacency structures of matrices to order.  
Graphs are represented by means of adjacency lists: the definition of each  
vertex is accompanied by the list of all of its neighbors, i.e. all of its adjacent arcs.  
Therefore, the overall number of edge data is twice the number of edges.  
Since version 3.3 has been introduced a new file format, referred to as the “new-  
style” file format, which replaces the previous, “old-style”, file format. The two  
advantages of the new-style format over its predecessor are its greater compacity,  
which results in shorter I/O times, and its ability to handle easily graphs output  
by C or by Fortran programs.  
Starting from version 4.0, only the new format is supported. To convert  
remaining old-style graph files into new-style graph files, one should get version 3.4  
of the Scotch distribution, which comprises the scv file converter, and use it to  
produce new-style Scotch graph files from the old-style Scotch graph files which  
it is able to read. See section 6.3.5 for a description of gcv, formerly called scv.  
The first line of a graph file holds the graph file version number, which is cur-  
rently 0. The second line holds the number of vertices of the graph (referred to as  
vertnbr in libScotch; see for instance Figure 16, page 51, for a detailed example),  
followed by its number of arcs (unappropriately called edgenbr, as it is in fact equal  
to twice the actual number of edges). The third line holds two figures: the graph  
base index value (baseval), and a numeric flag.  
The graph base index value records the value of the starting index used to  
describe the graph; it is usually 0 when the graph has been output by C programs,  
and 1 for Fortran programs. Its purpose is to ease the manipulation of graphs within  
each of these two environments, while providing compatibility between them.  
The numeric flag, similar to the one used by the Chaco graph format [24], is  
made of three decimal digits. A non-zero value in the units indicates that vertex  
weights are provided. A non-zero value in the tenths indicates that edge weights  
are provided. A non-zero value in the hundredths indicates that vertex labels are  
provided; if it is the case, vertices can be stored in any order in the file; else, natural  
order is assumed, starting from the graph base index.  
This header data is then followed by as many lines as there are vertices in the  
graph, that is, vertnbr lines. Each of these lines begins with the vertex label,  
if necessary, the vertex load, if necessary, and the vertex degree, followed by the  
description of the arcs. An arc is defined by the load of the edge, if necessary, and  
by the label of its other end vertex. The arcs of a given vertex can be provided  
in any order in its neighbor list. If vertex labels are provided, vertices can also be  
stored in any order in the file.  
Figure 4 shows the contents of a graph file modeling a cube with unity vertex  
and edge weights and base 0.  
Figure 4: Graph file representing a cube.  
5.2 Mesh files  
Mesh files, which usually end in “.msh”, describe valuated meshes, made of elements  
and nodes, the elements of which can be mapped onto target architectures, and the  
nodes of which can be reordered.  
Meshes are bipartite graphs, in the sense that every element is connected to the  
nodes that it comprises, and every node is connected to the elements to which it  
belongs. No edge connects any two element vertices, nor any two node vertices.  
One can also think of meshes as hypergraphs, such that nodes are the vertices  
of the hypergraph and elements are hyper-edges which connect multiple nodes, or  
reciprocally such that elements are the vertices of the hypergraph and nodes are  
hyper-edges which connect multiple elements.  
Since meshes are graphs, the structure of mesh files resembles very much the  
one of graph files described above in section 5.1, and differs only by its header,  
which indicates which of the vertices are node vertices and element vertices.  
The first line of a mesh file holds the mesh file version number, which is currently  
1. Graph and mesh version numbers will always differ, which enables application  
programs to accept both file formats and adapt their behavior according to the  
type of input data. The second line holds the number of elements of the mesh  
(velmnbr), followed by its number of nodes (vnodnbr), and by its overall number of  
arcs (edgenbr, that is, twice the number of edges which connect elements to nodes  
and vice-versa).  
The third line holds three figures: the base index of the first element vertex in  
memory (velmbas), the base index of the first node vertex in memory (vnodbas),  
and a numeric flag.  
The Scotch mesh file format requires that all nodes and all elements be assigned  
to contiguous ranges of indices. Therefore, either all element vertices are defined  
before all node vertices, or all node vertices are defined before all element vertices.  
The node and element base indices indicate at the same time whether elements or  
nodes are put in the first place, as well as the value of the starting index used to  
describe the graph. Indeed, if velmbas < vnodbas, then elements have the smallest  
indices, velmbas is the base value of the underlying graph (that is, baseval =  
velmbas), and velmbas + velmnbr = vnodbas holds. Conversely, if velmbas >  
vnodbas, then nodes have the smallest indices, vnodbas is the base value of the  
underlying graph, (that is, baseval = vnodbas), and vnodbas+vnodnbr = velmbas  
The numeric flag, similar to the one used by the Chaco graph format [24], is  
made of three decimal digits. A non-zero value in the units indicates that vertex  
weights are provided. A non-zero value in the tenths indicates that edge weights  
are provided. A non-zero value in the hundredths indicates that vertex labels are  
provided; if it is the case, and if velmbas < vnodbas (resp. velmbas > vnodbas),  
the velmnbr (resp. vnodnbr) first vertex lines are assumed to be element (resp.  
node) vertices, irrespective of their vertex labels, and the vnodnbr (resp. velmnbr)  
remaining vertex lines are assumed to be node (resp. element) vertices; else, natural  
order is assumed, starting at the underlying graph base index (baseval).  
This header data is then followed by as many lines as there are node and element  
vertices in the graph. These lines are similar to the ones of the graph format, except  
that, in order to save disk space, the numberings of nodes and elements all start  
from the same base value, that is, min(velmbas, vnodbas) (also called baseval, like  
for regular graphs).  
For example, Figure 5 shows the contents of the mesh file modeling three square  
elements, with unity vertex and edge weights, elements defined before nodes, and  
numbering of the underlying graph starting from 1. In memory, the three elements  
are labeled from 1 to 3, and the eight nodes are labeled from 4 to 11. In the file,  
the three elements are still labeled from 1 to 3, while the eight nodes are labeled  
from 1 to 8.  
When labels are used, elements and nodes may have similar labels, but not two  
elements, nor two nodes, should have the same labels.  
5.3 Geometry files  
Geometry files, which usually end in “.xyz”, hold the coordinates of the vertices  
of their associated graph or mesh. These files are not used in the mapping process  
itself, since only topological properties are taken into account then (mappings are  
computed regardless of graph geometry). They are used by visualization programs  
to compute graphical representations of mapping results.  
The first string to appear in a geometry file codes for its type, or dimensional-  
ity. It is “1” if the file contains unidimensional coordinates, “2” for bidimensional  
coordinates, and “3” for tridimensional coordinates. It is followed by the number of  
coordinate data stored in the file, which should be at least equal to the number of  
vertices of the associated graph or mesh, and by that many coordinate lines. Each  
coordinate line holds the label of the vertex, plus one, two or three real numbers  
which are the (X), (X,Y), or (X,Y,Z), coordinates of the graph vertices, according  
(= 5)  
(= 10)  
(= 8)  
(= 11)  
(= 7)  
(= 11)  
(= 6)  
(= 6)  
(= 4)  
(= 7)  
(= 5)  
(= 9)  
Figure 5: Mesh file representing three square elements, with unity vertex and edge  
weights. Elements are defined before nodes, and numbering of the underlying graph  
starts from 1. The left part of the figure shows the mesh representation in memory,  
with consecutive element and node indices. The right part of the figure shows  
the contents of the file, with both element and node numberings starting from 1,  
the minimum of the element and node base values. Corresponding node indices in  
memory are shown in parentheses for the sake of comprehension.  
to the graph dimensionality.  
Vertices can be stored in any order in the file. Moreover, a geometry file can have  
more coordinate data than there are vertices in the associated graph or mesh file;  
only coordinates the labels of which match labels of graph or mesh vertices will be  
taken into account. This feature allows all subgraphs of a given graph or mesh to  
share the same geometry file, provided that graph vertex labels remain unchanged.  
For example, Figure 6 shows the contents of the 3D geometry file associated with  
the graph of Figure 4.  
Figure 6: Geometry file associated with the graph file of Figure 4.  
5.4 Target files  
Target files describe the architectures onto which source graphs are mapped. Instead  
of containing the structure of the target graph itself, as source graph files do, target  
files define how target graphs are bipartitioned and give the distances between all  
pairs of vertices (that is, processors). Keeping the bipartitioning information within  
target files avoids recomputing it every time a target architecture is used. We are  
allowed to do so because, in our approach, the recursive bipartitioning of the target  
graph is fully independent with respect to that of the source graph (however, the  
opposite is false).  
For space and time saving issues, some classical homogeneous architectures (2D  
and 3D meshes and tori, hypercubes, complete graphs, etc.) have been algorithmi-  
cally coded within the mapper itself by the means of built-in functions. Instead of  
containing the whole graph decomposition data, their target files hold only a few  
values, used as parameters by the built-in functions.  
5.4.1 Decomposition-defined architecture files  
Decomposition-defined architecture files are the standard way to describe weighted  
and/or irregular target architectures. Several file formats exist, but we only present  
here the most humanly readable one, which begins in “deco 0” (“deco” stands for  
“decomposition-defined” architecture, and “0” is the format type).  
The “deco 0” header is followed by two integer numbers, which are the number  
of processors and the largest terminal number used in the decomposition, respec-  
tively. Two arrays follow. The first array has as many lines as there are processors.  
Each of these lines holds three numbers: the processor label, the processor weight  
(that is an estimation of its computational power), and its terminal number. The  
terminal number associated with every processor is obtained by giving the initial  
domain holding all the processors number 1, and by numbering the two subdomains  
of a given domain of number i with numbers 2i and 2i + 1. The second array is  
a lower triangular diagonal-less matrix that gives the distance between all pairs of  
processors. This distance matrix, combined with the decomposition tree coded by  
terminal numbers, allows the evaluation by averaging of the distance between all  
pairs of domains. In order for the mapper to behave properly, distances between  
processors must be strictly positive numbers. Therefore, null distances are not ac-  
cepted. For instance, Figure 7 shows the contents of the architecture decomposition  
file for UB(2, 3), the binary de Bruijn graph of dimension 3, as computed by the  
amk grf program.  
deco 0  
8 15  
0 1 15  
1 1 14  
2 1 13  
3 1 11  
4 1 12  
5 1 9  
15 14  
12 13  
9 11  
8 10  
6 1 8  
7 1 10  
2 1  
2 1 2  
1 1 1 2  
3 2 1 1 2  
2 2 2 1 1 1  
3 2 3 1 2 2 1  
Figure 7: Target decomposition file for UB(2, 3). The terminal numbers associated  
with every processor define a unique recursive bipartitioning of the target graph.  
5.4.2 Algorithmically-coded architecture files  
Almost all algorithmically-coded architectures are defined with unity edge and ver-  
tex weights. They start with an abbreviation name of the architecture, followed by  
parameters specific to the architecture. The available built-in architecture defini-  
tions are listed below.  
cmplt size  
Defines a complete graph with size vertices. The vertex labels are numbers  
between 0 and size 1.  
cmpltw size load0 load1 . . . load  
Defines a weighted complete graph with size vertices. The vertex labels are  
numbers between 0 and size 1, and vertices are assigned integer weights in  
the order in which these are provided.  
hcub dim  
Defines a binary hypercube of dimension dim. Graph vertices are numbered  
according to the value of the binary representation of their coordinates in the  
tleaf levlnbr sizeval0 linkval0 . . . sizeval  
Defines a hierarchical, tree-shaped, architecture with levlnbr levels and  
levlnbr1 sizevali leaf vertices. This topology is used to model multi-stage,  
NUMA ou NUIOA machines. The mapping is only computed with respect  
to the leaf vertices, which represent processing elements, while the upper lev-  
els of the tree model interconnection networks (intra-chip buses, inter-chip  
interconnection networks, network routers, etc.), as shown in Figure 8. The  
communication cost between two nodes is the cost of the highest common  
ancestor level.  
Figure 8: A “tree-leaf” graph of three levels. Processors are drawn in black and  
routers in grey The description of this architecture is “tleaf 3 3 20 2 7 2 2”,  
since it has 3 levels, the first level has 3 sons and a traversal cost of 20, the second  
level has 2 sons and a traversal cost of 7, and the third level has also 2 sons and a  
traversal cost of 2.  
The two additional parameters cluster and weight serve to model hetero-  
geneous architectures for which multiprocessor nodes having several highly  
interconnected processors (typically by means of shared memory) are linked  
by means of networks of lower bandwidth. cluster represents the number  
of levels to traverse, starting from the root of the leaf, before reaching the  
multiprocessors, each multiprocessor having 2  
nodes. weight is  
the relative cost of extra-cluster links, that is, links in the upper levels of the  
tree-leaf graph. Links within clusters are assumed to have weight 1.  
When there are no clusters at all, that is, in the case of purely homogeneous  
architectures, set cluster to be equal to height, and weight to 1.  
mesh2D dimX dimY  
Defines a bidimensional array of dimX columns by dimY rows. The vertex  
with coordinates (posX, posY) has label posY × dimX + posX.  
mesh3D dimX dimY dimZ  
Defines a tridimensional array of dimX columns by dimY rows by dimZ lev-  
els. The vertex with coordinates (posX,posY,posZ) has label (posZ × dimY +  
posY) × dimX + posX.  
torus2D dimX dimY  
Defines a bidimensional array of dimX columns by dimY rows, with  
wraparound edges. The vertex with coordinates (posX, posY) has label  
posY × dimX + posX.  
torus3D dimX dimY dimZ  
Defines a tridimensional array of dimX columns by dimY rows by dimZ levels,  
with wraparound edges. The vertex with coordinates (posX,posY,posZ ) has  
label (posZ × dimY + posY) × dimX + posX.  
5.4.3 Variable-sized architecture files  
Variable-sized architectures are a class of algorithmically-coded architectures the  
size of which is not defined a priori. As for fixed-size algorithmically-coded ar-  
chitectures, they start with an abbreviation name of the architecture, followed by  
parameters specific to the architecture. The available built-in variable-sized archi-  
tecture definitions are listed below.  
Defines a variable-sized complete graph. Domains are labeled such that the  
first domain is labeled 1, and the two subdomains of any domain i are labeled  
2i and 2i + 1. The distance between any two subdomains i and j is 0 if i = j  
and 1 else.  
Defines a variable-sized hypercube. Domains are labeled such that the first  
domain is labeled 1, and the two subdomains of any domain i are labeled 2i  
and 2i + 1. The distance between any two domains is the Hamming distance  
between the common bits of the two domains, plus half of the absolute dif-  
ference between the levels of the two domains, this latter term modeling the  
average distance on unknown bits. For instance, the distance between subdo-  
main 9 = 1001B, of level 3 (since its leftmost 1 has been shifted left thrice),  
and subdomain 53 = 110101B, of level 5 (since its leftmost 1 has been shifted  
left five times), is 2: it is 1, which is the number of bits which differ between  
1101B (that is, 53 = 110101B shifted rightwards twice) and 1001B, plus 1,  
which is half of the absolute difference between 5 and 3.  
5.5 Mapping files  
Mapping files, which usually end in “.map”, contain the result of the mapping of  
source graphs onto target architectures. They associate a vertex of the target graph  
with every vertex of the source graph.  
Mapping files begin with the number of mapping lines which they contain, fol-  
lowed by that many mapping lines. Each mapping line holds a mapping pair, made  
of two integer numbers which are the label of a source graph vertex and the label  
of the target graph vertex onto which it is mapped. Mapping pairs can be stored  
in any order in the file; however, labels of source graph vertices must be all dif-  
ferent. For example, Figure 9 shows the result obtained when mapping the source  
graph of Figure 4 onto the target architecture of Figure 7. This one-to-one embed-  
ding of H(3) into UB(2, 3) has dilation 1, except for one hypercube edge which has  
dilation 3.  
Figure 9: Mapping file obtained when mapping the hypercube source graph of  
Figure 4 onto the binary de Bruijn architecture of Figure 7.  
Mapping files are also used on output of the block orderer to represent the  
allocation of the vertices of the original graph to the column blocks associated with  
the ordering. In this case, column blocks are labeled in ascending order, such that  
the number of a block is always greater than the ones of its predecessors in the  
elimination process, that is, its leaves in the elimination tree.  
5.6 Ordering files  
Ordering files, which usually end in “.ord”, contain the result of the ordering of  
source graphs or meshes that represent sparse matrices. They associate a number  
with every vertex of the source graph or mesh.  
The structure of ordering files is analogous to the one of mapping files; they  
differ only by the meaning of their data.  
Ordering files begin with the number of ordering lines which they contain, that  
is the number of vertices in the source graph or the number of nodes in the source  
mesh, followed by that many ordering lines. Each ordering line holds an ordering  
pair, made of two integer numbers which are the label of a source graph or mesh  
vertex and its rank in the ordering. Ranks range from the base value of the graph or  
mesh (baseval) to the base value plus the number of vertices (resp. nodes), minus  
one (baseval + vertnbr 1 for graphs, and baseval + vnodnbr 1 for meshes).  
Ordering pairs can be stored in any order in the file; however, indices of source  
vertices must be all different.  
For example, Figure 10 shows the result obtained when reordering the source  
graph of Figure 4.  
The advantage of having both graph and mesh orderings start from baseval  
(and not vnodbas in the case of meshes) is that an ordering computed on the nodal  
graph of some mesh has the same structure as an ordering computed from the native  
mesh structure, allowing for greater modularity. However, in memory, permutation  
indices for meshes are numbered from vnodbas to vnodbas + vnodnbr 1.  
5.7 Vertex list files  
Vertex lists are used by programs that select vertices from graphs.  
Figure 10: Ordering file obtained when reordering the hypercube graph of Figure 4.  
Vertex lists are coded as lists of integer numbers. The first integer is the number  
of vertices in the list and the other integers are the labels of the selected vertices,  
given in any order. For example, Figure 11 shows the list made from three vertices  
of labels 2, 45, and 7.  
Figure 11: Example of vertex list with three vertices of labels 2, 45, and 7.  
6 Programs  
The programs of the Scotch project belong to five distinct classes.  
Graph handling programs, the names of which begin in “g”, that serve to  
build and test source graphs.  
Mesh handling programs, the names of which begin in “m”, that serve to build  
and test source meshes.  
Target architecture handling programs, the names of which begin in “a”,  
that allow the user to build and test decomposition-defined target files, and  
especially to turn a source graph file into a target file.  
The mapping and ordering programs themselves.  
Output handling programs, which are the mapping performance analyzer, the  
graph factorization program, and the graph, matrix, and mapping visualiza-  
tion program.  
The general architecture of the Scotch project is displayed in Figure 12.  
6.1 Invocation  
The programs comprising the Scotch project have been designed to run in  
command-line mode without any interactive prompting, so that they can be called  
easily from other programs by means of “system ()” or “popen ()” system calls,  
or be piped together on a single shell command line. In order to facilitate this,  
whenever a stream name is asked for (either on input or output), the user may  
put a single “-” to indicate standard input or output. Moreover, programs read  
their input in the same order as stream names are given in the command line. It  
allows them to read all their data from a single stream (usually the standard input),  
provided that these data are ordered properly.  
mesh file  
graph file  
mesh file  
graph file  
Target file  
Data flow  
Figure 12: General architecture of the Scotch project. All of the features offered  
by the stand-alone programs are also available in the libScotch library.  
A brief on-line help is provided with all the programs. To get this help, use the  
-h” option after the program name. The case of option letters is not significant,  
except when both the lower and upper cases of a letter have different meanings.  
When passing parameters to the programs, only the order of file names is significant;  
options can be put anywhere in the command line, in any order. Examples of use  
of the different programs of the Scotch project are provided in section 9.  
Error messages are standardized, but may not be fully explanatory. However,  
most of the errors you may run into should be related to file formats, and located  
in “...Load” routines. In this case, compare your data formats with the definitions  
given in section 5, and use the gtst and mtst programs to check the consistency of  
source graphs and meshes.  
6.2 Using compressed files  
Starting from version 5.0.6, Scotch allows users to provide and retrieve data in  
compressed form. Since this feature requires that the compression and decompres-  
sion tasks run in the same time as data is read or written, it can only be done  
on systems which support multi-threading (Posix threads) or multi-processing (by  
means of fork system calls).  
To determine if a stream has to be handled in compressed form, Scotch checks  
its extension. If it is “.gz” (gzip format), “.bz2” (bzip2 format) or “.lzma” (lzma  
format), the stream is assumed to be compressed according to the corresponding  
format. A filter task will then be used to process it accordingly if the format is  
implemented in Scotch and enabled on your system.  
To date, data can be read and written in bzip2 and gzip formats, and can  
also be read in the lzma format. Since the compression ratio of lzma on Scotch  
graphs is 30% better than the one of gzip and bzip2 (which are almost equivalent  
in this case), the lzma format is a very good choice for handling very large graphs.  
To see how to enable compressed data handling in Scotch, please refer to Section 8.  
When the compressed format allows it, several files can be provided on  
the same stream, and be uncompressed on the fly.  
For instance, the  
command “cat brol.grf.gz | gout -.gz -.gz -Mn - brol.iv”  
concatenates the topology and geometry data of some graph brol and feed them  
as a single compressed stream to the standard input of program gout, hence the  
-.gz” to indicate a compressed standard stream.  
6.3 Description  
6.3.1 acpl  
acpl [input target file [output target file]] options  
The program acpl is the decomposition-defined architecture file compiler. It  
processes architecture files of type “deco 0” built by hand or by the amk *  
programs, to create a “deco 1” compiled architecture file of about four times  
the size of the original one; see section 5.4.1, page 23, for a detailed description  
of decomposition-defined target architecture file formats.  
The mapper can read both original and compiled architecture file formats.  
However, compiled architecture files are read much more efficiently, as they are  
directly loaded into memory without further processing. Since the compilation  
time of a target architecture graph evolves as the square of its number of  
vertices, precompiling with acpl can save some time when many mappings  
are to be performed onto the same large target architecture.  
-h Display the program synopsis.  
-V Print the program version and copyright.  
6.3.2 amk *  
amk ccc dim [output target file] options  
amk fft2 dim [output target file] options  
amk hy dim [output target file] options  
amk m2 dimX [dimY [output target file]] options  
amk p2 weight0 [weight1 [output target file]] options  
The amk * programs make target graphs. Each of them is devoted to a  
specific topology, for which it builds target graphs of any dimension.  
These programs are an alternate way between algorithmically-coded built-in  
target architectures and decompositions computed by mapping with amk grf.  
Like built-in target architectures, their decompositions are algorithmically  
computed, and like amk grf, their output is a decomposition-defined target  
architecture file. These programs allow the definition and testing of new  
algorithmically-coded target architectures without coding them in the core of  
the mapper.  
Program amk ccc outputs the target architecture file of a Cube-Connected-  
Cycles graph of dimension dim.  
Vertex (l, m) of CCC(dim), with  
0 l < dim and 0 m < 2dim, is linked to vertices ((l 1) mod dim, m),  
((l + 1) mod dim, m), and (l, m 2l), and is labeled l × 2dim + m. denotes  
the bitwise exclusive-or binary operator, and a mod b the integer remainder  
of the euclidian division of a by b.  
Program amk fft2 outputs the target architecture file of a binary Fast-  
Fourier-Transform graph of dimension dim. Vertex (l, m) of FFT(dim),  
with 0 l dim and 0 m < 2dim, is linked to vertices (l 1, m),  
(l 1, m mod 2l1), (l + 1, m), and (l + 1, m 2l), if they exist, and is labeled  
l × 2dim + m.  
Program amk hy outputs the target architecture file of a hypercube graph  
of dimension dim. Vertices are labeled according to the decimal value of  
their binary representation. The decomposition-defined target architectures  
computed by amk hy do not exactly give the same results as the built-in  
hypercube targets because distances are not computed in the same manner,  
although the two recursive bipartitionings are identical. To achieve best  
performance and save space, use the built-in architecture.  
Program amk p2 outputs the target architecture file of a weighted path graph  
with two vertices, the weights of which are given as parameters.  
This simple target topology is used to bipartition a source graph into two  
weighted parts with as few cut edges as possible. In particular, it is used  
to compute independent partitions of the processors of a multi-user parallel  
machine. As a matter of fact, if the yet unallocated part of the machine is  
represented by a source graph with n vertices, and nprocessors are requested  
by a user in order to run a job (with nn), mapping the source graph onto  
the weighted path graph with two vertices of weights nand n nleads to  
a partition of the machine in which the allocated nprocessors should be as  
densely connected as possible (see Figure 13).  
a. Construction of a partition with 13 b. Construction of a partition with  
vertices (in black) on a 8 × 8 bidimen- 17 vertices (in black) on the remaining  
sional mesh architecture.  
Figure 13: Construction of partitions on a bidimensional 8 × 8 mesh architecture  
by weighted bipartitioning.  
-h Display the program synopsis.  
Select the bipartitioning method (for amk m2 only).  
Nested dissection.  
Dimension-per-dimension one-way dissection. This is less efficient  
than nested dissection, and this feature exists only for benchmarking  
-V Print the program version and copyright.  
6.3.3 amk grf  
amk grf [input graph file [output target file]] options  
The program amk grf turns a source graph file into a decomposition-defined  
target file. It computes a recursive bipartitioning of the source graph, as well  
as the array of distances between all pairs of its vertices, both of which are  
combined to give a decomposition-defined target architecture of same topology  
as the input source graph.  
The -l option restricts the target architecture to the vertices indicated in the  
given vertex list file. It is therefore possible to build a target architecture  
made of several disconnected parts of a bigger architecture. Note that this is  
not equivalent to turning a disconnected source graph into a target architec-  
ture, since doing so would lead to an architecture made of several independent  
pieces at infinite distance one from another. Considering the selected vertices  
within their original architecture makes it possible to compute the distance  
between vertices belonging to distinct connected components, and therefore  
to evaluate the cost of the mapping of two neighbor processes onto disjoint  
areas of the architecture.  
The restriction feature is very useful in the context of multi-user parallel ma-  
chines. On these machines, when users request processors in order to run their  
jobs, the partitions allocated by the operating system may not be regular nor  
connected, because of existing partitions already attributed to other people.  
By feeding amk grf with the source graph representing the whole parallel ma-  
chine, and the vertex list containing the labels of the processors allocated by  
the operating system, it is possible to build a target architecture correspond-  
ing to this partition, and therefore to map processes on it, automatically,  
regardless of the partition shape.  
The -b option selects the recursive bipartitioning strategy used to build the  
decomposition of the source graph. For regular, unweighted, topologies, the  
’-b(g|h)fx’ recursive bipartitioning strategy should work best. For irregular  
or weighted graphs, use the default strategy, which is more flexible. See  
also the manual page of function SCOTCH archBuild, page 72, for further  
Use recursive bipartitioning strategy strategy to build the decomposi-  
tion of the architecture graph. The format of bipartitioning strategies is  
defined within section 7.3.2, at page 59.  
-h Display the program synopsis.  
-linput vertex file  
Load vertex list from input vertex file. As for all other file names, “-”  
may be used to indicate standard input.  
-V Print the program version and copyright.  
6.3.4 atst  
atst [input target file [output data file]] options  
The program atst is the architecture tester. It gives some statistics on  
decomposition-defined target architectures, and in particular the minimum,  
maximum, and average communication costs (that is, weighted distance) be-  
tween all pairs of processors.  
-h Display the program synopsis.  
-V Print the program version and copyright.  
6.3.5 gcv  
gcv [input graph file [output graph file [output geometry file]]] options  
The program gcv is the source graph converter. It takes on input a graph  
file of the format specified with the -i option, and outputs its equivalent  
in the format specified with the -o option, along with its associated geom-  
etry file whenever geometry data is available. At the time being, it accepts  
four input formats: the Matrix Market format [5], the Harwell-Boeing col-  
lection format [10], the Chaco/MeTiS graph format [24], and the Scotch  
format. Three output format are available: the Matrix Market format, the  
Chaco/MeTiS graph format and the Scotch source graph and geometry  
data format.  
-h Display the program synopsis.  
Specify the type of input graph. The available input formats are listed  
Harwell-Boeing graph collection format. Only symmetric assembled  
matrices are currently supported. Since files in this format can con-  
tain several graphs one after another, the optional integer number,  
starting from 0, indicates which graph of the file is considered for  
Chaco v1.0/MeTiS format.  
The Matrix Market format.  
Scotch source graph format.  
Specify the output graph format. The available output formats are listed  
Chaco v1.0/MeTiS format.  
The Matrix Market format.  
Scotch source graph format.  
-V Print the program version and copyright.  
Default option set is “-Ib0 -Os”.  
6.3.6 gmap / gpart  
gmap [input graph file [input target file [output mapping file [output log file]]]]  
gpart number of parts [input graph file [output mapping file [output log file]]]  
The program gmap is the graph mapper. It uses a partitioning strategy to  
map a source graph onto a target graph, so that the weight of source graph  
vertices allocated to target vertices is balanced, and the communication cost  
function fC is minimized.  
The implemented mapping methods mainly derive from graph theory.  
In particular, graph geometry is never used, even if it is available; only  
topological properties are taken into account. Mapping methods are used to  
define mapping strategies by means of selection, combination, grouping, and  
condition operators.  
The only mapping method implemented in version 5.1 is the Dual Recursive  
Bipartitioning algorithm, which uses graph bipartitioning methods. Avail-  
able bipartitioning methods include a multi-level algorithm that uses other  
bipartitioning methods to compute the initial and refined bipartitions, an  
improved implementation of the Fiduccia–Mattheyses heuristic designed to  
handle weighted graphs, a greedy method derived from the Gibbs, Poole, and  
Stockmeyer algorithm, the greedy graph growing heuristic, and a greedy “ex-  
actifying” refinement algorithm designed to balance vertex loads as much as  
possible; random and backtracking methods are also provided.  
gpart is a simplified interface to gmap, which performs graph partitioning  
instead of static mapping. Consequently, the desired number of parts has to  
be provided, in lieu of the target architecture.  
The -b and -c options allow the user to set preferences on the behavior of the  
mapping strategy which is used by default. The -m option allows the user to  
define a custom mapping strategy.  
If mapping statistics are wanted rather than the mapping output itself, map-  
ping output can be set to /dev/null, with option -vmt to get mapping statis-  
tics and timings.  
Since the program is devoted to experimental studies, it has many optional  
parameters, used to test various execution modes. Values set by default will  
give best results in most cases.  
Set the maximum load imbalance ratio to rat, which should be a value  
comprised between 0 and 1. This option can be used in conjunction with  
option -c, but is incompatible with option -m.  
Tune the default mapping strategy according to the given preference  
flags. Some of these flags are antagonistic, while others can be combined.  
See Section 7.3.1 for more information. The currently available flags are  
the following.  
Enforce load balance as much as possible.  
Privilege quality over speed. This is the default behavior.  
Privilege speed over quality.  
Use only safe methods in the strategy.  
This option can be used in conjunction with option -b, but is incompat-  
ible with option -m. The resulting strategy string can be displayed by  
means of the -vs option.  
-h Display the program synopsis.  
Apply mapping strategy strat. The format of mapping strategies is de-  
fined in section 7.3.2. This option is incompatible with options -b and  
Mask source edge and vertex weights. This option allows the user to “un-  
weight” weighted source graphs by removing weights from edges and ver-  
tices at loading time. obj may contain several of the following switches.  
Remove edge weights, if any.  
Remove vertex weights, if any.  
-V Print the program version and copyright.  
Set verbose mode to verb, which may contain several of the following  
switches. For a detailed description of the data displayed, please refer to  
the manual page of gmtst below.  
Mapping information.  
Strategy information. This parameter displays the mapping strategy  
which will be used by gmap.  
Timing information.  
-V Print the program version and copyright.  
6.3.7 gmk *  
gmk hy dim [output graph file] options  
gmk m2 dimX [dimY [output graph file]] options  
gmk m3 dimX [dimY [dimZ [output graph file]]] options  
gmk ub2 dim [output graph file] options  
The gmk * programs make source graphs. Each of them is devoted to a  
specific topology, for which it builds target graphs of any dimension.  
The gmk * programs are mainly used in conjunction with amk grf. Most  
gmk * programs build source graphs describing parallel machines, which  
are used by amk grf to generate corresponding target sub-architectures,  
by means of its -l option. Such a procedure is shown in section 9, which  
builds a target architecture from five vertices of a binary de Bruijn graph of  
dimension 3.  
Program gmk hy outputs the source file of a hypercube graph of dimension  
dim. Vertices are labeled according to the decimal value of their binary  
Program gmk m2 outputs the source file of a bidimensional mesh with dimX  
columns and dimY rows. If the -t option is set, tori are built instead of  
meshes. The vertex of coordinates (posX, posY ) is labeled posY×dimX+posX.  
Program gmk m3 outputs the source file of a tridimensional mesh with dimZ  
layers of dimY rows by dimX columns. If the -t option is set, tori are  
built instead of meshes. The vertex of coordinates (posX, posY ) is labeled  
(posZ × dimY + posY) × dimX + posX.  
Program gmk ub2 outputs the source file of a binary unoriented de Bruijn  
graph of dimension dim. Vertices are labeled according to the decimal value  
of their binary representation.  
-goutput geometry file  
Output graph geometry to file output geometry file (for gmk m2 only). As  
for all other file names, “-” may be used to indicate standard output.  
-h Display the program synopsis.  
-t Build a torus rather than a mesh (for gmk m2 only).  
-V Print the program version and copyright.  
6.3.8 gmk msh  
gmk msh [input mesh file [output graph file]] options  
The gmk msh program builds a graph file from a mesh file. All of the nodes  
of the mesh are turned into graph vertices, and edges are created between  
all pairs of vertices that share an element (that is, elements are turned into  
-h Display the program synopsis.  
-V Print the program version and copyright.  
6.3.9 gmtst  
gmtst [input graph file [input target file [input mapping file [output data  
file]]]] options  
The program gmtst is the graph mapping tester. It outputs some statistics  
on the given mapping, regarding load balance and inter-processor communi-  
The two first statistics lines deal with process mapping statistics, while the  
following ones deal with communication statistics. The first mapping line  
gives the number of processors used by the mapping, followed by the number  
of processors available in the architecture, and the ratio of these two numbers,  
written between parentheses. The second mapping line gives the minimum,  
maximum, and average loads of the processors, followed by the variance of the  
load distribution, and an imbalance ratio equal to the maximum load over the  
average load. The first communication line gives the minimum and maximum  
number of neighbors over all blocks of the mapping, followed by the sum of the  
number of neighbors over all blocks of the mapping, that is the total number  
of messages that have to be sent to exchange data between all neighboring  
blocks. The second communication line gives the average dilation of the edges,  
followed by the sum of all edge dilations. The third communication line gives  
the average expansion of the edges, followed by the value of function fC. The  
fourth communication line gives the average cut of the edges, followed by the  
number of cut edges. The fifth communication line shows the ratio of the aver-  
age expansion over the average dilation; it is smaller than 1 when the mapper  
succeeds in putting heavily intercommunicating processes closer to each other  
than it does for lightly communicating processes; it is equal to 1 if all edges  
have the same weight. The remaining lines form a distance histogram, which  
shows the amount of communication load that involves processors located at  
increasing distances.  
gmtst allows the testing of cross-architecture mappings. By inputing it a  
target architecture different from the one that has been used to compute the  
mapping, but with compatible vertex labels, one can see what the mapping  
would yield on this new target architecture.  
-h Display the program synopsis.  
-V Print the program version and copyright.  
6.3.10 gord  
gord [input graph file [output ordering file [output log file]]] options  
The gord program is the block sparse matrix graph orderer. It uses an or-  
dering strategy to compute block orderings of sparse matrices represented as  
source graphs, whose vertex weights indicate the number of DOFs per node (if  
this number is non homogeneous) and whose edges are unweighted, in order  
to minimize fill-in and operation count.  
Since its main purpose is to provide orderings that exhibit high concurrency  
for parallel block factorization, it comprises a nested dissection method [17],  
but classical [39] and state-of-the-art [1, 47] minimum degree algorithms are  
implemented as well. Ordering methods are used to define ordering strategies  
by means of selection, grouping, and condition operators.  
For the nested dissection method, vertex separation methods comprise algo-  
rithms that directly compute vertex separators, as well as methods that build  
vertex separators from edge separators, i.e. graph bipartitions (all of the graph  
bipartitioning methods available in the static mapper gmap can be used in this  
latter case).  
The -o option allows the user to define the ordering strategy. The -c option  
allows the user to set preferences on the behavior of the ordering strategy  
which is used by default.  
When the graphs to order are very large, the same results can be obtained by  
using the dgord parallel program of the PT-Scotch distribution, which can  
read centralized graph files too.  
Since the program is devoted to experimental studies, it has many optional  
parameters, used to test various execution modes. Values set by default will  
give best results in most cases.  
Tune the default ordering strategy according to the given preference flags.  
Some of these flags are antagonistic, while others can be combined. See  
Section 7.3.1 for more information. The resulting strategy string can be  
displayed by means of the -vs option.  
Enforce load balance as much as possible.  
Privilege quality over speed. This is the default behavior.  
Privilege speed over quality.  
Use only safe methods in the strategy.  
-h Display the program synopsis.  
-moutput mapping file  
Write to output mapping file the mapping of graph vertices to column  
blocks. All of the separators and leaves produced by the nested dissection  
method are considered as distinct column blocks, which may be in turn  
split by the ordering methods that are applied to them. Distinct integer  
numbers are associated with each of the column blocks, such that the  
number of a block is always greater than the ones of its predecessors in  
the elimination process, that is, its descendants in the elimination tree.  
The structure of mapping files is given in section 5.5.  
When the geometry of the graph is available, this mapping file may be  
processed by program gout to display the vertex separators and super-  
variable amalgamations that have been computed.  
Apply ordering strategy strat. The format of ordering strategies is defined  
in section 7.3.4.  
-toutput tree file  
Write to output tree file the structure of the separator tree. The data  
that is written resembles much the one of a mapping file: after a first  
line that contains the number of lines to follow, there are that many lines  
of mapping pairs, which associate an integer number with every graph  
vertex index. This integer number is the number of the column block  
which is the parent of the column block to which the vertex belongs,  
or 1 if the column block to which the vertex belongs is a root of the  
separator tree (there can be several roots, if the graph is disconnected).  
Combined to the column block mapping data produced by option -m, the  
tree structure allows one to rebuild the separator tree.  
-V Print the program version and copyright.  
Set verbose mode to verb, which may contain several of the following  
Strategy information. This parameter displays the ordering strategy  
which will be used by gord.  
Timing information.  
6.3.11 gotst  
gotst [input graph file [input ordering file [output data file]]] options  
The program gotst is the ordering tester. It gives some statistics on orderings,  
including the number of non-zeros and the operation count of the factored  
matrix, as well as statistics regarding the elimination tree. Since it performs  
the factorization of the reordered matrix, it can take a very long time and  
consume a large amount of memory when applied to large graphs.  
The first two statistics lines deal with the elimination tree. The first one  
displays the number of leaves, while the second shows the minimum height of  
the tree (that is, the length of the shortest path from any leaf to the –or a–  
root node), its maximum height, its average height, and the variance of the  
heights with respect to the average. The third line displays the number of non-  
zero terms in the factored matrix, the amount of index data that is necessary  
to maintain the block structure of the factored matrix, and the number of  
operations required to factor the matrix by means of Cholesky factorization.  
-h Display the program synopsis.  
-V Print the program version and copyright.  
6.3.12 gout  
gout [input graph file [input geometry file [input mapping file [output  
visualization file]]]] options  
The gout program is the graph, matrix, and mapping viewer program. It takes  
on input a source graph, its geometry file, and optionally a mapping result file,  
and produces a file suitable for display. At the time being, gout can gener-  
ate plain and encapsulated PostScript files for the display of adjacency matrix  
patterns and the display of planar graphs (although tridimensional objects can  
be displayed by means of isometric projection, the display of tridimensional  
mappings is not efficient), and Open Inventor files [40] for the interactive  
visualization of tridimensional graphs.  
In the case of mapping display, the number of mapping pairs contained in the  
input mapping file may differ from the number of vertices of the input source  
graph; only mapping pairs the source labels of which match labels of source  
graph vertices will be taken into account for display. This feature allows the  
user to show the result of the mapping of a subgraph drawn on the whole  
graph, or else to outline the most important aspects of a mapping by restrict-  
ing the display to a limited portion of the graph. For example, Figure 14.b  
shows how the result of the mapping of a subgraph of the bidimensional mesh  
M2(4, 4) onto the complete graph K(2) can be displayed on the whole M2(4, 4)  
graph, and Figure 14.c shows how the display of the same mapping can be  
restricted to a subgraph of the original graph.  
Geometry parameters.  
Do not read geometry data. This option can be used in conjunction  
with option -om to avoid reading the geometry file when displaying  
the pattern of the adjacency matrix associated with the source graph,  
since geometry data are not needed in this case. If this option is set,  
the geometry file is not read. However, if an output visualization file  
name is given in the command line, dummy input geometry file and  
input mapping file names must be specified so that the file argument  
count is correct. In this case, use the “-” parameter to take standard  
input as a dummy geometry input stream. In practice, the -om and  
-gn options always imply the -mn option.  
For bidimensional geometry only, rotate geometry data by 90 de-  
grees, counter-clockwise.  
-h Display the program synopsis.  
-mn Do not read mapping data, and display the graph without any mapping  
information. If this option is set, the mapping file is not read. However, if  
an output visualization file name is given in the command line, a dummy  
input mapping file name must be specified so that the file argument count  
is correct. In this case, use the “-” parameter to take standard input as  
a dummy mapping input stream.  
a. A subgraph of M2(4, 4) to  
be mapped onto K(2).  
b. Mapping result displayed  
on the full M2(4, 4) graph.  
c. Mapping result dis-  
played on another subgraph  
of M2(4, 4).  
Figure 14: PostScript diplay of a single mapping file with different subgraphs of the  
same source graph. Vertices covered with disks of the same color are mapped onto  
the same processor.  
Specify the type of output, with optional parameters within curly braces  
and separated by commas. The output formats are listed below.  
Output the graph in SGI’s Open Inventor format, in ASCII mode,  
suitable for display by the ivview program [40]. The optional pa-  
rameters are given below.  
Color output, using 16 different colors. Opposite of g.  
Grey-level output, using 8 different levels. Opposite of c.  
Remove cut edges. Edges the ends of which are mapped onto  
different processors are not displayed. Opposite of v.  
View cut edges. All graph edges are displayed. Opposite of r.  
Output the pattern of the adjacency matrix associated with the  
source graph, in Adobe’s PostScript format. The optional parame-  
ters are given below.  
Encapsulated PostScript output, suitable for LT X use with  
epsf. Opposite of f.  
Full-page PostScript output, suitable for direct printing. Oppo-  
site of e.  
Output the graph in Adobe’s PostScript format. The optional pa-  
rameters are given below.  
Figure 15: Snapshot of an Open Inventor display of a sphere partitioned into 7  
almost equal pieces by mapping onto the complete graph with 7 vertices. Vertices  
of same color are mapped onto the same processor.  
Avoid displaying the mapping disks. Opposite of d.  
Color PostScript output, using 16 different colors. Opposite of  
Display the mapping disks. Opposite of a.  
Encapsulated PostScript output, suitable for LT X use with  
epsf. Opposite of f.  
Full-page PostScript output, suitable for direct printing. Oppo-  
site of e.  
Grey-level PostScript output. Opposite of c.  
Large clipping. Mapping disks are included in the clipping area  
computation. Opposite of s.  
Remove cut edges. Edges the ends of which are mapped onto  
different processors are not displayed. Opposite of v.  
Small clipping. Mapping disks are excluded from the clipping  
area computation. Opposite of l.  
View cut edges. All graph edges are displayed. Opposite of r.  
Minimum X relative clipping position (in [0.0;1.0]).  
Maximum X relative clipping position (in [0.0;1.0]).  
Minimum Y relative clipping position (in [0.0;1.0]).  
Maximum Y relative clipping position (in [0.0;1.0]).  
-V Print the program version and copyright.  
Default option set is “-Oi{v}”.  
6.3.13 gtst  
gtst [input graph file [output data file]] options  
The program gtst is the source graph tester. It checks the consistency of  
the input source graph structure (matching of arcs, number of vertices and  
edges, etc.), and gives some statistics regarding edge weights, vertex weights,  
and vertex degrees.  
When the graphs to test are very large, the same results can be obtained by  
using the dgtst parallel program of the PT-Scotch distribution, which can  
read centralized graph files too.  
-h Display the program synopsis.  
-V Print the program version and copyright.  
6.3.14 mcv  
mcv [input mesh file [output mesh file [output geometry file]]] options  
The program mcv is the source mesh converter. It takes on input a mesh file  
of the format specified with the -i option, and outputs its equivalent in the  
format specified with the -o option, along with its associated geometry file  
whenever geometrical data is available. At the time being, it only accepts one  
external input format: the Harwell-Boeing format [10], for square elemental  
matrices only. The only output format to date is the Scotch source mesh  
and geometry data format.  
-h Display the program synopsis.  
Specify the type of input mesh. The available input formats are listed  
Harwell-Boeing mesh collection format. Only symmetric elemental  
matrices are currently supported. Since files in this format can con-  
tain several meshes one after another, the optional integer number,  
starting from 0, indicates which mesh of the file is considered for  
Scotch source mesh format.  
Specify the output graph format. The available output formats are listed  
Scotch source graph format.  
-V Print the program version and copyright.  
Default option set is “-Ib0 -Os”.  
6.3.15 mmk *  
mmk m2 dimX [dimY [output mesh file]] options  
mmk m3 dimX [dimY [dimZ [output mesh file]]] options  
The mmk * programs make source meshes.  
Program mmk m2 outputs the source file of a bidimensional mesh with  
dimX × dimY elements and (dimX + 1) × (dimY + 1) nodes. The element  
of coordinates (posX, posY ) is labeled posY × dimX + posX.  
Program mmk m3 outputs the source file of a tridimensional mesh with  
dimX × dimY × dimZ elements and (dimX + 1) × (dimY + 1) × (dimZ + 1)  
-goutput geometry file  
Output mesh geometry to file output geometry file (for mmk m2 only). As  
for all other file names, “-” may be used to indicate standard output.  
-h Display the program synopsis.  
-V Print the program version and copyright.  
6.3.16 mord  
mord [input mesh file [output ordering file [output log file]]] options  
The mord program is the block sparse matrix mesh orderer. It uses an ordering  
strategy to compute block orderings of sparse matrices represented as source  
meshes, whose node vertex weights indicate the number of DOFs per node (if  
this number is non homogeneous), in order to minimize fill-in and operation  
Since its main purpose is to provide orderings that exhibit high concurrency  
for parallel block factorization, it comprises a nested dissection method [17],  
but classical [39] and state-of-the-art [1, 47] minimum degree algorithms are  
implemented as well. Ordering methods are used to define ordering strategies  
by means of selection, grouping, and condition operators.  
The -o option allows the user to define the ordering strategy. The -c option  
allows the user to set preferences on the behavior of the ordering strategy  
which is used by default.  
Since the program is devoted to experimental studies, it has many optional  
parameters, used to test various execution modes. Values set by default will  
give best results in most cases.  
Tune the default ordering strategy according to the given preference flags.  
Some of these flags are antagonistic, while others can be combined. See  
Section 7.3.1 for more information. The resulting strategy string can be  
displayed by means of the -vs option.  
Enforce load balance as much as possible.  
Privilege quality over speed. This is the default behavior.  
Privilege speed over quality.  
Use only safe methods in the strategy.  
-h Display the program synopsis.  
-moutput mapping file  
Write to output mapping file the mapping of mesh node vertices to col-  
umn blocks. All of the separators and leaves produced by the nested  
dissection method are considered as distinct column blocks, which may  
be in turn split by the ordering methods that are applied to them. Dis-  
tinct integer numbers are associated with each of the column blocks, such  
that the number of a block is always greater than the ones of its prede-  
cessors in the elimination process, that is, its leaves in the elimination  
tree. The structure of mapping files is given in section 5.5.  
When the coordinates of the node vertices are available, the mapping  
file may be processed by program gout, along with the graph structure  
that can be created from the source mesh file by means of the gmk  
msh program, to display the node vertex separators and supervariable  
amalgamations that have been computed.  
Apply ordering strategy strat. The format of ordering strategies is defined  
in section 7.3.4.  
-toutput tree file  
Write to output tree file the structure of the separator tree. The data  
that is written resembles much the one of a mapping file: after a first  
line that contains the number of lines to follow, there are that many  
lines of mapping pairs, which associate an integer number with every  
node vertex index. This integer number is the number of the column  
block which is the parent of the column block to which the node vertex  
belongs, or 1 if the column block to which the node vertex belongs is  
a root of the separator tree (there can be several roots, if the mesh is  
Combined to the column block mapping data produced by option -m, the  
tree structure allows one to rebuild the separator tree.  
-V Print the program version and copyright.  
Set verbose mode to verb, which may contain several of the following  
Strategy information. This parameter displays the default ordering  
strategy used by mord.  
Timing information.  
6.3.17 mtst  
mtst [input mesh file [output data file]] options  
The program mtst is the source mesh tester. It checks the consistency of the  
input source mesh structure (matching of arcs that link elements to nodes  
and nodes to elements, number of elements, nodes, and edges, etc.), and gives  
some statistics regarding element and node weights, edge weights, and element  
and node degrees.  
-h Display the program synopsis.  
-V Print the program version and copyright.  
7 Library  
All of the features provided by the programs of the Scotch distribution may be  
directly accessed by calling the appropriate functions of the libScotch library,  
archived in files libscotch.a and libscotcherr.a. These routines belong to six  
distinct classes:  
source graph and source mesh handling routines, which serve to declare, build,  
load, save, and check the consistency of source graphs and meshes, along with  
their geometry data;  
target architecture handling routines, which allow the user to declare, build,  
load, and save target architectures;  
strategy handling routines, which allow the user to declare and build mapping  
and ordering strategies;  
mapping routines, which serve to declare, compute, and save mappings of  
source graphs to target architectures by means of mapping strategies;  
ordering routines, which allow the user to declare, compute, and save orderings  
of source graphs and meshes;  
error handling routines, which allow the user either to provide his own error  
servicing routines, or to use the default routines provided in the libScotch  
A MeTiS compatibility library, called libscotchmetis.a, is also available. It  
allows users who were previously using MeTiS in their software to take advantage of  
the efficieny of Scotch without having to modify their code. The services provided  
by this library are described in Section 7.14.  
7.1 Calling the routines of libScotch  
7.1.1 Calling from C  
All of the C routines of the libScotch library are prefixed with “SCOTCH ”. The  
remainder of the function names is made of the name of the type of object to which  
the functions apply (e.g. graph”, “mesh”, “arch”, “map”, etc.), followed by the  
type of action performed on this object: “Init” for the initialization of the object,  
Exit” for the freeing of its internal structures, “Load” for loading the object from  
a stream, and so on.  
Typically, functions that return an error code return zero if the function suc-  
ceeds, and a non-zero value in case of error.  
For instance, the SCOTCH graphInit and SCOTCH graphLoad routines, described  
in sections 7.5.1 and 7.5.4, respectively, can be called from C by using the following  
#include <stdio.h>  
#include "scotch.h"  
FILE *  
if (SCOTCH_graphInit (&grafdat) != 0) {  
... /* Error handling */  
if ((fileptr = fopen ("brol.grf", "r")) == NULL) {  
... /* Error handling */  
if (SCOTCH_graphLoad (&grafdat, fileptr, -1, 0) != 0) {  
... /* Error handling */  
Since “scotch.h” uses several system objects which are declared in “stdio.h”,  
this latter file must be included beforehand in your application code.  
Although the “scotch.h” and “ptscotch.h” files may look very similar on your  
system, never mistake them, and always use the “scotch.h” file as the include file  
for compiling a program which uses only the sequential routines of the libScotch  
7.1.2 Calling from Fortran  
The routines of the libScotch library can also be called from Fortran. For any C  
function named SCOTCH typeAction() which is documented in this manual, there  
exists a SCOTCHFTYPEACTION () Fortran counterpart, in which the separating  
underscore character is replaced by an “F”. In most cases, the Fortran routines  
have exactly the same parameters as the C functions, save for an added trailing  
INTEGER argument to store the return value yielded by the function when the  
return type of the C function is not void.  
Since all the data structures used in libScotch are opaque, equivalent dec-  
larations for these structures must be provided in Fortran. These structures must  
therefore be defined as arrays of DOUBLEPRECISIONs, of sizes given in file scotchf.h,  
which must be included whenever necessary.  
For routines which read or write data using a FILE * stream in C, the Fortran  
counterpart uses an INTEGER parameter which is the numer of the Unix file descrip-  
tor corresponding to the logical unit from which to read or write. In most Unix  
implementations of Fortran, standard descriptors 0 for standard input (logical unit  
5), 1 for standard output (logical unit 6) and 2 for standard error are opened by  
default. However, for files which are opened using OPEN statements, an additional  
function must be used to obtain the number of the Unix file descriptor from the  
number of the logical unit. This function is called PXFFILENO in the normalized  
POSIX Fortran API, and files which use it should include the USE IFPOSIX direc-  
tive whenever necessary. An alternate, non normalized, function also exists in most  
Unix implementations of Fortran, and is called FNUM.  
For instance, the SCOTCH graphInit and SCOTCH graphLoad routines, described  
in sections 7.5.1 and 7.5.4, respectively, can be called from Fortran by using the  
following code.  
INCLUDE "scotchf.h"  
OPEN (10, FILE=’brol.grf’)  
CLOSE (10)  
Although the “scotchf.h” and “ptscotchf.h” files may look very similar on  
your system, never mistake them, and always use the “scotchf.h” file as the in-  
clude file for compiling a program which uses only the sequential routines of the  
libScotch library.  
7.1.3 Compiling and linking  
The compilation of C or Fortran routines which use routines of the libScotch  
library requires that either scotch.h or scotchf.h be included, respectively.  
The routines of the libScotch library are grouped in a library file called  
libscotch.a. Default error routines that print an error message and exit are pro-  
vided in library file libscotcherr.a.  
Therefore, the linking of applications that make use of the libScotch li-  
brary with standard error handling is carried out by using the following options:  
-lscotch -lscotcherr -lm”. If you want to handle errors by yourself, you  
should not link with library file libscotcherr.a, but rather provide a SCOTCH  
errorPrint() routine. Please refer to section 7.12 for more information.  
7.1.4 Machine word size issues  
Graph indices are represented in Scotch as integer values of type SCOTCH Num. By  
default, this type equates to the int C type, that is, an integer type of size equal  
to the one of the machine word. However, it can represent any other integer type.  
Indeed, the size of the SCOTCH Num integer type can be coerced to 32 or 64 bits  
by using the “-DINTSIZE32” or “-DINTSIZE64” compilation flags, respectively, or  
else by using the “-DINT=” definition (see Section 8.3 for more information on the  
setting of these compilation flags).  
Consequently, the C interface of Scotch uses two types of integers. Graph-  
related quantities are passed as SCOTCH Nums, while system-related values such as  
file handles, as well as return values of libScotch routines, are always passed as  
Because of the variability of library integer type sizes, one must be careful  
when using the Fortran interface of Scotch, as it does not provide any proto-  
typing information, and consequently cannot produce any warning at link time.  
In the manual pages of the libScotch routines, Fortran prototypes are written  
using three types of INTEGERs. As for the C interface, the regular INTEGER type  
is used for system-based values, such as file handles and MPI communicators, as  
well as for return values of the libScotch routines, while the INTEGER*num type  
should be used for all graph-related values, in accordance to the size of the SCOTCH  
Num type, as set by the “-DINTSIZEx” compilation flags. Also, the INTEGER*idx  
type represents an integer type of a size equivalent to the one of a SCOTCH Idx, as  
set by the “-DIDXSIZEx” compilation flags. Values of this type are used in the For-  
tran interface to represent arbitrary array indices which can span across the whole  
address space, and consequently deserve special treatment.  
In practice, when Scotch is compiled on a 32-bit architecture so as  
to use 64-bit SCOTCH Nums, graph indices should be declared as INTEGER*8,  
while error return values should still be declared as plain INTEGER (that is,  
INTEGER*4) values. On a 32 64-bit architecture, irrespective of whether SCOTCH  
Nums are defined as INTEGER*4 or INTEGER*8 quantities, the SCOTCH Idx type  
should always be defined as a 64-bit quantity, that is, an INTEGER*8, because  
it stores differences between memory addresses, which are represented by 64-bit  
values. The above is no longer a problem if Scotch is compiled such that ints  
equate 64-bit integers. In this case, there is no need to use any type coercing  
Also, the MeTiS compatibility library provided by Scotch will not work when  
SCOTCH Nums are not ints, since the interface of MeTiS uses regular ints to represent  
graph indices. In addition to compile-time warnings, an error message will be issued  
when one of these routines is called.  
7.2 Data formats  
All of the data used in the libScotch interface are of integer type SCOTCH Num.  
To hide the internals of Scotch to callers, all of the data structures are opaque,  
that is, declared within scotch.h as dummy arrays of double precision values, for  
the sake of data alignment. Accessor routines, the names of which end in “Size”  
and “Data”, allow callers to retrieve information from opaque structures.  
In all of the following, whenever arrays are defined, passed, and accessed, it  
is assumed that the first element of these arrays is always labeled as baseval,  
whether baseval is set to 0 (for C-style arrays) or 1 (for Fortran-style arrays).  
Scotch internally manages with base values and array pointers so as to process  
these arrays accordingly.  
7.2.1 Architecture format  
Target architecture structures are completely opaque. The only way to describe an  
architecture is by means of a graph passed to the SCOTCH archBuild routine.  
7.2.2 Graph format  
Source graphs are described by means of adjacency lists. The description of a graph  
requires several SCOTCH Num scalars and arrays, as shown in Figures 16 and 17. They  
have the following meaning:  
Base value for all array indexings.  
Number of vertices in graph.  
Number of arcs in graph. Since edges are represented by both of their ends,  
the number of edge data in the graph is twice the number of graph edges.  
Array of start indices in edgetab of vertex adjacency sub-arrays.  
Array of after-last indices in edgetab of vertex adjacency sub-arrays. For any  
vertex i, with baseval i < (baseval+vertnbr), vendtab[i]verttab[i]  
is the degree of vertex i, and the indices of the neighbors of i are stored in  
edgetab from edgetab[verttab[i]] to edgetab[vendtab[i]1], inclusive.  
When all vertex adjacency lists are stored in order in edgetab, it is possible to  
save memory by not allocating the physical memory for vendtab. In this case,  
illustrated in Figure 16, verttab is of size vertnbr+1 and vendtab points to  
verttab + 1. This case is referred to as the “compact edge array” case, such  
that verttab is sorted in ascending order, verttab[baseval] = baseval and  
verttab[baseval + vertnbr] = (baseval + edgenbr).  
Optional array, of size vertnbr, holding the integer load associated with every  
Array, of a size equal at least to (maxi(vendtab[i]) baseval), holding the  
adjacency array of every vertex.  
Optional array, of a size equal at least to (maxi(vendtab[i]) baseval),  
holding the integer load associated with every arc. Matching arcs should  
always have identical loads.  
4 10 13 16 19 22 25  
Figure 16: Sample graph and its description by libScotch arrays using a compact  
edge array. Numbers within vertices are vertex indices, bold numbers close to  
vertices are vertex loads, and numbers close to edges are edge loads. Since the edge  
array is compact, verttab is of size vertnbr+1 and vendtab points to verttab+1.  
17 2 13 10 20 27 23  
20 8 16 13 23 30 26  
Figure 17: Adjacency structure of the sample graph of Figure 16 with disjoint edge  
and edge load arrays. Both verttab and vendtab are of size vertnbr. This allows  
for the handling of dynamic graphs, the structure of which can evolve with time.  
Dynamic graphs can be handled elegantly by using the vendtab array. In order  
to dynamically manage graphs, one just has to allocate verttab, vendtab and  
edgetab arrays that are large enough to contain all of the expected new vertex and  
edge data. Original vertices are labeled starting from baseval, leaving free space at  
the end of the arrays. To remove some vertex i, one just has to replace verttab[i]  
and vendtab[i] with the values of verttab[vertnbr-1] and vendtab[vertnbr-1],  
respectively, and browse the adjacencies of all neighbors of former vertex vertnbr-1  
such that all (vertnbr-1) indices are turned into is. Then, vertnbr must be  
decremented, and SCOTCH graphBuild() must be called to account for the change  
of topology. If a graph building routine such as SCOTCH graphLoad() or SCOTCH  
graphBuild() had already been called on the SCOTCH Graph structure, SCOTCH  
graphFree() has to be called first in order to free the internal structures associated  
with the older version of the graph, else these data would be lost, which would  
result in memory leakage.  
To add a new vertex, one has to fill verttab[vertnbr-1] and vendtab[vertnbr  
-1] with the starting and end indices of the adjacency sub-array of the new vertex.  
Then, the adjacencies of its neighbor vertices must also be updated to account for it.  
If free space had been reserved at the end of each of the neighbors, one just has to  
increment the vendtab[i] values of every neighbor i, and add the index of the new  
vertex at the end of the adjacency sub-array. If the sub-array cannot be extended,  
then it has to be copied elsewhere in the edge array, and both verttab[i] and  
vendtab[i] must be updated accordingly. With simple housekeeping of free areas  
of the edge array, dynamic arrays can be updated with as little data movement as  
7.2.3 Mesh format  
Since meshes are basically bipartite graphs, source meshes are also described by  
means of adjacency lists. The description of a mesh requires several SCOTCH Num  
scalars and arrays, as shown in Figure 18. They have the following meaning:  
Base value for element indexings.  
Base value for node indexings. The base value of the underlying graph,  
baseval, is set as min(velmbas, vnodbas).  
Number of element vertices in mesh.  
Number of node vertices in mesh. The overall number of vertices in the  
underlying graph, vertnbr, is set as velmnbr + vnodnbr.  
Number of arcs in mesh. Since edges are represented by both of their ends,  
the number of edge data in the mesh is twice the number of edges.  
Array of start indices in edgetab of vertex (that is, both elements and nodes)  
adjacency sub-arrays.  
9 13 14 16 18 20 21 22 23 25  
5 11 7 6 10 5 11 4  
Figure 18: Sample mesh and its description by libScotch arrays using a compact  
edge array. Numbers within vertices are vertex indices. Since the edge array is  
compact, verttab is of size vertnbr + 1 and vendtab points to verttab + 1.  
Array of after-last indices in edgetab of vertex adjacency sub-arrays. For  
any element or node vertex i, with baseval i < (baseval + vertnbr),  
vendtab[i] verttab[i] is the degree of vertex i, and the indices of the  
neighbors of i are stored in edgetab from edgetab[verttab[i]] to edgetab  
[vendtab[i]1], inclusive.  
When all vertex adjacency lists are stored in order in edgetab, it is possible to  
save memory by not allocating the physical memory for vendtab. In this case,  
illustrated in Figure 18, verttab is of size vertnbr+1 and vendtab points to  
verttab + 1. This case is referred to as the “compact edge array” case, such  
that verttab is sorted in ascending order, verttab[baseval] = baseval and  
verttab[baseval + vertnbr] = (baseval + edgenbr).  
Array, of size vertnbr, holding the integer load associated with each vertex.  
As for graphs, it is possible to handle elegantly dynamic meshes by means of the  
verttab and vendtab arrays. There is, however, an additional constraint, which is  
that mesh nodes and elements must be ordered consecutively. The solution to fulfill  
this constraint in the context of mesh ordering is to keep a set of empty elements  
(that is, elements which have no node adjacency attached to them) between the  
element and node arrays. For instance, Figure 19 represents a 4-element mesh  
with 6 nodes, and such that 4 element vertex slots have been reserved for new  
elements and nodes. These slots are empty elements for which verttab[i] equals  
vendtab[i], irrespective of these values, since they will not lead to any memory  
access in edgetab.  
Using this layout of vertices, new nodes and elements can be created by growing  
the element and node sub-arrays into the empty element sub-array, by both of  
its sides, without having to re-write the whole mesh structure, as illustrated in  
Figure 20. Empty elements are transparent to the mesh ordering routines, which  
base their work on node vertices only. Users who want to update the arrays of  
9 12 0  
0 13 16 19 22  
11 11 12 13 11 12 14 13 13 14 12 14 1  
9 12 13 0  
0 16 19 22 25  
Figure 19: Sample mesh and its description by libScotch arrays, with nodes  
numbered first and elements numbered last. In order to allow for dynamic re-  
meshing, empty elements (in grey) have been inserted between existing node and  
element vertices.  
a mesh that has already been declared using the SCOTCH meshBuild routine must  
call SCOTCH meshExit prior to updating the mesh arrays, and then call SCOTCH  
meshBuild again after the arrays have been updated, so that the SCOTCH Mesh  
structure remains consistent with the new mesh data.  
7.2.4 Geometry format  
Geometry data is always associated with a graph or a mesh. It is simply made  
of a single array of double-precision values which represent the coordinates of the  
vertices of a graph, or of the node vertices of a mesh, in vertex order. The fields of  
a geometry structure are the following:  
Number of dimensions of the graph or of the mesh, which can be 1, 2, or 3.  
Array of coordinates. This is an array of double precision values organized  
as an array of (x), or (x,y), or (x,y,z) tuples, according to dimnnbr. Co-  
ordinates that are not used (e.g. the “z” coordinates for a 2-dimentional  
object) are not allocated. Therefore, the “x” coordinate of some graph  
vertex i is located at geomtab[(i - baseval) * dimnnbr + baseval], its  
“y” coordinate is located at geomtab[(i - baseval) * dimnnbr + baseval  
+ 1] if dimnnbr 2, and its “z” coordinate is located at geomtab[(i -  
baseval) * dimnnbr + baseval + 2] if dimnnbr = 3. Whenever the ge-  
ometry is associated with a mesh, only node vertices are considered, so  
the “x” coordinate of some mesh node vertex i, with vnodbas i, is lo-  
cated at geomtab[(i - vnodbas) * dimnnbr + baseval], its “y” coordi-  
nate is located at geomtab[(i - vnodbas) * dimnnbr + baseval + 1] if  
25 2  
8 27 12 31 0 9 35 13 16 19 22  
11 12 13 9 10 14 13 1  
3 14 1  
5 11 9 13 14 12 10 11 9 12 10 7  
27 5  
9 31 13 35 0 12 38 16 19 22 25  
Figure 20: Re-meshing of the mesh of Figure 19. New node vertices have been added  
at the end of the vertex sub-array, new elements have been added at the beginning  
of the element sub-array, and vertex base values have been updated accordingly.  
Node adjacency lists that could not fit in place have been added at the end of the  
edge array, and some of the freed space has been re-used for new adjacency lists.  
Element adjacency lists do not require moving in this case, as all of the elements  
have the name number of nodes.  
dimnnbr 2, and its “z” coordinate is located at geomtab[(i - vnodbas) *  
dimnnbr + baseval + 2] if dimnnbr = 3.  
7.2.5 Block ordering format  
Block orderings associated with graphs and meshes are described by means of block  
and permutation arrays, made of SCOTCH Nums, as shown in Figure 21. In order for  
all orderings to have the same structure, irrespective of whether they are created  
from graphs or meshes, all ordering data indices start from baseval, even when they  
refer to a mesh the node vertices of which are labeled from a vnodbas index such  
that vnodbas > baseval. Consequently, row indices are related to vertex indices  
in memory in the following way: row i is associated with vertex i of the SCOTCH  
Graph structure if the ordering was computed from a graph, and with node vertex  
i+(vnodbasbaseval) of the SCOTCH Mesh structure if the ordering was computed  
from a mesh. Block orderings are made of the following data:  
Array holding the permutation of the reordered matrix. Thus, if k =  
permtab[i], then row i of the original matrix is now row k of the reordered  
matrix, that is, row i is the k pivot.  
Inverse permutation of the reordered matrix. Thus, if i = peritab[k], then  
row k of the reordered matrix was row i of the original matrix.  
Number of column blocks (that is, supervariables) in the block ordering.  
Array of ranges for the column blocks. Column block c, with baseval c <  
(cblknbr+baseval), contains columns with indices ranging from rangtab[i]  
to rangtab[i + 1], exclusive, in the reordered matrix. Indices in rangtab  
are based. Therefore, rangtab[baseval] is always equal to baseval, and  
rangtab[cblknbr + baseval] is always equal to vertnbr + baseval for  
graphs and to vnodnbr + baseval for meshes. In order to avoid memory  
errors when column blocks are all single columns, the size of rangtab must  
always be one more than the number of columns, that is, vertnbr + 1 for  
graphs and vnodnbr + 1 for meshes.  
Array of ascendants of permuted column blocks in the separators tree.  
treetab[i] is the index of the father of column block i in the separators  
tree, or 1 if column block i is the root of the separators tree. Whenever sep-  
arators or leaves of the separators tree are split into subblocks, as the block  
splitting, minimum fill or minimum degree methods do, all subblocks of the  
same level are linked to the column block of higher index belonging to the  
closest separator ancestor. Indices in treetab are based, in the same way as  
for the other blocking structures. See Figure 21 for a complete example.  
7.3 Strategy strings  
The behavior of the mapping and block ordering routines of the libScotch library  
is parametrized by means of strategy strings, which describe how and when given  
3 10 6 4 11 8  
1 12 5  
5 11 4  
7 12 3 6 10  
8 10 13  
7 −1  
Figure 21: Arrays resulting from the ordering by complete nested dissection of a 4  
by 3 grid based from 1. Leftmost grid is the original grid, and righmost grid is the  
reordered grid, with separators shown and column block indices written in bold.  
partitioning or ordering methods should be applied to graphs and subgraphs, or to  
meshes and submeshes.  
7.3.1 Using default strategy strings  
While strategy strings can be built by hand, according to the syntax given in the  
next sections, users who do not have specific needs can take advantage of default  
strategies already implemented in the libScotch, which will yield very good results  
in most cases. By doing so, they will spare themselves the hassle of updating their  
strategies to comply to subsequent syntactic changes, and they will benefit from  
the availability of new partitioning or ordering methods as soon as they are made  
The simplest way to use default strategy strings is to avoid specifying any. By  
initializing a strategy object, by means of the SCOTCH stratInit routine, and by  
using the initialized strategy object as is, without further parametrization, this  
object will be filled with a default strategy when passing it as a parameter to the  
next partitioning or ordering routine to be called. On return, the strategy object  
will contain a fully specified strategy, tailored for the type of operation which has  
been requested. Consequently, a fresh strategy object that was used to partition a  
graph cannot be used afterward as a default strategy for calling an ordering routine,  
for instance, as partitioning and ordering strategies are incompatible.  
The libScotch also provides helper routines which allow users to express their  
preferences on the kind of strategy that they need. These helper routines, which  
are of the form SCOTCH strat*Build, tune default strategy strings according to  
parameters provided by the user, such as the requested number of parts (used  
as a hint to select the most efficient partitioning routines), the desired maximum  
load imbalance ratio, and a set of preference flags. While some of these flags are  
antagonistic, most of them can be combined, by means of addition or “binary or”  
operators. These flags are the following.  
Privilege quality over speed. This is the default behavior of default strategy  
strings when they are used just after being initialized.  
Privilege speed over quality.  
Enforce load balance as much as possible.  
Do not use methods that can lead to the occurrence of problematic events,  
such as floating point exceptions, which could not be properly handled by the  
calling software.  
7.3.2 Mapping strategy strings  
At the time being, mapping methods only apply to graphs, as there is not yet a mesh  
mapping tool in the Scotch package. Mapping strategies are made of methods,  
with optional parameters enclosed between curly braces, and separated by commas,  
in the form of method[{parameters}] . The currently available mapping methods  
are the following.  
Multi-level method. The parameters of the multi-level method are listed be-  
Set the strategy that is used to refine the mappings obtained at ascending  
levels of the uncoarsening phase by projection of the mappings computed  
for coarser graphs. This strategy is not applied to the coarsest graph,  
for which only the low strategy is used.  
Set the strategy that is used to compute the mapping of the coarsest  
graph, at the lowest level of the coarsening process.  
Set the threshold maximum coarsening ratio over which graphs are no  
longer coarsened. The ratio of any given coarsening cannot be less that  
0.5 (case of a perfect matching), and cannot be greater than 1.0. Coars-  
ening stops when either the coarsening ratio is above the maximum coars-  
ening ratio, or the graph has fewer vertices than the minimum number  
of vertices allowed.  
Set the type of matching that is used to coarsen the graphs. type is h for  
heavy-edge matching, or s for scan (first-fit) matching.  
Set the threshold under which graphs are no longer coarsened. Coarsen-  
ing stops when either the coarsening ratio is above the maximum coars-  
ening ratio, or the graph would have fewer vertices than the minimum  
number of vertices allowed. When the target architecture is a variable-  
sized architecture, coarsening stops when the coarsened graph would have  
less than nbr vertices. When the target architecture is a regular, fixed-  
size, architecture, coarsening stops when each subdomain would have less  
than nbr vertices, that is, when the size of the coarsened graph would  
have less than nbr × domnnbr vertices, where domnnbr is the number of  
vertices in the target architecture.  
Dual Recursive Bipartitioning mapping algorithm, as defined in section 3.1.3.  
The parameters of the DRB mapping method are listed below.  
The tie flag defines how new jobs are stored in job pools.  
Tie job pools together. Subjobs are stored in same pool as their par-  
ent job. This is the default behavior, as it proves the most efficient  
in practice.  
Untie job pools. Subjobs are stored in the next job pool to be pro-  
The tie flag defines how results of bipartitioning jobs are propagated to  
jobs still in pools.  
Tie both mapping tables together. Results are immediately available  
to jobs in the same job pool. This is the default behavior.  
Untie mapping tables. Results are only available to jobs of next pool  
to be processed.  
Select jobs according to policy policy. Job selection policies define how  
bipartitioning jobs are ordered within the currently active job pool. Valid  
policy flags are  
Most neighbors of higher level.  
Highest level.  
Most neighbors of smaller size. This is the default behavior.  
Biggest size.  
Apply bipartitioning strategy strat to each bipartitioning job. A biparti-  
tioning strategy is made of one or several bipartitioning methods, which  
can be combined by means of strategy operators. Graph bipartitioning  
strategies are described below.  
7.3.3 Graph bipartitioning strategy strings  
A graph bipartitioning strategy is made of one or several graph bipartitioning meth-  
ods, which can be combined by means of strategy operators. Strategy operators are  
listed below, by increasing precedence.  
Selection operator. The result of the selection is the best bipartition of the  
two that are obtained by the separate application of strat1 and strat2 to the  
current bipartition.  
strat1 strat2  
Combination operator. Strategy strat2 is applied to the bipartition resulting  
from the application of strategy strat1 to the current bipartition. Typically,  
the first method used should compute an initial bipartition from scratch, and  
every following method should use the result of the previous one at its starting  
Grouping operator. The strategy enclosed within the parentheses is treated  
as a single bipartitioning method.  
Condition operator. According to the result of the evaluation of condition  
cond, either strat1 or strat2 (if it is present) is applied. The condition applies  
to the characteristics of the current active graph, and can be built from logical  
and relational operators. Conditional operators are listed below, by increasing  
Logical or operator. The result of the condition is true if cond1 or cond2  
are true, or both.  
Logical and operator. The result of the condition is true only if both  
cond1 and cond2 are true.  
Logical not operator. The result of the condition is true only if cond is  
var relop val  
Relational operator, where var is a graph variable, val is either a graph  
variable or a constant of the type of variable var, and relop is one of ’<’,  
=’, and ’>’. The graph variables are listed below, along with their types.  
The average degree of the current graph. Float.  
The number of arcs (which is twice the number of edges) of the  
current graph. Integer.  
The overall vertex load (weight) of the current graph. Integer.  
The vertex load of the first subset of the current bipartition of the  
current graph. Integer.  
The number of vertices of the current graph. Integer.  
Bipartitioning method. For bipartitioning methods that can be parametrized,  
parameter settings may be provided after the method name. Parameters must  
be separated by commas, and the whole list be enclosed between curly braces.  
The currently available graph bipartitioning methods are the following.  
Band method. This method builds a band graph of given width around the  
current frontier of the graph to which it is applied, and calls a graph biparti-  
tioning strategy to refine the equivalent bipartition of the band graph. Then,  
the refined frontier of the band graph is projected back to the current graph.  
This method, presented in [8], was created to reduce the cost of vertex sepa-  
rator refinement algorithms in a multi-level context, but it improves partition  
quality too. The same behavior is observed for graph bipartitioning. The  
parameters of the band bipartitioning method are listed below.  
Set the graph bipartitioning strategy to be used on the band graph.  
Set the fallback graph bipartitioning strategy to be used on the original  
graph if the band graph strategy could not be used. The three cases  
which require the use of this fallback strategy are the following. First, if  
the separator of the original graph is empty, which makes it impossible  
to compute a band graph. Second, if any part of the band graph to be  
built is of the same size as the one of the original graph. Third, if the  
application of the bnd bipartitioning method to the band graph leads to  
a situation where both anchor vertices are placed in the same part.  
Set the width of the band graph. All graph vertices that are at a distance  
less than or equal to val from any frontier vertex are kept in the band  
Diffusion method. This method, presented in [42], flows two kinds of antag-  
onistic liquids, scotch and anti-scotch, from two source vertices, and sets the  
new frontier as the limit between vertices which contain scotch and the ones  
which contain anti-scotch. Because selecting the source vertices is essential  
to the obtainment of useful results, this method has been hard-coded so that  
the two source vertices are the two vertices of highest indices, since in the  
band method these are the anchor vertices which represent all of the removed  
vertices of each part. Therefore, this method must be used on band graphs  
only, or on specifically crafted graphs. Applying it to any other graphs is  
very likely to lead to extremely poor results. The parameters of the diffusion  
bipartitioning method are listed below.  
Fraction of liquid which is diffused to neighbor vertices at each pass. To  
achieve convergence, the sum of the dif and rem parameters must be  
equal to 1, but in order to speed-up the diffusion process, other combi-  
nations of higher sum can be tried. In this case, the number of passes  
must be kept low, to avoid numerical overflows which would make the  
results useless.  
Set the number of diffusion sweeps performed by the algorithm. This  
number depends on the width of the band graph to which the diffusion  
method is applied. Useful values range from 30 to 500 according to  
chosen dif and rem coefficients.  
Fraction of liquid which remains on vertices at each pass. See above.  
Fiduccia-Mattheyses method. The parameters of the Fiduccia-Mattheyses  
method are listed below.  
Set the maximum weight imbalance ratio to the given fraction of the  
subgraph vertex weight. Common values are around 0.01, that is, one  
Maximum number of hill-climbing moves that can be performed before a  
pass ends. During each of its passes, the Fiduccia-Mattheyses algorithm  
repeatedly swaps vertices between the two parts so as to minimize the  
cost function. A pass completes either when all of the vertices have been  
moved once, or if too many swaps that do not decrease the value of the  
cost function have been performed. Setting this value to zero turns the  
Fiduccia-Mattheyses algorithm into a gradient-like method, which may  
be used to quickly refine partitions during the uncoarsening phase of the  
multi-level method.  
Set the maximum number of optimization passes performed by the algo-  
rithm. The Fiduccia-Mattheyses algorithm stops as soon as a pass has  
not yielded any improvement of the cost function, or when the maximum  
number of passes has been reached. Value 1 stands for an infinite num-  
ber of passes, that is, as many as needed by the algorithm to converge.  
Gibbs-Poole-Stockmeyer method. This method has only one parameter.  
Set the number of sweeps performed by the algorithm.  
Greedy-graph-growing method. This method has only one parameter.  
Set the number of runs performed by the algorithm.  
Multi-level method. The parameters of the multi-level method are listed be-  
Set the strategy that is used to refine the partitions obtained at ascend-  
ing levels of the uncoarsening phase by projection of the bipartitions  
computed for coarser graphs. This strategy is not applied to the coarsest  
graph, for which only the low strategy is used.  
Set the strategy that is used to compute the partition of the coarsest  
graph, at the lowest level of the coarsening process.  
Set the threshold maximum coarsening ratio over which graphs are no  
longer coarsened. The ratio of any given coarsening cannot be less that  
0.5 (case of a perfect matching), and cannot be greater than 1.0. Coars-  
ening stops when either the coarsening ratio is above the maximum coars-  
ening ratio, or the graph has fewer vertices than the minimum number  
of vertices allowed.  
Set the type of matching that is used to coarsen the graphs. type is h for  
heavy-edge matching, or s for scan (first-fit) matching.  
Set the threshold minimum graph size under which graphs are no longer  
coarsened. Coarsening stops when either the coarsening ratio is above  
the maximum coarsening ratio, or the coarsened graph would have fewer  
vertices than the minimum number of vertices allowed.  
Exactifying method.  
Zero method. This method moves all of the vertices to the first part. Its  
main use is to stop the bipartitioning process, if some condition is true, when  
mapping onto variable-sized architectures (see section 3.1.7).  
7.3.4 Ordering strategy strings  
Ordering strategies are available both for graphs and for meshes. An ordering  
strategy is made of one or several ordering methods, which can be combined by  
means of strategy operators. The strategy operators that can be used in ordering  
strategies are listed below, by increasing precedence.  
Grouping operator. The strategy enclosed within the parentheses is treated  
as a single ordering method.  
Condition operator. According to the result of the evaluation of condition  
cond, either strat1 or strat2 (if it is present) is applied. The condition applies  
to the characteristics of the current node of the separators tree, and can be  
built from logical and relational operators. Conditional operators are listed  
below, by increasing precedence.  
Logical or operator. The result of the condition is true if cond1 or cond2  
are true, or both.  
Logical and operator. The result of the condition is true only if both  
cond1 and cond2 are true.  
Logical not operator. The result of the condition is true only if cond is  
var relop val  
Relational operator, where var is a node variable, val is either a node  
variable or a constant of the type of variable var, and relop is one of ’<’,  
=’, and ’>’. The node variables are listed below, along with their types.  
The number of vertices of the current subgraph. Integer.  
The level of the subgraph in the separators tree, starting from zero  
for the initial graph at the root of the tree. Integer.  
The overall vertex load (weight) of the current subgraph. Integer.  
The maximum degree of the current subgraph. Integer.  
The number of vertices of the current subgraph. Integer.  
Graph or mesh ordering method. Available ordering methods are listed below.  
The currently available ordering methods are the following.  
Blocking method. This method does not perform ordering by itself, but is used  
as post-processing to cut into blocks of smaller sizes the separators or large  
blocks produced by other ordering methods. This is not useful in the context of  
direct solving methods, because the off-diagonal blocks created by the splitting  
of large diagonal blocks are likely to be filled at factoring time. However, in  
the context of incomplete solving methods such as ILU(k) [29], it can lead  
to a significant reduction of the required memory space and time, because it  
helps carving large triangular blocks. The parameters of the blocking method  
are described below.  
Set the minimum size of the resulting subblocks, in number of columns.  
Blocks larger than twice this minimum size are cut into sub-blocks of  
equal sizes (within one), having a number of columns comprised between  
size and 2size.  
The definition of size depends on the size of the graph to order. Large  
graphs cannot afford very small values, because the number of blocks  
becomes much too large and limits the acceleration of BLAS 3 routines,  
while large values do not help reducing enough the complexity of ILU(k)  
Ordering strategy to be performed. After the ordering strategy is applied,  
the resulting separators tree is traversed and all of the column blocks  
that are larger than 2size are split into smaller column blocks, without  
changing the ordering that has been computed.  
Compression method [2]. The parameters of the compression method are  
listed below.  
Set the compression ratio over which graphs and meshes will not be  
compressed. Useful values range between 0.7 and 0.8.  
Ordering strategy to use on the compressed graph or mesh if its size is  
below the compression ratio times the size of the original graph or mesh.  
Ordering strategy to use on the original graph or mesh if the size of the  
compressed graph or mesh were above the compression ratio times the  
size of the original graph or mesh.  
Block Halo Approximate Minimum Degree method [47]. The parameters of  
the Halo Approximate Minimum Degree method are listed below. The Block  
Halo Approximate Minimum Fill method, described below, is more efficient  
and should be preferred.  
Minimum number of columns per column block. All column blocks of  
width smaller than size are amalgamated to their parent column block in  
the elimination tree, provided that it does not violate the cmax constraint.  
Maximum number of column blocks over which some column block will  
not amalgamate one of its descendents in the elimination tree. This  
parameter is mainly designed to provide an upper bound for block size  
in the context of BLAS3 computations ; else, a huge value should be  
Fill-in ratio over which some column block will not amalgamate one of  
its descendents in the elimination tree. Typical values range from 0.05  
to 0.10.  
Block Halo Approximate Minimum Fill method. The parameters of the Halo  
Approximate Minimum Fill method are listed below.  
Minimum number of columns per column block. All column blocks of  
width smaller than size are amalgamated to their parent column block in  
the elimination tree, provided that it does not violate the cmax constraint.  
Maximum number of column blocks over which some column block will  
not amalgamate one of its descendents in the elimination tree. This  
parameter is mainly designed to provide an upper bound for block size  
in the context of BLAS3 computations ; else, a huge value should be  
Fill-in ratio over which some column block will not amalgamate one of  
its descendents in the elimination tree. Typical values range from 0.05  
to 0.10.  
Gibbs-Poole-Stockmeyer method. This method is used on separators to reduce  
the number and extent of extra-diagonal blocks. If the number of extra-  
diagonal blocks is not relevant, the s method should be preferred. This method  
has only one parameter.  
Set the number of sweeps performed by the algorithm.  
Nested dissection method. The parameters of the nested dissection method  
are given below.  
Set the ordering strategy that is used on every leaf of the separators tree  
if the node separation strategy sep has failed to separate it further.  
Set the ordering strategy that is used on every separator of the separators  
Set the node separation strategy that is used on every leaf of the sep-  
arators tree to make it grow. Node separation strategies are described  
below, in section 7.3.5.  
Simple method. Vertices are ordered in their natural order. This method is  
fast, and should be used to order separators if the number of extra-diagonal  
blocks is not relevant ; else, the g method should be preferred.  
Mesh-to-graph method. Available only for mesh ordering strategies. From the  
mesh to which this method applies is derived a graph, such that a graph vertex  
is associated with every node of the mesh, and a clique is created between all  
vertices which represent nodes that belong to the same element. A graph  
ordering strategy is then applied to the derived graph, and this ordering is  
projected back to the nodes of the mesh. This method is here for evaluation  
purposes only, as mesh ordering methods are generally more efficient than  
their graph ordering counterpart.  
Graph ordering strategy to apply to the associated graph.  
7.3.5 Node separation strategy strings  
A node separation strategy is made of one or several node separation methods,  
which can be combined by means of strategy operators. Strategy operators are  
listed below, by increasing precedence.  
Selection operator. The result of the selection is the best vertex separator of  
the two that are obtained by the distinct application of strat1 and strat2 to  
the current separator.  
strat1 strat2  
Combination operator. Strategy strat2 is applied to the vertex separator  
resulting from the application of strategy strat1 to the current separator.  
Typically, the first method used should compute an initial separation from  
scratch, and every following method should use the result of the previous one  
as a starting point.  
Grouping operator. The strategy enclosed within the parentheses is treated  
as a single separation method.  
Condition operator. According to the result of the evaluation of condition  
cond, either strat1 or strat2 (if it is present) is applied. The condition applies  
to the characteristics of the current subgraph, and can be built from logical  
and relational operators. Conditional operators are listed below, by increasing  
Logical or operator. The result of the condition is true if cond1 or cond2  
are true, or both.  
Logical and operator. The result of the condition is true only if both  
cond1 and cond2 are true.  
Logical not operator. The result of the condition is true only if cond is  
var relop val  
Relational operator, where var is a graph or node variable, val is either  
a graph or node variable or a constant of the type of variable var, and  
relop is one of ’<’, ’=’, and ’>’. The graph and node variables are listed  
below, along with their types.  
The level of the subgraph in the separators tree, starting from zero  
at the root of the tree. Integer.  
The number of processors on which the current subgraph is dis-  
tributed at this level of the separators tree. This variable is available  
only when calling from routines of the PT-Scotch parallel library.  
The rank of the current processor among the group of processors  
on which the current subgraph is distributed at this level of the  
separators tree. This variable is available only when calling from  
routines of the PT-Scotch parallel library, for instance to decide  
which node separation strategy should be used on which processor  
in a multi-sequential approach. Integer.  
The number of vertices of the current subgraph. Integer.  
The currently available vertex separation methods are the following.  
Band method. Available only for graph separation strategies. This method  
builds a band graph of given width around the current separator of the graph  
to which it is applied, and calls a graph separation strategy to refine the  
equivalent separator of the band graph. Then, the refined separator of the  
band graph is projected back to the current graph. This method, presented  
in [8], was created to reduce the cost of separator refinement algorithms in a  
multi-level context, but it improves partition quality too. The parameters of  
the band separation method are listed below.  
Set the vertex separation strategy to be used on the band graph.  
Set the fallback vertex separation strategy to be used on the original  
graph if the band graph strategy could not be used. The three cases  
which require the use of this fallback strategy are the following. First, if  
the separator of the original graph is empty, which makes it impossible  
to compute a band graph. Second, if any part of the band graph to be  
built is of the same size as the one of the original graph. Third, if the  
application of the bnd vertex separation method to the band graph leads  
to a situation where both anchor vertices are placed in the same part.  
Set the width of the band graph. All graph vertices that are at a distance  
less than or equal to val from any separator vertex are kept in the band  
Edge-separation method. Available only for graph separation strategies. This  
method builds vertex separators from edge separators, by the method pro-  
posed by Pothen and Fang [48], which uses a variant of the Hopcroft and  
Karp algorithm due to Duff [9]. This method is expensive and most often  
yields poorer results than direct vertex-oriented methods such as the vertex  
vertex Greedy-graph-growing and the vertex Fiduccia-Mattheyses algorithms.  
The parameters of the edge-separation method are listed below.  
Set the load imbalance tolerance to val, which is a floating-point ratio  
expressed with respect to the ideal load of the partitions.  
Set the graph bipartitioning strategy that is used to compute the edge bi-  
partition. The syntax of bipartitioning strategy strings is defined within  
section 7.3.3, at page 59.  
Select the width of the vertex separators built from edge separators.  
When type is set to f, fat vertex separators are built, that hold all of  
the ends of the edges of the edge cut. When it is set to t, a thin vertex  
separator is built by removing as many vertices as possible from the fat  
Vertex Fiduccia-Mattheyses method. The parameters of the vertex Fiduccia-  
Mattheyses method are listed below.  
Set the maximum weight imbalance ratio to the given fraction of the  
weight of all node vertices. Common values are around 0.01, that is, one  
Maximum number of hill-climbing moves that can be performed before  
a pass ends. During each of its passes, the vertex Fiduccia-Mattheyses  
algorithm repeatedly moves vertices from the separator to any of the two  
parts, so as to minimize the size of the separator. A pass completes either  
when all of the vertices have been moved once, or if too many swaps that  
do not decrease the size of the separator have been performed.  
Set the maximum number of optimization passes performed by the al-  
gorithm. The vertex Fiduccia-Mattheyses algorithm stops as soon as a  
pass has not yielded any reduction of the size of the separator, or when  
the maximum number of passes has been reached. Value -1 stands for an  
infinite number of passes, that is, as many as needed by the algorithm  
to converge.  
Gibbs-Poole-Stockmeyer method. Available only for graph separation strate-  
gies. This method has only one parameter.  
Set the number of sweeps performed by the algorithm.  
Vertex greedy-graph-growing method. This method has only one parameter.  
Set the number of runs performed by the algorithm.  
Vertex multi-level method. The parameters of the vertex multi-level method  
are listed below.  
Set the strategy that is used to refine the vertex separators obtained at  
ascending levels of the uncoarsening phase by projection of the separators  
computed for coarser graphs or meshes. This strategy is not applied to  
the coarsest graph or mesh, for which only the low strategy is used.  
Set the strategy that is used to compute the vertex separator of the  
coarsest graph or mesh, at the lowest level of the coarsening process.  
Set the threshold maximum coarsening ratio over which graphs or meshes  
are no longer coarsened. The ratio of any given coarsening cannot be less  
that 0.5 (case of a perfect matching), and cannot be greater than 1.0.  
Coarsening stops when either the coarsening ratio is above the maximum  
coarsening ratio, or the graph or mesh has fewer node vertices than the  
minimum number of vertices allowed.  
Set the threshold minimum size under which graphs or meshes are no  
longer coarsened. Coarsening stops when either the coarsening ratio is  
above the maximum coarsening ratio, or the graph or mesh has fewer  
node vertices than the minimum number of vertices allowed.  
Thinner method. Available only for graph separation strategies. This method  
quickly eliminates all useless vertices of the current separator. It searches the  
separator for vertices that have no neighbors in one of the two parts, and  
moves these vertices to the part they are connected to. This method may  
be used to refine separators during the uncoarsening phase of the multi-level  
method, and is faster than a vertex Fiduccia-Mattheyses algorithm with {move  
Mesh-to-graph method. Available only for mesh separation strategies. From  
the mesh to which this method applies is derived a graph, such that a graph  
vertex is associated with every node of the mesh, and a clique is created  
between all vertices which represent nodes that belong to the same element.  
A graph separation strategy is then applied to the derived graph, and the  
separator is projected back to the nodes of the mesh. This method is here  
for evaluation purposes only, as mesh separation methods are generally more  
efficient than their graph separation counterpart.  
Graph separation strategy to apply to the associated graph.  
Graph separator viewer. Available only for graph separation strategies. Ev-  
ery call to this method results in the creation, in the current subdirectory,  
of partial mapping files called “vgraphseparatevw output”,  
where “nnnnnnnn” are increasing decimal numbers, which contain the cur-  
rent state of the two parts and the separator. These mapping files can be  
used as input by the gout program to produce displays of the evolving shape  
of the current separator and parts. This is mostly a debugging feature, but  
it can also have an illustrative interest. While it is only available for graph  
separation strategies, mesh separation strategies can indirectly use it through  
the mesh-to-graph separation method.  
Zero method. This method moves all of the node vertices to the first part,  
resulting in an empty separator. Its main use is to stop the separation process  
whenever some condition is true.  
7.4 Target architecture handling routines  
7.4.1 SCOTCH archInit  
int SCOTCH archInit (SCOTCH Arch * archptr)  
scotchfarchinit (doubleprecision (*) archdat,  
The SCOTCH archInit function initializes a SCOTCH Arch structure so as to  
make it suitable for future operations. It should be the first function to be  
called upon a SCOTCH Arch structure. When the target architecture data is  
no longer of use, call function SCOTCH archExit to free its internal structures.  
Return values  
SCOTCH archInit returns 0 if the graph structure has been successfully ini-  
tialized, and 1 else.  
7.4.2 SCOTCH archExit  
void SCOTCH archExit (SCOTCH Arch * archptr)  
scotchfarchexit (doubleprecision (*) archdat)  
The SCOTCH archExit function frees the contents of a SCOTCH Arch structure  
previously initialized by SCOTCH archInit. All subsequent calls to SCOTCH  
arch routines other than SCOTCH archInit, using this structure as parameter,  
may yield unpredictable results.  
7.4.3 SCOTCH archLoad  
int SCOTCH archLoad (SCOTCH Arch * archptr,  
FILE *  
scotchfarchload (doubleprecision (*) archdat,  
The SCOTCH archLoad routine fills the SCOTCH Arch structure pointed to by  
archptr with the source graph description available from stream stream in  
the Scotch target architecture format (see Section 5.4).  
Fortran users must use the PXFFILENO or FNUM functions to obtain the num-  
ber of the Unix file descriptor fildes associated with the logical unit of the  
architecture file.  
Return values  
SCOTCH archLoad returns 0 if the target architecture structure has been suc-  
cessfully allocated and filled with the data read, and 1 else.  
7.4.4 SCOTCH archSave  
int SCOTCH archSave (const SCOTCH Arch * archptr,  
FILE *  
scotchfarchsave (doubleprecision (*) archdat,  
The SCOTCH archSave routine saves the contents of the SCOTCH Arch structure  
pointed to by archptr to stream stream, in the Scotch target architecture  
format (see section 5.4).  
Fortran users must use the PXFFILENO or FNUM functions to obtain the num-  
ber of the Unix file descriptor fildes associated with the logical unit of the  
architecture file.  
Return values  
SCOTCH archSave returns 0 if the graph structure has been successfully writ-  
ten to stream, and 1 else.  
7.4.5 SCOTCH archName  
const char * SCOTCH archName (const SCOTCH Arch * archptr)  
scotchfarchname (doubleprecision (*) archdat,  
character (*)  
The SCOTCH archName function returns a string containing the name of the  
architecture pointed to by archptr. Since Fortran routines cannot return  
string pointers, the scotchfarchname routine takes as second and third pa-  
rameters a character() array to be filled with the name of the architecture,  
and the integer size of the array, respectively. If the array is of sufficient  
size, a trailing nul character is appended to the string to materialize the end  
of the string (this is the C style of handling character strings).  
Return values  
SCOTCH archName returns a non-null character pointer that points to a null-  
terminated string describing the type of the architecture.  
7.4.6 SCOTCH archSize  
SCOTCH Num SCOTCH archSize (const SCOTCH Arch * archptr)  
scotchfarchsize (doubleprecision (*) archdat,  
The SCOTCH archSize function returns the number of nodes of the given tar-  
get architecture. The Fortran routine has a second parameter, of integer type,  
which is set on return with the number of nodes of the target architecture.  
Return values  
SCOTCH archSize returns the number of nodes of the target architecture.  
7.4.7 SCOTCH archBuild  
int SCOTCH archBuild (SCOTCH Arch *  
const SCOTCH Graph * grafptr,  
const SCOTCH Num  
const SCOTCH Num *  
const SCOTCH Strat * straptr)  
scotchfarchbuild (doubleprecision (*) archdat,  
doubleprecision (*) grafdat,  
integer*num (*)  
doubleprecision (*) stradat,  
integer ierr)  
The SCOTCH archBuild routine fills the architecture structure pointed to by  
archptr with the decomposition-defined target architecture computed by ap-  
plying the graph bipartitioning strategy pointed to by straptr to the archi-  
tecture graph pointed to by grafptr.  
When listptr is not NULL and listnbr is greater than zero, the  
decomposition-defined architecture is restricted to the listnbr vertices whose  
indices are given in the array pointed to by listtab, from listtab[0] to  
listtab[listnbr - 1]. These indices should have the same base value as  
the one of the graph pointed to by grafptr, that is, be in the range from 0 to  
vertnbr 1 if the graph base is 0, and from 1 to vertnbr if the graph base  
is 1.  
Graph bipartitioning strategies are declared by means of the SCOTCH strat  
GraphBipart function, described in page 109. The syntax of bipartitioning  
strategy strings is defined in section 7.3.2, page 59. Additional information  
may be obtained from the manual page of amk grf, the stand-alone executable  
that uses function SCOTCH archBuild to build decomposition-defined target  
architecture from source graphs, available at page 32.  
Return values  
SCOTCH archBuild returns 0 if the decomposition-defined architecture has  
been successfully computed, and 1 else.  
7.4.8 SCOTCH archCmplt  
int SCOTCH archCmplt (SCOTCH Arch *  
const SCOTCH Num vertnbr)  
scotchfarchcmplt (doubleprecision (*) archdat,  
The SCOTCH archCmplt routine fills the SCOTCH Arch structure pointed to by  
archptr with the description of a complete graph architecture with vertnbr  
processors, which can be used as input to SCOTCH graphMap to perform graph  
partitioning. A shortcut to this is to use the SCOTCH graphPart routine.  
Return values  
SCOTCH archCmplt returns 0 if the complete graph target architecture has  
been successfully built, and 1 else.  
7.4.9 SCOTCH archCmpltw  
int SCOTCH archCmpltw (SCOTCH Arch *  
const SCOTCH Num  
const SCOTCH Num * const velotab)  
scotchfarchcmplt (doubleprecision (*) archdat,  
integer*num (*)  
The SCOTCH archCmpltw routine fills the SCOTCH Arch structure pointed to  
by archptr with the description of a weighted complete graph architecture  
with vertnbr processors. The relative weights of the processors are given in  
the velotab array. Once the target architecture has been created, it can be  
used as input to SCOTCH graphMap to perform weighted graph partitioning.  
Return values  
SCOTCH archCmpltw returns 0 if the weighted complete graph target architec-  
ture has been successfully built, and 1 else.  
7.4.10 SCOTCH archHcub  
int SCOTCH archHcub (SCOTCH Arch *  
const SCOTCH Num hdimval)  
scotchfarchhcub (doubleprecision (*) archdat,  
The SCOTCH archHcub routine fills the SCOTCH Arch structure pointed to by  
archptr with the description of a hypercube graph of dimension hdimval.  
Return values  
SCOTCH archHcub returns 0 if the hypercube target architecture has been suc-  
cessfully built, and 1 else.  
7.4.11 SCOTCH archMesh2D  
int SCOTCH archMesh2D (SCOTCH Arch *  
const SCOTCH Num xdimval,  
const SCOTCH Num ydimval)  
scotchfarchmesh2d (doubleprecision (*) archdat,  
The SCOTCH archMesh2D routine fills the SCOTCH Arch structure pointed to  
by archptr with the description of a 2D mesh architecture with xdimval ×  
ydimval processors.  
Return values  
SCOTCH archMesh2D returns 0 if the 2D mesh target architecture has been  
successfully built, and 1 else.  
7.4.12 SCOTCH archMesh3D  
int SCOTCH archMesh3D (SCOTCH Arch *  
const SCOTCH Num xdimval,  
const SCOTCH Num ydimval,  
const SCOTCH Num zdimval)  
scotchfarchmesh3d (doubleprecision (*) archdat,  
The SCOTCH archMesh3D routine fills the SCOTCH Arch structure pointed to  
by archptr with the description of a 3D mesh architecture with xdimval ×  
ydimval × zdimval processors.  
Return values  
SCOTCH archMesh3D returns 0 if the 3D mesh target architecture has been  
successfully built, and 1 else.  
7.4.13 SCOTCH archTleaf  
int SCOTCH archTleaf (SCOTCH Arch *  
const SCOTCH Num  
const SCOTCH Num * sizetab,  
const SCOTCH Num * linktab)  
scotchfarchtleaf (doubleprecision (*) archdat,  
integer*num (*)  
integer*num (*)  
The SCOTCH archTleaf routine fills the SCOTCH Arch structure pointed to by  
archptr with the description of a tree-shaped, hierarchical graph architecture  
with levlnbr1 sizetab[i] processors. Level 0 is the root of the tree. For  
each level i, with 0 i < levlnbr, sizetab[i] is the number of childs at level  
(i + 1) of each node at level i, and linktab[i] is the cost of communication  
between processors the first common ancestor of which belongs to this level.  
See Section 5.4.2, page 24, for an example of such an architecture.  
Return values  
SCOTCH archTleaf returns 0 if the tree-leaf target architecture has been suc-  
cessfully built, and 1 else.  
7.4.14 SCOTCH archTorus2D  
int SCOTCH archTorus2D (SCOTCH Arch *  
const SCOTCH Num xdimval,  
const SCOTCH Num ydimval)  
scotchfarchtorus2d (doubleprecision (*) archdat,  
The SCOTCH archTorus2D routine fills the SCOTCH Arch structure pointed to  
by archptr with the description of a 2D torus architecture with xdimval ×  
ydimval processors.  
Return values  
SCOTCH archTorus2D returns 0 if the 2D torus target architecture has been  
successfully built, and 1 else.  
7.4.15 SCOTCH archTorus3D  
int SCOTCH archTorus3D (SCOTCH Arch *  
const SCOTCH Num xdimval,  
const SCOTCH Num ydimval,  
const SCOTCH Num zdimval)  
scotchfarchtorus3d (doubleprecision (*) archdat,  
The SCOTCH archTorus3D routine fills the SCOTCH Arch structure pointed to  
by archptr with the description of a 3D torus architecture with xdimval ×  
ydimval × zdimval processors.  
Return values  
SCOTCH archTorus3D returns 0 if the 3D torus target architecture has been  
successfully built, and 1 else.  
7.5 Graph handling routines  
7.5.1 SCOTCH graphInit  
int SCOTCH graphInit (SCOTCH Graph * grafptr)  
scotchfgraphinit (doubleprecision (*) grafdat,  
The SCOTCH graphInit function initializes a SCOTCH Graph structure so as to  
make it suitable for future operations. It should be the first function to be  
called upon a SCOTCH Graph structure. When the graph data is no longer of  
use, call function SCOTCH graphExit to free its internal structures.  
Return values  
SCOTCH graphInit returns 0 if the graph structure has been successfully ini-  
tialized, and 1 else.  
7.5.2 SCOTCH graphExit  
void SCOTCH graphExit (SCOTCH Graph * grafptr)  
scotchfgraphexit (doubleprecision (*) grafdat)  
The SCOTCH graphExit function frees the contents of a SCOTCH Graph struc-  
ture previously initialized by SCOTCH graphInit. All subsequent calls to  
SCOTCH graph routines other than SCOTCH graphInit, using this structure  
as parameter, may yield unpredictable results.  
7.5.3 SCOTCH graphFree  
void SCOTCH graphFree (SCOTCH Graph * grafptr)  
scotchfgraphfree (doubleprecision (*) grafdat)  
The SCOTCH graphFree function frees the graph data of a SCOTCH Graph struc-  
ture previously initialized by SCOTCH graphInit, but preserves its internal  
data structures. This call is equivalent to a call to SCOTCH graphExit im-  
mediately followed by a call to SCOTCH graphInit. Consequently, the given  
SCOTCH Graph structure remains ready for subsequent calls to any routine of  
the libScotch library.  
7.5.4 SCOTCH graphLoad  
int SCOTCH graphLoad (SCOTCH Graph * grafptr,  
FILE *  
scotchfgraphload (doubleprecision (*) grafdat,  
The SCOTCH graphLoad routine fills the SCOTCH Graph structure pointed to  
by grafptr with the source graph description available from stream stream  
in the Scotch graph format (see section 5.1).  
To ease the handling of source graph files by programs written in C as well as  
in Fortran, the base value of the graph to read can be set to 0 or 1, by setting  
the baseval parameter to the proper value. A value of -1 indicates that the  
graph base should be the same as the one provided in the graph description  
that is read from stream.  
The flagval value is a combination of the following integer values, that may  
be added or bitwise-ored:  
Keep vertex and edge weights if they are present in the stream data.  
Remove vertex weights. The graph read will have all of its vertex weights  
set to one, regardless of what is specified in the stream data.  
Remove edge weights. The graph read will have all of its edge weights  
set to one, regardless of what is specified in the stream data.  
Fortran users must use the PXFFILENO or FNUM functions to obtain the number  
of the Unix file descriptor fildes associated with the logical unit of the graph  
Return values  
SCOTCH graphLoad returns 0 if the graph structure has been successfully al-  
located and filled with the data read, and 1 else.  
7.5.5 SCOTCH graphSave  
int SCOTCH graphSave (const SCOTCH Graph * grafptr,  
FILE * stream)  
scotchfgraphsave (doubleprecision (*) grafdat,  
The SCOTCH graphSave routine saves the contents of the SCOTCH Graph struc-  
ture pointed to by grafptr to stream stream, in the Scotch graph format  
(see section 5.1).  
Fortran users must use the PXFFILENO or FNUM functions to obtain the number  
of the Unix file descriptor fildes associated with the logical unit of the graph  
Return values  
SCOTCH graphSave returns 0 if the graph structure has been successfully writ-  
ten to stream, and 1 else.  
7.5.6 SCOTCH graphBuild  
int SCOTCH graphBuild (SCOTCH Graph *  
const SCOTCH Num  
const SCOTCH Num  
const SCOTCH Num * verttab,  
const SCOTCH Num * vendtab,  
const SCOTCH Num * velotab,  
const SCOTCH Num * vlbltab,  
const SCOTCH Num  
const SCOTCH Num * edgetab,  
const SCOTCH Num * edlotab)  
scotchfgraphbuild (doubleprecision (*) grafdat,  
integer*num (*)  
integer*num (*)  
integer*num (*)  
integer*num (*)  
integer*num (*)  
integer*num (*)  
The SCOTCH graphBuild routine fills the source graph structure pointed to  
by grafptr with all of the data that are passed to it.  
baseval is the graph base value for index arrays (typically 0 for structures  
built from C and 1 for structures built from Fortran). vertnbr is the number  
of vertices. verttab is the adjacency index array, of size (vertnbr + 1) if  
the edge array is compact (that is, if vendtab equals verttab + 1 or NULL),  
or of size vertnbr else. vendtab is the adjacency end index array, of size  
vertnbr if it is disjoint from verttab. velotab is the vertex load array, of  
size vertnbr if it exists. vlbltab is the vertex label array, of size vertnbr if  
it exists. edgenbr is the number of arcs (that is, twice the number of edges).  
edgetab is the adjacency array, of size at least edgenbr (it can be more if the  
edge array is not compact). edlotab is the arc load array, of size edgenbr if  
it exists.  
The vendtab, velotab, vlbltab and edlotab arrays are optional, and a NULL  
pointer can be passed as argument whenever they are not defined. Since, in  
Fortran, there is no null reference, passing the scotchfgraphbuild routine a  
reference equal to verttab in the velotab or vlbltab fields makes them be  
considered as missing arrays. The same holds for edlotab when it is passed a  
reference equal to edgetab. Setting vendtab to refer to one cell after verttab  
yields the same result, as it is the exact semantics of a compact vertex array.  
To limit memory consumption, SCOTCH graphBuild does not copy array data,  
but instead references them in the SCOTCH Graph structure. Therefore, great  
care should be taken not to modify the contents of the arrays passed to  
SCOTCH graphBuild as long as the graph structure is in use. Every update  
of the arrays should be preceded by a call to SCOTCH graphFree, to free in-  
ternal graph structures, and eventually followed by a new call to SCOTCH  
graphBuild to re-build these internal structures so as to be able to use the  
new graph.  
To ensure that inconsistencies in user data do not result in an erroneous behav-  
ior of the libScotch routines, it is recommended, at least in the development  
stage, to call the SCOTCH graphCheck routine on the newly created SCOTCH  
Graph structure before calling any other libScotch routine.  
Return values  
SCOTCH graphBuild returns 0 if the graph structure has been successfully set  
with all of the input data, and 1 else.  
7.5.7 SCOTCH graphBase  
int SCOTCH graphBase (SCOTCH Graph * grafptr,  
scotchfgraphbase (doubleprecision (*) grafdat,  
The SCOTCH graphBase routine sets the base of all graph indices according to  
the given base value, and returns the old base value. This routine is a helper  
for applications that do not handle base values properly.  
In Fortan, the old base value is returned in the third parameter of the function  
Return values  
SCOTCH graphBase returns the old base value.  
7.5.8 SCOTCH graphCheck  
int SCOTCH graphCheck (const SCOTCH Graph * grafptr)  
scotchfgraphcheck (doubleprecision (*) grafdat,  
The SCOTCH graphCheck routine checks the consistency of the given SCOTCH  
Graph structure. It can be used in client applications to determine if a graph  
that has been created from used-generated data by means of the SCOTCH  
graphBuild routine is consistent, prior to calling any other routines of the  
libScotch library.  
Return values  
SCOTCH graphCheck returns 0 if graph data are consistent, and 1 else.  
7.5.9 SCOTCH graphSize  
void SCOTCH graphSize (const SCOTCH Graph * grafptr,  
SCOTCH Num *  
SCOTCH Num *  
scotchfgraphsize (doubleprecision (*) grafdat,  
The SCOTCH graphSize routine fills the two areas of type SCOTCH Num pointed  
to by vertptr and edgeptr with the number of vertices and arcs (that is, twice  
the number of edges) of the given graph pointed to by grafptr, respectively.  
Any of these pointers can be set to NULL on input if the corresponding infor-  
mation is not needed. Else, the reference to a dummy area can be provided,  
where all unwanted data will be written.  
This routine is useful to get the size of a graph read by means of the SCOTCH  
graphLoad routine, in order to allocate auxiliary arrays of proper sizes. If the  
whole structure of the graph is wanted, function SCOTCH graphData should  
be preferred.  
7.5.10 SCOTCH graphData  
void SCOTCH graphData (const SCOTCH Graph * grafptr,  
SCOTCH Num *  
SCOTCH Num *  
SCOTCH Num **  
SCOTCH Num **  
SCOTCH Num **  
SCOTCH Num **  
SCOTCH Num *  
SCOTCH Num **  
SCOTCH Num **  
scotchfgraphdata (doubleprecision (*) grafdat,  
integer*num (*)  
The SCOTCH graphData routine is the dual of the SCOTCH graphBuild routine.  
It is a multiple accessor that returns scalar values and array references.  
baseptr is the pointer to a location that will hold the graph base value for  
index arrays (typically 0 for structures built from C and 1 for structures built  
from Fortran). vertptr is the pointer to a location that will hold the number  
of vertices. verttab is the pointer to a location that will hold the reference  
to the adjacency index array, of size *vertptr + 1 if the adjacency array  
is compact, or of size *vertptr else. vendtab is the pointer to a location  
that will hold the reference to the adjacency end index array, and is equal to  
verttab + 1 if the adjacency array is compact. velotab is the pointer to a  
location that will hold the reference to the vertex load array, of size *vertptr.  
vlbltab is the pointer to a location that will hold the reference to the vertex  
label array, of size vertnbr. edgeptr is the pointer to a location that will  
hold the number of arcs (that is, twice the number of edges). edgetab is the  
pointer to a location that will hold the reference to the adjacency array, of  
size at least *edgeptr. edlotab is the pointer to a location that will hold the  
reference to the arc load array, of size *edgeptr.  
Any of these pointers can be set to NULL on input if the corresponding infor-  
mation is not needed. Else, the reference to a dummy area can be provided,  
where all unwanted data will be written.  
Since there are no pointers in Fortran, a specific mechanism is used to allow  
users to access graph arrays. The scotchfgraphdata routine is passed an  
integer array, the first element of which is used as a base address from which all  
other array indices are computed. Therefore, instead of returning references,  
the routine returns integers, which represent the starting index of each of the  
relevant arrays with respect to the base input array, or vertidx, the index  
of verttab, if they do not exist. For instance, if some base array myarray  
(1) is passed as parameter indxtab, then the first cell of array verttab  
will be accessible as myarray(vertidx). In order for this feature to behave  
properly, the indxtab array must be word-aligned with the graph arrays.  
This is automatically enforced on most systems, but some care should be  
taken on systems that allow one to access data that is not word-aligned. On  
such systems, declaring the array after a dummy doubleprecision array  
can coerce the compiler into enforcing the proper alignment. Also, on 32 64  
architectures, such indices can be larger than the size of a regular INTEGER.  
This is why the indices to be returned are defined by means of a specific  
integer type. See Section 7.1.4 for more information on this issue.  
7.5.11 SCOTCH graphStat  
void SCOTCH graphStat (const SCOTCH Graph * grafptr,  
SCOTCH Num *  
SCOTCH Num *  
SCOTCH Num *  
double *  
double *  
SCOTCH Num *  
SCOTCH Num *  
double *  
double *  
SCOTCH Num *  
SCOTCH Num *  
SCOTCH Num *  
double *  
double *  
scotchfgraphstat (doubleprecision (*) grafdat,  
The SCOTCH graphStat routine produces some statistics regarding the graph  
structure pointed to by grafptr. velomin, velomax, velosum, veloavg and  
velodlt are the minimum vertex load, the maximum vertex load, the sum of  
all vertex loads, the average vertex load, and the variance of the vertex loads,  
respectively. degrmin, degrmax, degravg and degrdlt are the minimum ver-  
tex degree, the maximum vertex degree, the average vertex degree, and the  
variance of the vertex degrees, respectively. edlomin, edlomax, edlosum,  
edloavg and edlodlt are the minimum edge load, the maximum edge load,  
the sum of all edge loads, the average edge load, and the variance of the edge  
loads, respectively.  
7.6 Graph mapping and partitioning routines  
The first two routines provide high-level functionalities and free the user from the  
burden of calling in sequence several of the low-level routines described afterward.  
7.6.1 SCOTCH graphPart  
int SCOTCH graphPart (const SCOTCH Graph * grafptr,  
const SCOTCH Num  
const SCOTCH Strat * straptr,  
SCOTCH Num * parttab)  
scotchfgraphpart (doubleprecision (*) grafdat,  
integer*num partnbr,  
doubleprecision (*) stradat,  
integer*num (*)  
The SCOTCH graphPart routine computes a partition into partnbr parts of the  
source graph structure pointed to by grafptr, using the graph partitioning  
strategy pointed to by stratptr, and returns the partition data in the array  
pointed to by parttab.  
The parttab array should have been previously allocated, of a size sufficient  
to hold as many SCOTCH Num integers as there are vertices in the source graph.  
On return, every array cell holds the number of the part to which the corre-  
sponding vertex is mapped. Parts are numbered from 0 to partnbr 1.  
Return values  
SCOTCH graphPart returns 0 if the partition of the graph has been successfully  
computed, and 1 else. In this latter case, the parttab array may however have  
been partially or completely filled, but its content is not significant.  
7.6.2 SCOTCH graphMap  
int SCOTCH graphMap (const SCOTCH Graph * grafptr,  
const SCOTCH Arch *  
const SCOTCH Strat * straptr,  
SCOTCH Num * parttab)  
scotchfgraphmap (doubleprecision (*) grafdat,  
doubleprecision (*) archdat,  
doubleprecision (*) stradat,  
integer*num (*)  
The SCOTCH graphMap routine computes a mapping of the source graph  
structure pointed to by grafptr onto the target architecture pointed to by  
archptr, using the mapping strategy pointed to by straptr, and returns the  
mapping data in the array pointed to by parttab.  
The parttab array should have been previously allocated, of a size sufficient  
to hold as many SCOTCH Num integers as there are vertices in the source graph.  
On return, every cell of the mapping array holds the number of the target  
vertex to which the corresponding source vertex is mapped. The numbering  
of target values is not based: target vertices are numbered from 0 to the  
number of target vertices minus 1.  
Return values  
SCOTCH graphMap returns 0 if the partition of the graph has been successfully  
computed, and 1 else. In this last case, the parttab array may however have  
been partially or completely filled, but its content is not significant.  
7.6.3 SCOTCH graphMapInit  
int SCOTCH graphMapInit (const SCOTCH Graph * grafptr,  
SCOTCH Mapping *  
const SCOTCH Arch *  
SCOTCH Num *  
scotchfgraphmapinit (doubleprecision (*) grafdat,  
doubleprecision (*) mappdat,  
doubleprecision (*) archdat,  
integer*num (*)  
The SCOTCH graphMapInit routine fills the mapping structure pointed to by  
mappptr with all of the data that is passed to it. Thus, all subsequent calls  
to ordering routines such as SCOTCH graphMapCompute, using this mapping  
structure as parameter, will place mapping results in field parttab.  
parttab is the pointer to an array of as many SCOTCH Nums as there are vertices  
in the graph pointed to by grafptr, and which will receive the indices of the  
vertices of the target architecture pointed to by archptr.  
It should be the first function to be called upon a SCOTCH Mapping structure.  
When the mapping structure is no longer of use, call function SCOTCH graph  
MapExit to free its internal structures.  
Return values  
SCOTCH graphMapInit returns 0 if the mapping structure has been success-  
fully initialized, and 1 else.  
7.6.4 SCOTCH graphMapExit  
void SCOTCH graphMapExit (const SCOTCH Graph * grafptr,  
SCOTCH Mapping *  
scotchfgraphmapexit (doubleprecision (*) grafdat,  
doubleprecision (*) mappdat)  
The SCOTCH graphMapExit function frees the contents of a SCOTCH Mapping  
structure previously initialized by SCOTCH graphMapInit. All subsequent calls  
to SCOTCH graphMap* routines other than SCOTCH graphMapInit, using this  
structure as parameter, may yield unpredictable results.  
7.6.5 SCOTCH graphMapLoad  
int SCOTCH graphMapLoad (const SCOTCH Graph * grafptr,  
SCOTCH Mapping *  
FILE *  
scotchfgraphmapload (doubleprecision (*) grafdat,  
doubleprecision (*) mappdat,  
The SCOTCH graphMapLoad routine fills the SCOTCH Mapping structure pointed  
to by mappptr with the mapping data available in the Scotch mapping for-  
mat (see section 5.5) from stream stream.  
Fortran users must use the PXFFILENO or FNUM functions to obtain the num-  
ber of the Unix file descriptor fildes associated with the logical unit of the  
mapping file.  
Return values  
SCOTCH graphMapLoad returns 0 if the mapping structure has been success-  
fully loaded from stream, and 1 else.  
7.6.6 SCOTCH graphMapSave  
int SCOTCH graphMapSave (const SCOTCH Graph *  
const SCOTCH Mapping * mappptr,  
FILE * stream)  
scotchfgraphmapsave (doubleprecision (*) grafdat,  
doubleprecision (*) mappdat,  
The SCOTCH graphMapSave routine saves the contents of the SCOTCH Mapping  
structure pointed to by mappptr to stream stream, in the Scotch mapping  
format (see section 5.5).  
Fortran users must use the PXFFILENO or FNUM functions to obtain the num-  
ber of the Unix file descriptor fildes associated with the logical unit of the  
mapping file.  
Return values  
SCOTCH graphMapSave returns 0 if the mapping structure has been success-  
fully written to stream, and 1 else.  
7.6.7 SCOTCH graphMapCompute  
int SCOTCH graphMapCompute (const SCOTCH Graph * grafptr,  
SCOTCH Mapping *  
const SCOTCH Strat * straptr)  
scotchfgraphmapcompute (doubleprecision (*) grafdat,  
doubleprecision (*) mappdat,  
doubleprecision (*) stradat,  
The SCOTCH graphMapCompute routine computes a mapping on the given  
SCOTCH Mapping structure pointed to by mappptr using the mapping strategy  
pointed to by stratptr.  
On return, every cell of the mapping array (see section 7.6.3) holds the number  
of the target vertex to which the corresponding source vertex is mapped. The  
numbering of target values is not based: target vertices are numbered from 0  
to the number of target vertices, minus 1.  
Return values  
SCOTCH graphMapCompute returns 0 if the mapping has been successfully com-  
puted, and 1 else. In this latter case, the mapping array may however have  
been partially or completely filled, but its content is not significant.  
7.6.8 SCOTCH graphMapView  
int SCOTCH graphMapView (const SCOTCH Graph *  
const SCOTCH Mapping * mappptr,  
FILE * stream)  
scotchfgraphmapview (doubleprecision (*) grafdat,  
doubleprecision (*) mappdat,  
The SCOTCH mapView routine summarizes statistical information on the map-  
ping pointed to by mappptr (load of target processors, number of neighboring  
domains, average dilation and expansion, edge cut size, distribution of edge  
dilations), and prints these results to stream stream.  
Fortran users must use the PXFFILENO or FNUM functions to obtain the number  
of the Unix file descriptor fildes associated with the logical unit of the output  
data file.  
Return values  
SCOTCH mapView returns 0 if the data has been successfully written to stream,  
and 1 else.  
7.7 Graph ordering routines  
The first routine provides high-level functionality and frees the user from the burden  
of calling in sequence several of the low-level routines described afterward.  
7.7.1 SCOTCH graphOrder  
int SCOTCH graphOrder (const SCOTCH Graph * grafptr,  
const SCOTCH Strat * straptr,  
SCOTCH Num *  
SCOTCH Num *  
SCOTCH Num *  
SCOTCH Num *  
SCOTCH Num *  
scotchfgraphorder (doubleprecision (*) grafdat,  
doubleprecision (*) stradat,  
integer*num (*)  
integer*num (*)  
integer*num (*)  
integer*num (*)  
The SCOTCH graphOrder routine computes a block ordering of the unknowns  
of the symmetric sparse matrix the adjacency structure of which is represented  
by the source graph structure pointed to by grafptr, using the ordering  
strategy pointed to by stratptr, and returns ordering data in the scalar  
pointed to by cblkptr and the four arrays permtab, peritab, rangtab and  
The permtab, peritab, rangtab and treetab arrays should have been pre-  
viously allocated, of a size sufficient to hold as many SCOTCH Num integers as  
there are vertices in the source graph, plus one in the case of rangtab. Any  
of the five output fields can be set to NULL if the corresponding information is  
not needed. Since, in Fortran, there is no null reference, passing a reference  
to grafptr in these fields will have the same effect.  
On return, permtab holds the direct permutation of the unknowns, that is,  
vertex i of the original graph has index permtab[i] in the reordered graph,  
while peritab holds the inverse permutation, that is, vertex i in the reordered  
graph had index peritab[i] in the original graph. All of these indices are  
numbered according to the base value of the source graph: permutation indices  
are numbered from baseval to vertnbr + baseval 1, that is, from 0 to  
vertnbr 1 if the graph base is 0, and from 1 to vertnbr if the graph base  
is 1.  
The three other result fields, *cblkptr, rangtab and treetab, contain data  
related to the block structure. *cblkptr holds the number of column blocks  
of the produced ordering, and rangtab holds the starting indices of each of the  
permuted column blocks, in increasing order, so that column block i starts at  
index rangtab[i] and ends at index (rangtab[i+1]1), inclusive, in the new  
ordering. treetab holds the separators tree structure, that is, treetab[i] is  
the index of the father of column block i in the separators tree, or 1 if column  
block i is the root of the separators tree. Please refer to Section 7.2.5 for more  
Return values  
SCOTCH graphOrder returns 0 if the ordering of the graph has been successfully  
computed, and 1 else. In this last case, the rangtab, permtab, and peritab  
arrays may however have been partially or completely filled, but their contents  
are not significant.  
7.7.2 SCOTCH graphOrderInit  
int SCOTCH graphOrderInit (const SCOTCH Graph * grafptr,  
SCOTCH Ordering *  
SCOTCH Num *  
SCOTCH Num *  
SCOTCH Num *  
SCOTCH Num *  
SCOTCH Num *  
scotchfgraphorderinit (doubleprecision (*) grafdat,  
doubleprecision (*) ordedat,  
integer*num (*)  
integer*num (*)  
integer*num (*)  
integer*num (*)  
The SCOTCH graphOrderInit routine fills the ordering structure pointed to by  
ordeptr with all of the data that are passed to it. Thus, all subsequent calls  
to ordering routines such as SCOTCH graphOrderCompute, using this ordering  
structure as parameter, will place ordering results in fields permtab, peritab,  
*cblkptr, rangtab or treetab, if they are not set to NULL.  
permtab is the ordering permutation array, of size vertnbr, peritab is the  
inverse ordering permutation array, of size vertnbr, cblkptr is the pointer  
to a SCOTCH Num that will receive the number of produced column blocks,  
rangtab is the array that holds the column block span information, of size  
vertnbr+ 1, and treetab is the array holding the structure of the separators  
tree, of size vertnbr. See the above manual page of SCOTCH graphOrder, as  
well as section 7.2.5, for an explanation of the semantics of all of these fields.  
The SCOTCH graphOrderInit routine should be the first function to be called  
upon a SCOTCH Ordering structure for ordering graphs. When the ordering  
structure is no longer of use, the SCOTCH graphOrderExit function must be  
called, in order to to free its internal structures.  
Return values  
SCOTCH graphOrderInit returns 0 if the ordering structure has been success-  
fully initialized, and 1 else.  
7.7.3 SCOTCH graphOrderExit  
void SCOTCH graphOrderExit (const SCOTCH Graph * grafptr,  
SCOTCH Ordering *  
scotchfgraphorderexit (doubleprecision (*) grafdat,  
doubleprecision (*) ordedat)  
The SCOTCH graphOrderExit function frees the contents of a SCOTCH  
Ordering structure previously initialized by SCOTCH graphOrderInit. All  
subsequent calls to SCOTCH graphOrder* routines other than SCOTCH graph  
OrderInit, using this structure as parameter, may yield unpredictable results.  
7.7.4 SCOTCH graphOrderLoad  
int SCOTCH graphOrderLoad (const SCOTCH Graph * grafptr,  
SCOTCH Ordering *  
FILE *  
scotchfgraphorderload (doubleprecision (*) grafdat,  
doubleprecision (*) ordedat,  
The SCOTCH graphOrderLoad routine fills the SCOTCH Ordering structure  
pointed to by ordeptr with the ordering data available in the Scotch order-  
ing format (see section 5.6) from stream stream.  
Fortran users must use the PXFFILENO or FNUM functions to obtain the num-  
ber of the Unix file descriptor fildes associated with the logical unit of the  
ordering file.  
Return values  
SCOTCH graphOrderLoad returns 0 if the ordering structure has been success-  
fully loaded from stream, and 1 else.  
7.7.5 SCOTCH graphOrderSave  
int SCOTCH graphOrderSave (const SCOTCH Graph *  
const SCOTCH Ordering * ordeptr,  
FILE * stream)  
scotchfgraphordersave (doubleprecision (*) grafdat,  
doubleprecision (*) ordedat,  
The SCOTCH graphOrderSave routine saves the contents of the SCOTCH  
Ordering structure pointed to by ordeptr to stream stream, in the Scotch  
ordering format (see section 5.6).  
Fortran users must use the PXFFILENO or FNUM functions to obtain the num-  
ber of the Unix file descriptor fildes associated with the logical unit of the  
ordering file.  
Return values  
SCOTCH graphOrderSave returns 0 if the ordering structure has been success-  
fully written to stream, and 1 else.  
7.7.6 SCOTCH graphOrderSaveMap  
int SCOTCH graphOrderSaveMap (const SCOTCH Graph *  
const SCOTCH Ordering * ordeptr,  
FILE * stream)  
scotchfgraphordersavemap (doubleprecision (*) grafdat,  
doubleprecision (*) ordedat,  
The SCOTCH graphOrderSaveMap routine saves the block partitioning data as-  
sociated with the SCOTCH Ordering structure pointed to by ordeptr to stream  
stream, in the Scotch mapping format (see section 5.5). A target domain  
number is associated with every block, such that all node vertices belonging  
to the same block are shown as belonging to the same target vertex. The  
resulting mapping file can be used by the gout program (see Section 6.3.12)  
to produce pictures showing the different separators and blocks.  
Fortran users must use the PXFFILENO or FNUM functions to obtain the num-  
ber of the Unix file descriptor fildes associated with the logical unit of the  
mapping file.  
Return values  
SCOTCH graphOrderSaveMap returns 0 if the ordering structure has been suc-  
cessfully written to stream, and 1 else.  
7.7.7 SCOTCH graphOrderSaveTree  
int SCOTCH graphOrderSaveTree (const SCOTCH Graph *  
const SCOTCH Ordering * ordeptr,  
FILE * stream)  
scotchfgraphordersavetree (doubleprecision (*) grafdat,  
doubleprecision (*) ordedat,  
The SCOTCH graphOrderSaveTree routine saves the tree hierarchy informa-  
tion associated with the SCOTCH Ordering structure pointed to by ordeptr  
to stream stream.  
The format of the tree output file resembles the one of a mapping or ordering  
file: it is made up of as many lines as there are vertices in the ordering. Each  
of these lines holds two integer numbers. The first one is the index or the  
label of the vertex, and the second one is the index of its parent node in the  
separators tree, or 1 if the vertex belongs to a root node.  
Fortran users must use the PXFFILENO or FNUM functions to obtain the number  
of the Unix file descriptor fildes associated with the logical unit of the tree  
mapping file.  
Return values  
SCOTCH graphOrderSaveTree returns 0 if the separators tree structure has  
been successfully written to stream, and 1 else.  
7.7.8 SCOTCH graphOrderCheck  
int SCOTCH graphOrderCheck (const SCOTCH Graph *  
const SCOTCH Ordering * ordeptr)  
scotchfgraphordercheck (doubleprecision (*) grafdat,  
doubleprecision (*) ordedat,  
The SCOTCH graphOrderCheck routine checks the consistency of the given  
SCOTCH Ordering structure pointed to by ordeptr.  
Return values  
SCOTCH graphOrderCheck returns 0 if ordering data are consistent, and 1 else.  
7.7.9 SCOTCH graphOrderCompute  
int SCOTCH graphOrderCompute (const SCOTCH Graph * grafptr,  
SCOTCH Ordering *  
const SCOTCH Strat * straptr)  
scotchfgraphordercompute (doubleprecision (*) grafdat,  
doubleprecision (*) ordedat,  
doubleprecision (*) stradat,  
The SCOTCH graphOrderCompute routine computes a block ordering of the  
graph structure pointed to by grafptr, using the ordering strategy pointed  
to by stratptr, and stores its result in the ordering structure pointed to by  
On return, the ordering structure holds a block ordering of the given graph  
(see section 7.7.2 for a description of the ordering fields).  
Return values  
SCOTCH graphOrderCompute returns 0 if the ordering has been successfully  
computed, and 1 else. In this latter case, the ordering arrays may however  
have been partially or completely filled, but their contents are not significant.  
7.7.10 SCOTCH graphOrderComputeList  
int SCOTCH graphOrderComputeList (const SCOTCH Graph * grafptr,  
SCOTCH Ordering *  
SCOTCH Num *  
const SCOTCH Strat * straptr)  
scotchfgraphordercompute (doubleprecision (*) grafdat,  
doubleprecision (*) ordedat,  
integer*num (*)  
doubleprecision (*) stradat,  
The SCOTCH graphOrderComputeList routine computes a block ordering of a  
subgraph of the graph structure pointed to by grafptr, using the ordering  
strategy pointed to by stratptr, and stores its result in the ordering structure  
pointed to by ordeptr. The induced subgraph is described by means of a  
vertex list: listnbr holds the number of vertices to keep in the induced  
subgraph, the indices of which are given, in any order, in the listtab array.  
On return, the ordering structure holds a block ordering of the induced sub-  
graph (see section 7.2.5 for a description of the ordering fields). To com-  
pute this ordering, graph ordering methods such as the minimum degree and  
minimum fill methods will base on the original degree of the induced graph  
vertices, their non-induced neighbors being considered as halo vertices (see  
Section 3.2.3 for more information on halo vertices).  
Because an ordering always refers to the full graph, the ordering com-  
puted by SCOTCH graphOrderComputeList is divided into two distinct parts:  
the induced graph vertices are ordered by applying to the induced graph  
the strategy provided by the stratptr parameter, while non-induced ver-  
tex are ordered consecutively with the highest available indices. Conse-  
quently, the permuted indices of induced vertices range from baseval to  
(listnbr + baseval 1), while the permuted indices of the remaining ver-  
tices range from (listnbr + baseval) to (vertnbr + baseval 1), inclusive.  
The separation tree yielded by SCOTCH graphOrderComputeList reflects this  
property: it is made of two branches, the first one corresponding to the in-  
duced subgraph, and the second one to the remaining vertices. Since these  
two subgraphs are not considered to be connected, both will have their own  
root, represented by a 1 value in the treetab array of the ordering.  
Return values  
SCOTCH graphOrderComputeList returns 0 if the ordering has been success-  
fully computed, and 1 else. In this latter case, the ordering arrays may however  
have been partially or completely filled, but their contents are not significant.  
7.8 Mesh handling routines  
7.8.1 SCOTCH meshInit  
int SCOTCH meshInit (SCOTCH Mesh * meshptr)  
scotchfmeshinit (doubleprecision (*) meshdat,  
The SCOTCH meshInit function initializes a SCOTCH Mesh structure so as to  
make it suitable for future operations. It should be the first function to be  
called upon a SCOTCH Mesh structure. When the mesh data is no longer of  
use, call function SCOTCH meshExit to free its internal structures.  
Return values  
SCOTCH meshInit returns 0 if the mesh structure has been successfully ini-  
tialized, and 1 else.  
7.8.2 SCOTCH meshExit  
void SCOTCH meshExit (SCOTCH Mesh * meshptr)  
scotchfmeshexit (doubleprecision (*) meshdat)  
The SCOTCH meshExit function frees the contents of a SCOTCH Mesh structure  
previously initialized by SCOTCH meshInit. All subsequent calls to SCOTCH  
mesh* routines other than SCOTCH meshInit, using this structure as parame-  
ter, may yield unpredictable results.  
7.8.3 SCOTCH meshLoad  
int SCOTCH meshLoad (SCOTCH Mesh * meshptr,  
FILE *  
scotchfmeshload (doubleprecision (*) meshdat,  
The SCOTCH meshLoad routine fills the SCOTCH Mesh structure pointed to by  
meshptr with the source mesh description available from stream stream in  
the Scotch mesh format (see section 5.2).  
To ease the handling of source mesh files by programs written in C as well as  
in Fortran, The base value of the mesh to read can be set to 0 or 1, by setting  
the baseval parameter to the proper value. A value of -1 indicates that the  
mesh base should be the same as the one provided in the mesh description  
that is read from stream.  
Fortran users must use the PXFFILENO or FNUM functions to obtain the number  
of the Unix file descriptor fildes associated with the logical unit of the mesh  
Return values  
SCOTCH meshLoad returns 0 if the mesh structure has been successfully allo-  
cated and filled with the data read, and 1 else.  
7.8.4 SCOTCH meshSave  
int SCOTCH meshSave (const SCOTCH Mesh * meshptr,  
FILE * stream)  
scotchfmeshsave (doubleprecision (*) meshdat,  
The SCOTCH meshSave routine saves the contents of the SCOTCH Mesh structure  
pointed to by meshptr to stream stream, in the Scotch mesh format (see  
section 5.2).  
Fortran users must use the PXFFILENO or FNUM functions to obtain the number  
of the Unix file descriptor fildes associated with the logical unit of the mesh  
Return values  
SCOTCH meshSave returns 0 if the mesh structure has been successfully written  
to stream, and 1 else.  
7.8.5 SCOTCH meshBuild  
int SCOTCH meshBuild (SCOTCH Mesh *  
const SCOTCH Num  
const SCOTCH Num  
const SCOTCH Num  
const SCOTCH Num  
const SCOTCH Num * verttab,  
const SCOTCH Num * vendtab,  
const SCOTCH Num * velotab,  
const SCOTCH Num * vnlotab,  
const SCOTCH Num * vlbltab,  
const SCOTCH Num  
const SCOTCH Num * edgetab)  
scotchfmeshbuild (doubleprecision (*) meshdat,  
integer*num (*)  
integer*num (*)  
integer*num (*)  
integer*num (*)  
integer*num (*)  
integer*num (*)  
The SCOTCH meshBuild routine fills the source mesh structure pointed to by  
meshptr with all of the data that is passed to it.  
velmbas and vnodbas are the base values for the element and node ver-  
tices, respectively. velmnbr and vnodnbr are the number of element and  
node vertices, respectively, such that either velmbas+ velmnbr = vnodnbr or  
vnodbas+vnodnbr = velmnbr holds, and typically min(velmbas, vnodbas) is  
0 for structures built from C and 1 for structures built from Fortran. verttab  
is the adjacency index array, of size (velmnbr + vnodnbr + 1) if the edge ar-  
ray is compact (that is, if vendtab equals vendtab + 1 or NULL), or of size  
(velmnbr + vnodnbr1) else. vendtab is the adjacency end index array, of size  
(velmnbr + vnodnbr) if it is disjoint from verttab. velotab is the element  
vertex load array, of size velmnbr if it exists. vnlotab is the node vertex load  
array, of size vnodnbr if it exists. vlbltab is the vertex label array, of size  
(velmnbr+vnodnbr) if it exists. edgenbr is the number of arcs (that is, twice  
the number of edges). edgetab is the adjacency array, of size at least edgenbr  
(it can be more if the edge array is not compact).  
The vendtab, velotab, vnlotab and vlbltab arrays are optional, and a NULL  
pointer can be passed as argument whenever they are not defined. Since, in  
Fortran, there is no null reference, passing the scotchfmeshbuild routine a  
reference equal to verttab in the velotab, vnlotab or vlbltab fields makes  
them be considered as missing arrays. Setting vendtab to refer to one cell  
after verttab yields the same result, as it is the exact semantics of a compact  
vertex array.  
To limit memory consumption, SCOTCH meshBuild does not copy array data,  
but instead references them in the SCOTCH Mesh structure. Therefore, great  
care should be taken not to modify the contents of the arrays passed to  
SCOTCH meshBuild as long as the mesh structure is in use. Every update  
of the arrays should be preceded by a call to SCOTCH meshExit, to free in-  
ternal mesh structures, and eventually followed by a new call to SCOTCH  
meshBuild to re-build these internal structures so as to be able to use the  
new mesh.  
To ensure that inconsistencies in user data do not result in an erroneous behav-  
ior of the libScotch routines, it is recommended, at least in the development  
stage, to call the SCOTCH meshCheck routine on the newly created SCOTCH  
Mesh structure, prior to any other calls to libScotch routines.  
Return values  
SCOTCH meshBuild returns 0 if the mesh structure has been successfully set  
with all of the input data, and 1 else.  
7.8.6 SCOTCH meshCheck  
int SCOTCH meshCheck (const SCOTCH Mesh * meshptr)  
scotchfmeshcheck (doubleprecision (*) meshdat,  
The SCOTCH meshCheck routine checks the consistency of the given SCOTCH  
Mesh structure. It can be used in client applications to determine if a mesh  
that has been created from used-generated data by means of the SCOTCH  
meshBuild routine is consistent, prior to calling any other routines of the  
libScotch library.  
Return values  
SCOTCH meshCheck returns 0 if mesh data are consistent, and 1 else.  
7.8.7 SCOTCH meshSize  
void SCOTCH meshSize (const SCOTCH Mesh * meshptr,  
SCOTCH Num *  
SCOTCH Num *  
SCOTCH Num *  
scotchfmeshsize (doubleprecision (*) meshdat,  
The SCOTCH meshSize routine fills the three areas of type SCOTCH Num pointed  
to by velmptr, vnodptr and edgeptr with the number of element vertices,  
node vertices and arcs (that is, twice the number of edges) of the given mesh  
pointed to by meshptr, respectively.  
Any of these pointers can be set to NULL on input if the corresponding infor-  
mation is not needed. Else, the reference to a dummy area can be provided,  
where all unwanted data will be written.  
This routine is useful to get the size of a mesh read by means of the SCOTCH  
meshLoad routine, in order to allocate auxiliary arrays of proper sizes. If the  
whole structure of the mesh is wanted, function SCOTCH meshData should be  
7.8.8 SCOTCH meshData  
void SCOTCH meshData (const SCOTCH Mesh * meshptr,  
SCOTCH Num *  
SCOTCH Num *  
SCOTCH Num *  
SCOTCH Num *  
SCOTCH Num **  
SCOTCH Num **  
SCOTCH Num **  
SCOTCH Num **  
SCOTCH Num **  
SCOTCH Num *  
SCOTCH Num **  
SCOTCH Num *  
scotchfmeshdata (doubleprecision (*) meshdat,  
integer*num (*)  
The SCOTCH meshData routine is the dual of the SCOTCH meshBuild routine.  
It is a multiple accessor that returns scalar values and array references.  
vebaptr and vnbaptr are pointers to locations that will hold the mesh base  
value for elements and nodes, respectively (the minimum of these two val-  
ues is typically 0 for structures built from C and 1 for structures built from  
Fortran). velmptr and vnodptr are pointers to locations that will hold the  
number of element and node vertices, respectively. verttab is the pointer  
to a location that will hold the reference to the adjacency index array, of  
size (*velmptr + *vnodptr + 1) if the adjacency array is compact, or of size  
(*velmptr+*vnodptr) else. vendtab is the pointer to a location that will hold  
the reference to the adjacency end index array, and is equal to verttab + 1  
if the adjacency array is compact. velotab and vnlotab are pointers to  
locations that will hold the reference to the element and node vertex load  
arrays, of sizes *velmptr and *vnodptr, respectively. vlbltab is the pointer  
to a location that will hold the reference to the vertex label array, of size  
(*velmptr + *vnodptr). edgeptr is the pointer to a location that will hold  
the number of arcs (that is, twice the number of edges). edgetab is the pointer  
to a location that will hold the reference to the adjacency array, of size at least  
edgenbr. degrptr is the pointer to a location that will hold the maximum  
vertex degree computed across all element and node vertices.  
Any of these pointers can be set to NULL on input if the corresponding infor-  
mation is not needed. Else, the reference to a dummy area can be provided,  
where all unwanted data will be written.  
Since there are no pointers in Fortran, a specific mechanism is used to allow  
users to access mesh arrays. The scotchfmeshdata routine is passed an inte-  
ger array, the first element of which is used as a base address from which all  
other array indices are computed. Therefore, instead of returning references,  
the routine returns integers, which represent the starting index of each of the  
relevant arrays with respect to the base input array, or vertidx, the index  
of verttab, if they do not exist. For instance, if some base array myarray  
(1) is passed as parameter indxtab, then the first cell of array verttab will  
be accessible as myarray(vertidx). In order for this feature to behave prop-  
erly, the indxtab array must be word-aligned with the mesh arrays. This is  
automatically enforced on most systems, but some care should be taken on  
systems that allow one to access data that is not word-aligned. On such sys-  
tems, declaring the array after a dummy doubleprecision array can coerce  
the compiler into enforcing the proper alignment. Also, on 32 64 architec-  
tures, such indices can be larger than the size of a regular INTEGER. This is  
why the indices to be returned are defined by means of a specific integer type.  
See Section 7.1.4 for more information on this issue.  
7.8.9 SCOTCH meshStat  
void SCOTCH meshStat (const SCOTCH Mesh * meshptr,  
SCOTCH Num *  
SCOTCH Num *  
SCOTCH Num *  
double *  
double *  
SCOTCH Num *  
SCOTCH Num *  
double *  
double *  
SCOTCH Num *  
SCOTCH Num *  
double *  
double *  
scotchfmeshstat (doubleprecision (*) meshdat,  
The SCOTCH meshStat routine produces some statistics regarding the mesh  
structure pointed to by meshptr. vnlomin, vnlomax, vnlosum, vnloavg and  
vnlodlt are the minimum node vertex load, the maximum node vertex load,  
the sum of all node vertex loads, the average node vertex load, and the vari-  
ance of the node vertex loads, respectively. edegmin, edegmax, edegavg and  
edegdlt are the minimum element vertex degree, the maximum element ver-  
tex degree, the average element vertex degree, and the variance of the element  
vertex degrees, respectively. ndegmin, ndegmax, ndegavg and ndegdlt are the  
minimum element vertex degree, the maximum element vertex degree, the av-  
erage element vertex degree, and the variance of the element vertex degrees,  
7.8.10 SCOTCH meshGraph  
int SCOTCH meshGraph (const SCOTCH Mesh * meshptr,  
SCOTCH Graph *  
scotchfmeshgraph (doubleprecision (*) meshdat,  
doubleprecision (*) grafdat,  
The SCOTCH meshGraph routine builds a graph from a mesh. It creates in the  
SCOTCH Graph structure pointed to by grafptr a graph having as many ver-  
tices as there are nodes in the SCOTCH Mesh structure pointed to by meshptr,  
and where there is an edge between any two graph vertices if and only if  
there exists in the mesh an element containing both of the associated nodes.  
Consequently, all of the elements of the mesh are turned into cliques in the  
resulting graph.  
In order to save memory space as well as computation time, in the current  
implementation of SCOTCH meshGraph, some mesh arrays are shared with the  
graph structure. Therefore, one should make sure that the graph must no  
longer be used after the mesh structure is freed. The graph structure can be  
freed before or after the mesh structure, but must not be used after the mesh  
structure is freed.  
Return values  
SCOTCH meshGraph returns 0 if the graph structure has been successfully al-  
located and filled, and 1 else.  
7.9 Mesh ordering routines  
The first routine provides high-level functionality and frees the user from the burden  
of calling in sequence several of the low-level routines described afterward.  
7.9.1 SCOTCH meshOrder  
int SCOTCH meshOrder (const SCOTCH Mesh *  
const SCOTCH Strat * straptr,  
SCOTCH Num *  
SCOTCH Num *  
SCOTCH Num *  
SCOTCH Num *  
SCOTCH Num *  
scotchfmeshorder (doubleprecision (*) meshdat,  
doubleprecision (*) stradat,  
integer*num (*)  
integer*num (*)  
integer*num (*)  
integer*num (*)  
The SCOTCH meshOrder routine computes a block ordering of the unknowns of  
the symmetric sparse matrix the adjacency structure of which is represented  
by the elements that connect the nodes of the source mesh structure pointed to  
by meshptr, using the ordering strategy pointed to by stratptr, and returns  
ordering data in the scalar pointed to by cblkptr and the four arrays permtab,  
peritab, rangtab and treetab.  
The permtab, peritab, rangtab and treetab arrays should have been pre-  
viously allocated, of a size sufficient to hold as many SCOTCH Num integers as  
there are node vertices in the source mesh, plus one in the case of rangtab.  
Any of the five output fields can be set to NULL if the corresponding infor-  
mation is not needed. Since, in Fortran, there is no null reference, passing a  
reference to meshptr in these fields will have the same effect.  
On return, permtab holds the direct permutation of the unknowns, that is,  
node vertex i of the original mesh has index permtab[i] in the reordered  
mesh, while peritab holds the inverse permutation, that is, node vertex i  
in the reordered mesh had index peritab[i] in the original mesh. All of  
these indices are numbered according to the base value of the source mesh:  
permutation indices are numbered from min(velmbas, vnodbas) to vnodnbr+  
min(velmbas, vnodbas) 1, that is, from 0 to vnodnbr 1 if the mesh base  
is 0, and from 1 to vnodnbr if the mesh base is 1. The base value for mesh  
orderings is taken as min(velmbas, vnodbas), and not just as vnodbas, such  
that orderings that are computed on some mesh have exactly the same index  
range as orderings that would be computed on the graph obtained from the  
original mesh by means of the SCOTCH meshGraph routine.  
The three other result fields, *cblkptr, rangtab and treetab, contain data  
related to the block structure. *cblkptr holds the number of column blocks  
of the produced ordering, and rangtab holds the starting indices of each of the  
permuted column blocks, in increasing order, so that column block i starts at  
index rangtab[i] and ends at index (rangtab[i+1]1), inclusive, in the new  
ordering. treetab holds the separators tree structure, that is, treetab[i] is  
the index of the father of column block i in the separators tree, or 1 if column  
block i is the root of the separators tree. Please refer to Section 7.2.5 for more  
Return values  
SCOTCH meshOrder returns 0 if the ordering of the mesh has been successfully  
computed, and 1 else. In this last case, the rangtab, permtab, and peritab  
arrays may however have been partially or completely filled, but their contents  
are not significant.  
7.9.2 SCOTCH meshOrderInit  
int SCOTCH meshOrderInit (const SCOTCH Mesh * meshptr,  
SCOTCH Ordering *  
SCOTCH Num *  
SCOTCH Num *  
SCOTCH Num *  
SCOTCH Num *  
SCOTCH Num *  
scotchfmeshorderinit (doubleprecision (*) meshdat,  
doubleprecision (*) ordedat,  
integer*num (*)  
integer*num (*)  
integer*num (*)  
integer*num (*)  
The SCOTCH meshOrderInit routine fills the ordering structure pointed to by  
ordeptr with all of the data that are passed to it. Thus, all subsequent calls  
to ordering routines such as SCOTCH meshOrderCompute, using this ordering  
structure as parameter, will place ordering results in fields permtab, peritab,  
*cblkptr, rangtab or treetab, if they are not set to NULL.  
permtab is the ordering permutation array, of size vnodnbr, peritab is the  
inverse ordering permutation array, of size vnodnbr, cblkptr is the pointer  
to a SCOTCH Num that will receive the number of produced column blocks,  
rangtab is the array that holds the column block span information, of size  
vnodnbr+ 1, and treetab is the array holding the structure of the separators  
tree, of size vnodnbr. See the above manual page of SCOTCH meshOrder, as  
well as section 7.2.5, for an explanation of the semantics of all of these fields.  
The SCOTCH meshOrderInit routine should be the first function to be called  
upon a SCOTCH Ordering structure for ordering meshes. When the ordering  
structure is no longer of use, the SCOTCH meshOrderExit function must be  
called, in order to to free its internal structures.  
Return values  
SCOTCH meshOrderInit returns 0 if the ordering structure has been success-  
fully initialized, and 1 else.  
7.9.3 SCOTCH meshOrderExit  
void SCOTCH meshOrderExit (const SCOTCH Mesh * meshptr,  
SCOTCH Ordering *  
scotchfmeshorderexit (doubleprecision (*) meshdat,  
doubleprecision (*) ordedat)  
The SCOTCH meshOrderExit function frees the contents of a SCOTCH Ordering  
structure previously initialized by SCOTCH meshOrderInit. All subsequent  
calls to SCOTCH meshOrder* routines other than SCOTCH meshOrderInit, us-  
ing this structure as parameter, may yield unpredictable results.  
7.9.4 SCOTCH meshOrderSave  
int SCOTCH meshOrderSave (const SCOTCH Mesh *  
const SCOTCH Ordering * ordeptr,  
FILE * stream)  
scotchfmeshordersave (doubleprecision (*) meshdat,  
doubleprecision (*) ordedat,  
The SCOTCH meshOrderSave routine saves the contents of the SCOTCH  
Ordering structure pointed to by ordeptr to stream stream, in the Scotch  
ordering format (see section 5.6).  
Return values  
SCOTCH meshOrderSave returns 0 if the ordering structure has been success-  
fully written to stream, and 1 else.  
7.9.5 SCOTCH meshOrderSaveMap  
int SCOTCH meshOrderSaveMap (const SCOTCH Mesh *  
const SCOTCH Ordering * ordeptr,  
FILE * stream)  
scotchfmeshordersavemap (doubleprecision (*) meshdat,  
doubleprecision (*) ordedat,  
The SCOTCH meshOrderSaveMap routine saves the block partitioning data as-  
sociated with the SCOTCH Ordering structure pointed to by ordeptr to stream  
stream, in the Scotch mapping format (see section 5.5). A target domain  
number is associated with every block, such that all node vertices belonging  
to the same block are shown as belonging to the same target vertex.  
This mapping file can then be used by the gout program (see section 6.3.12)  
to produce pictures showing the different separators and blocks. Since gout  
only takes graphs as input, the mesh has to be converted into a graph by  
means of the gmk msh program (see section 6.3.8).  
Return values  
SCOTCH meshOrderSaveMap returns 0 if the ordering structure has been suc-  
cessfully written to stream, and 1 else.  
7.9.6 SCOTCH meshOrderSaveTree  
int SCOTCH meshOrderSaveTree (const SCOTCH Mesh *  
const SCOTCH Ordering * ordeptr,  
FILE * stream)  
scotchfmeshordersavetree (doubleprecision (*) meshdat,  
doubleprecision (*) ordedat,  
The SCOTCH meshOrderSaveTree routine saves the tree hierarchy information  
associated with the SCOTCH Ordering structure pointed to by ordeptr to  
stream stream.  
The format of the tree output file resembles the one of a mapping or ordering  
file: it is made up of as many lines as there are node vertices in the ordering.  
Each of these lines holds two integer numbers. The first one is the index or  
the label of the node vertex, starting from baseval, and the second one is the  
index of its parent node in the separators tree, or 1 if the vertex belongs to  
a root node.  
Fortran users must use the PXFFILENO or FNUM functions to obtain the number  
of the Unix file descriptor fildes associated with the logical unit of the tree  
mapping file.  
Return values  
SCOTCH meshOrderSaveTree returns 0 if the separators tree structure has been  
successfully written to stream, and 1 else.  
7.9.7 SCOTCH meshOrderCheck  
int SCOTCH meshOrderCheck (const SCOTCH Mesh *  
const SCOTCH Ordering * ordeptr)  
scotchfmeshordercheck (doubleprecision (*) meshdat,  
doubleprecision (*) ordedat,  
The SCOTCH meshOrderCheck routine checks the consistency of the given  
SCOTCH Ordering structure pointed to by ordeptr.  
Return values  
SCOTCH meshOrderCheck returns 0 if ordering data are consistent, and 1 else.  
7.9.8 SCOTCH meshOrderCompute  
int SCOTCH meshOrderCompute (const SCOTCH Mesh *  
SCOTCH Ordering *  
const SCOTCH Strat * straptr)  
scotchfmeshordercompute (doubleprecision (*) meshdat,  
doubleprecision (*) ordedat,  
doubleprecision (*) stradat,  
The SCOTCH meshOrderCompute routine computes a block ordering of the  
mesh structure pointed to by grafptr, using the mapping strategy pointed  
to by stratptr, and stores its result in the ordering structure pointed to by  
On return, the ordering structure holds a block ordering of the given mesh  
(see section 7.9.2 for a description of the ordering fields).  
Return values  
SCOTCH meshOrderCompute returns 0 if the ordering has been successfully  
computed, and 1 else. In this latter case, the ordering arrays may however  
have been partially or completely filled, but their contents are not significant.  
7.10 Strategy handling routines  
7.10.1 SCOTCH stratInit  
int SCOTCH stratInit (SCOTCH Strat * straptr)  
scotchfstratinit (doubleprecision (*) stradat,  
The SCOTCH stratInit function initializes a SCOTCH Strat structure so as to  
make it suitable for future operations. It should be the first function to be  
called upon a SCOTCH Strat structure. When the strategy data is no longer  
of use, call function SCOTCH stratExit to free its internal structures.  
Return values  
SCOTCH stratInit returns 0 if the strategy structure has been successfully  
initialized, and 1 else.  
7.10.2 SCOTCH stratExit  
void SCOTCH stratExit (SCOTCH Strat * archptr)  
scotchfstratexit (doubleprecision (*) stradat)  
The SCOTCH stratExit function frees the contents of a SCOTCH Strat struc-  
ture previously initialized by SCOTCH stratInit. All subsequent calls to  
SCOTCH strat routines other than SCOTCH stratInit, using this structure  
as parameter, may yield unpredictable results.  
7.10.3 SCOTCH stratSave  
int SCOTCH stratSave (const SCOTCH Strat * straptr,  
FILE * stream)  
scotchfstratsave (doubleprecision (*) stradat,  
The SCOTCH stratSave routine saves the contents of the SCOTCH Strat struc-  
ture pointed to by straptr to stream stream, in the form of a text string.  
The methods and parameters of the strategy string depend on the type of the  
strategy, that is, whether it is a bipartitioning, mapping, or ordering strategy,  
and to which structure it applies, that is, graphs or meshes.  
Fortran users must use the PXFFILENO or FNUM functions to obtain the number  
of the Unix file descriptor fildes associated with the logical unit of the output  
Return values  
SCOTCH stratSave returns 0 if the strategy string has been successfully writ-  
ten to stream, and 1 else.  
7.10.4 SCOTCH stratGraphBipart  
int SCOTCH stratGraphBipart (SCOTCH Strat * straptr,  
const char *  
scotchfstratgraphbipart (doubleprecision (*) stradat,  
character (*)  
The SCOTCH stratGraphBipart routine fills the strategy structure pointed  
to by straptr with the graph bipartitioning strategy string pointed to by  
string. From this point, the strategy structure can only be used as a graph  
bipartitioning strategy, to be used by function SCOTCH archBuild, for in-  
When using the C interface, the array of characters pointed to by string  
must be null-terminated.  
Return values  
SCOTCH stratGraphBipart returns 0 if the strategy string has been success-  
fully set, and 1 else.  
7.10.5 SCOTCH stratGraphMap  
int SCOTCH stratGraphMap (SCOTCH Strat * straptr,  
const char *  
scotchfstratgraphmap (doubleprecision (*) stradat,  
character (*)  
The SCOTCH stratGraphMap routine fills the strategy structure pointed to by  
straptr with the graph mapping strategy string pointed to by string. From  
this point, the strategy structure can only be used as a mapping strategy, to  
be used by function SCOTCH graphMap, for instance.  
When using the C interface, the array of characters pointed to by string  
must be null-terminated.  
Return values  
SCOTCH stratGraphMap returns 0 if the strategy string has been successfully  
set, and 1 else.  
7.10.6 SCOTCH stratGraphMapBuild  
int SCOTCH stratGraphMapBuild (SCOTCH Strat *  
const SCOTCH Num flagval,  
const SCOTCH Num partnbr,  
const double  
scotchfstratgraphmapbuild (doubleprecision (*) stradat,  
The SCOTCH stratGraphMapBuild routine fills the strategy structure pointed  
to by straptr with a default mapping strategy tuned according to the pref-  
erence flags passed as flagval and to the desired number of parts partnbr  
and imbalance ratio balrat. From this point, the strategy structure can  
only be used as a mapping strategy, to be used by function SCOTCH graph  
Map, for instance. See Section 7.3.1 for a description of the available flags.  
Return values  
SCOTCH stratGraphMapBuild returns 0 if the strategy string has been suc-  
cessfully set, and 1 else.  
7.10.7 SCOTCH stratGraphOrder  
int SCOTCH stratGraphOrder (SCOTCH Strat * straptr,  
const char *  
scotchfstratgraphorder (doubleprecision (*) stradat,  
character (*)  
The SCOTCH stratGraphOrder routine fills the strategy structure pointed to  
by straptr with the graph ordering strategy string pointed to by string.  
From this point, the strategy structure can only be used as a graph ordering  
strategy, to be used by function SCOTCH graphOrder, for instance.  
When using the C interface, the array of characters pointed to by string  
must be null-terminated.  
Return values  
SCOTCH stratGraphOrder returns 0 if the strategy string has been successfully  
set, and 1 else.  
7.10.8 SCOTCH stratGraphOrderBuild  
int SCOTCH stratGraphOrderBuild (SCOTCH Strat *  
const SCOTCH Num flagval,  
const double balrat)  
scotchfstratgraphorderbuild (doubleprecision (*) stradat,  
The SCOTCH stratGraphOrderBuild routine fills the strategy structure  
pointed to by straptr with a default ordering strategy tuned according to  
the preference flags passed as flagval and to the desired nested dissection  
imbalance ratio balrat. From this point, the strategy structure can only be  
used as an ordering strategy, to be used by function SCOTCH graphOrder, for  
instance. See Section 7.3.1 for a description of the available flags.  
Return values  
SCOTCH stratGraphOrderBuild returns 0 if the strategy string has been suc-  
cessfully set, and 1 else.  
7.10.9 SCOTCH stratMeshOrder  
int SCOTCH stratMeshOrder (SCOTCH Strat * straptr,  
const char *  
scotchfstratmeshorder (doubleprecision (*) stradat,  
character (*)  
The SCOTCH stratMeshOrder routine fills the strategy structure pointed to by  
straptr with the mesh ordering strategy string pointed to by string. From  
this point, strategy strat can only be used as a mesh ordering strategy, to  
be used by function SCOTCH meshOrder, for instance.  
When using the C interface, the array of characters pointed to by string  
must be null-terminated.  
Return values  
SCOTCH stratMeshOrder returns 0 if the strategy string has been successfully  
set, and 1 else.  
7.10.10 SCOTCH stratMeshOrderBuild  
int SCOTCH stratMeshOrderBuild (SCOTCH Strat *  
const SCOTCH Num flagval,  
const double balrat)  
scotchfstratmeshorderbuild (doubleprecision (*) stradat,  
The SCOTCH stratMeshOrderBuild routine fills the strategy structure pointed  
to by straptr with a default ordering strategy tuned according to the prefer-  
ence flags passed as flagval and to the desired nested dissection imbalance  
ratio balrat. From this point, the strategy structure can only be used as  
an ordering strategy, to be used by function SCOTCH meshOrder, for instance.  
See Section 7.3.1 for a description of the available flags.  
Return values  
SCOTCH stratMesdOrderBuild returns 0 if the strategy string has been suc-  
cessfully set, and 1 else.  
7.11 Geometry handling routines  
Since the Scotch project is based on algorithms that rely on topology data only,  
geometry data do not play an important role in the libScotch library. They are  
only relevant to programs that display graphs, such as the gout program. However,  
since all routines that are used by the programs of the Scotch distributions have  
an interface in the libScotch library, there exist geometry handling routines in it,  
which manipulate SCOTCH Geom structures.  
Apart from the routines that create, destroy or access SCOTCH Geom structures,  
all of the routines in this section are input/output routines, which read or write  
both SCOTCH Graph and SCOTCH Geom structures. We have chosen to define the  
interface of the geometry-handling routines such that they also handle graph or  
mesh topology because some external file formats mix these data, and that we  
wanted our routines to be able to read their data on the fly from streams that can  
only be read once, such as communication pipes. Having both aspects taken into  
account in a single call makes the writing of file conversion tools, such as gcv and  
mcv, very easy. When the file format from which to read or into which to write  
mixes both sorts of data, the geometry file pointer can be set to NULL, as it will not  
be used.  
7.11.1 SCOTCH geomInit  
int SCOTCH geomInit (SCOTCH Geom * geomptr)  
scotchfgeominit (doubleprecision (*) geomdat,  
The SCOTCH geomInit function initializes a SCOTCH Geom structure so as to  
make it suitable for future operations. It should be the first function to be  
called upon a SCOTCH Geom structure. When the geometrical data is no longer  
of use, call function SCOTCH geomExit to free its internal structures.  
Return values  
SCOTCH geomInit returns 0 if the geometrical structure has been successfully  
initialized, and 1 else.  
7.11.2 SCOTCH geomExit  
void SCOTCH geomExit (SCOTCH Geom * geomptr)  
scotchfgeomexit (doubleprecision (*) geomdat)  
The SCOTCH geomExit function frees the contents of a SCOTCH Geom structure  
previously initialized by SCOTCH geomInit. All subsequent calls to SCOTCH  
*Geom* routines other than SCOTCH geomInit, using this structure as param-  
eter, may yield unpredictable results.  
7.11.3 SCOTCH geomData  
void SCOTCH geomData (const SCOTCH Geom * geomptr,  
SCOTCH Num *  
double **  
scotchfgeomdata (doubleprecision (*) geomdat,  
doubleprecision (*) indxtab,  
The SCOTCH geomData routine is a multiple accessor to the contents of  
SCOTCH Geom structures.  
dimnptr is the pointer to a location that will hold the number of dimensions  
of the graph vertex or mesh node vertex coordinates, and will therefore be  
equal to 1, 2 or 3. geomtab is the pointer to a location that will hold the  
reference to the geometry coordinates, as defined in section 7.2.4.  
Any of these pointers can be set to NULL on input if the corresponding infor-  
mation is not needed. Else, the reference to a dummy area can be provided,  
where all unwanted data will be written.  
Since there are no pointers in Fortran, a specific mechanism is used to allow  
users to access the coordinate array. The scotchfgeomdata routine is passed  
an integer array, the first element of which is used as a base address from  
which all other array indices are computed. Therefore, instead of returning a  
reference, the routine returns an integer, which represents the starting index  
of the coordinate array with respect to the base input array. For instance, if  
some base array myarray(1) is passed as parameter indxtab, then the first  
cell of array geomtab will be accessible as myarray(geomidx). In order for  
this feature to behave properly, the indxtab array must be double-precision-  
aligned with the geometry array. This is automatically enforced on most  
systems, but some care should be taken on systems that allow one to access  
data that is not double-aligned. On such systems, declaring the array after  
a dummy doubleprecision array can coerce the compiler into enforcing the  
proper alignment. Also, on 32 64 architectures, such indices can be larger  
than the size of a regular INTEGER. This is why the indices to be returned  
are defined by means of a specific integer type. See Section 7.1.4 for more  
information on this issue.  
7.11.4 SCOTCH graphGeomLoadChac  
int SCOTCH graphGeomLoadChac (SCOTCH Graph * grafptr,  
SCOTCH Geom *  
FILE *  
FILE *  
const char *  
scotchfgraphgeomloadchac (doubleprecision (*) grafdat,  
doubleprecision (*) geomdat,  
character (*)  
The SCOTCH graphGeomLoadChac routine fills the SCOTCH Graph structure  
pointed to by grafptr with the source graph description available from stream  
grafstream in the Chaco graph format [24]. Since this graph format does  
not handle geometry data, the geomptr and geomstream fields are not used,  
as well as the string field.  
Fortran users must use the PXFFILENO or FNUM functions to obtain the number  
of the Unix file descriptor graffildes associated with the logical unit of the  
graph file.  
Return values  
SCOTCH graphGeomLoadChac returns 0 if the graph structure has been suc-  
cessfully allocated and filled with the data read, and 1 else.  
7.11.5 SCOTCH graphGeomSaveChac  
int SCOTCH graphGeomSaveChac (const SCOTCH Graph * grafptr,  
const SCOTCH Geom *  
FILE *  
FILE *  
const char *  
scotchfgraphgeomsavechac (doubleprecision (*) grafdat,  
doubleprecision (*) geomdat,  
character (*)  
The SCOTCH graphGeomSaveChac routine saves the contents of the SCOTCH  
Graph structure pointed to by grafptr to stream grafstream, in the Chaco  
graph format [24]. Since this graph format does not handle geometry data,  
the geomptr and geomstream fields are not used, as well as the string field.  
Fortran users must use the PXFFILENO or FNUM functions to obtain the number  
of the Unix file descriptor graffildes associated with the logical unit of the  
graph file.  
Return values  
SCOTCH graphGeomSaveChac returns 0 if the graph structure has been suc-  
cessfully written to grafstream, and 1 else.  
7.11.6 SCOTCH graphGeomLoadHabo  
int SCOTCH graphGeomLoadHabo (SCOTCH Graph * grafptr,  
SCOTCH Geom *  
FILE *  
FILE *  
const char *  
scotchfgraphgeomloadhabo (doubleprecision (*) grafdat,  
doubleprecision (*) geomdat,  
character (*)  
The SCOTCH graphGeomLoadHabo routine fills the SCOTCH Graph structure  
pointed to by grafptr with the source graph description available from stream  
grafstream in the Harwell-Boeing square assembled matrix format [10]. Since  
this graph format does not handle geometry data, the geomptr and geom  
stream fields are not used. Since multiple graph structures can be encoded  
sequentially within the same file, the string field contains the string repre-  
sentation of an integer number that codes the rank of the graph to read within  
the Harwell-Boeing file. It is equal to “0” in most cases.  
Fortran users must use the PXFFILENO or FNUM functions to obtain the number  
of the Unix file descriptor graffildes associated with the logical unit of the  
graph file.  
Return values  
SCOTCH graphGeomLoadHabo returns 0 if the graph structure has been suc-  
cessfully allocated and filled with the data read, and 1 else.  
7.11.7 SCOTCH graphGeomLoadScot  
int SCOTCH graphGeomLoadScot (SCOTCH Graph * grafptr,  
SCOTCH Geom *  
FILE *  
FILE *  
const char *  
scotchfgraphgeomloadscot (doubleprecision (*) grafdat,  
doubleprecision (*) geomdat,  
character (*)  
The SCOTCH graphGeomLoadScot routine fills the SCOTCH Graph and SCOTCH  
Geom structures pointed to by grafptr and geomptr with the source graph  
description and geometry data available from streams grafstream and geom  
stream in the Scotch graph and geometry formats (see sections 5.1 and 5.3,  
respectively). The string field is not used.  
Fortran users must use the PXFFILENO or FNUM functions to obtain the numbers  
of the Unix file descriptors graffildes and geomfildes associated with the  
logical units of the graph and geometry files.  
Return values  
SCOTCH graphGeomLoadScot returns 0 if the graph topology and geometry  
have been successfully allocated and filled with the data read, and 1 else.  
7.11.8 SCOTCH graphGeomSaveScot  
int SCOTCH graphGeomSaveScot (const SCOTCH Graph * grafptr,  
const SCOTCH Geom *  
FILE *  
FILE *  
const char *  
scotchfgraphgeomsavescot (doubleprecision (*) grafdat,  
doubleprecision (*) geomdat,  
character (*)  
The SCOTCH graphGeomSaveScot routine saves the contents of the SCOTCH  
Graph and SCOTCH Geom structures pointed to by grafptr and geomptr to  
streams grafstream and geomstream, in the Scotch graph and geometry  
formats (see sections 5.1 and 5.3, respectively). The string field is not used.  
Fortran users must use the PXFFILENO or FNUM functions to obtain the numbers  
of the Unix file descriptors graffildes and geomfildes associated with the  
logical units of the graph and geometry files.  
Return values  
SCOTCH graphGeomSaveScot returns 0 if the graph topology and geometry  
have been successfully written to grafstream and geomstream, and 1 else.  
7.11.9 SCOTCH meshGeomLoadHabo  
int SCOTCH meshGeomLoadHabo (SCOTCH Mesh * meshptr,  
SCOTCH Geom * geomptr,  
FILE *  
FILE *  
const char *  
scotchfmeshgeomloadhabo (doubleprecision (*) meshdat,  
doubleprecision (*) geomdat,  
character (*)  
The SCOTCH meshGeomLoadHabo routine fills the SCOTCH Mesh structure  
pointed to by meshptr with the source mesh description available from stream  
meshstream in the Harwell-Boeing square elemental matrix format [10]. Since  
this mesh format does not handle geometry data, the geomptr and geom  
stream fields are not used. Since multiple mesh structures can be encoded  
sequentially within the same file, the string field contains the string repre-  
sentation of an integer number that codes the rank of the mesh to read within  
the Harwell-Boeing file. It is equal to “0” in most cases.  
Fortran users must use the PXFFILENO or FNUM functions to obtain the number  
of the Unix file descriptor meshfildes associated with the logical unit of the  
mesh file.  
Return values  
SCOTCH meshGeomLoadHabo returns 0 if the mesh structure has been success-  
fully allocated and filled with the data read, and 1 else.  
7.11.10 SCOTCH meshGeomLoadScot  
int SCOTCH meshGeomLoadScot (SCOTCH Mesh * meshptr,  
SCOTCH Geom * geomptr,  
FILE *  
FILE *  
const char *  
scotchfmeshgeomloadscot (doubleprecision (*) meshdat,  
doubleprecision (*) geomdat,  
character (*)  
The SCOTCH meshGeomLoadScot routine fills the SCOTCH Mesh and SCOTCH  
Geom structures pointed to by meshptr and geomptr with the source mesh  
description and node geometry data available from streams meshstream and  
geomstream in the Scotch mesh and geometry formats (see sections 5.2  
and 5.3, respectively). The string field is not used.  
Fortran users must use the PXFFILENO or FNUM functions to obtain the numbers  
of the Unix file descriptors meshfildes and geomfildes associated with the  
logical units of the mesh and geometry files.  
Return values  
SCOTCH meshGeomLoadScot returns 0 if the mesh topology and node geometry  
have been successfully allocated and filled with the data read, and 1 else.  
7.11.11 SCOTCH meshGeomSaveScot  
int SCOTCH meshGeomSaveScot (const SCOTCH Mesh * meshptr,  
const SCOTCH Geom * geomptr,  
FILE *  
FILE *  
const char *  
scotchfmeshgeomsavescot (doubleprecision (*) meshdat,  
doubleprecision (*) geomdat,  
character (*)  
The SCOTCH meshGeomSaveScot routine saves the contents of the SCOTCH  
Mesh and SCOTCH Geom structures pointed to by meshptr and geomptr to  
streams meshstream and geomstream, in the Scotch mesh and geometry  
formats (see sections 5.2 and 5.3, respectively). The string field is not used.  
Fortran users must use the PXFFILENO or FNUM functions to obtain the numbers  
of the Unix file descriptors meshfildes and geomfildes associated with the  
logical units of the mesh and geometry files.  
Return values  
SCOTCH meshGeomSaveScot returns 0 if the mesh topology and node geometry  
have been successfully written to meshstream and geomstream, and 1 else.  
7.12 Error handling routines  
The handling of errors that occur within library routines is often difficult, because  
library routines should be able to issue error messages that help the application  
programmer to find the error, while being compatible with the way the application  
handles its own errors.  
To match these two requirements, all the error and warning messages pro-  
duced by the routines of the libScotch library are issued using the user-definable  
variable-length argument routines SCOTCH errorPrint and SCOTCH errorPrintW.  
Thus, one can redirect these error messages to his own error handling routines, and  
can choose if he wants his program to terminate on error or to resume execution  
after the erroneous function has returned.  
In order to free the user from the burden of writing a basic error handler  
from scratch, the libscotcherr.a library provides error routines that print error  
messages on the standard error stream stderr and return control to the applica-  
tion. Application programmers who want to take advantage of them have to add  
-lscotcherr to the list of arguments of the linker, after the -lscotch argument.  
7.12.1 SCOTCH errorPrint  
void SCOTCH errorPrint (const char * const errstr, ...)  
The SCOTCH errorPrint function is designed to output a variable-length ar-  
gument error string to some stream.  
7.12.2 SCOTCH errorPrintW  
void SCOTCH errorPrintW (const char * const errstr, ...)  
The SCOTCH errorPrintW function is designed to output a variable-length  
argument warning string to some stream.  
7.12.3 SCOTCH errorProg  
void SCOTCH errorProg (const char * progstr)  
The SCOTCH errorProg function is designed to be called at the beginning of a  
program or of a portion of code to identify the place where subsequent errors  
take place. This routine is not reentrant, as it is only a minor help function.  
It is defined in libscotcherr.a and is used by the standalone programs of  
the Scotch distribution.  
7.13 Miscellaneous routines  
7.13.1 SCOTCH randomReset  
void SCOTCH randomReset (void)  
scotchfrandomreset ()  
The SCOTCH randomReset routine resets the seed of the pseudo-random gen-  
erator used by the graph partitioning routines of the libScotch library. Two  
consecutive calls to the same libScotch partitioning routines, and separated  
by a call to SCOTCH randomReset, will always yield the same results, as if the  
equivalent standalone Scotch programs were used twice, independently, to  
compute the results.  
7.14 MeTiS compatibility library  
The MeTiS compatibility library provides stubs which redirect some calls to MeTiS  
routines to the corresponding Scotch counterparts. In order to use this feature,  
the only thing to do is to re-link the existing software with the libscotchmetis  
library, and eventually with the original MeTiS library if the software uses MeTiS  
routines which do not need to have Scotch equivalents, such as graph transforma-  
tion routines. In that latter case, the “-lscotchmetis” argument must be placed  
before the “-lmetis” one (and of course before the “-lscotch” one too), so that  
routines that are redefined by Scotch are chosen instead of their MeTiS counter-  
part. When no other MeTiS routines than the ones redefined by Scotch are used,  
the “-lmetis” argument can be omitted. See Section 9 for an example.  
7.14.1 METIS EdgeND  
void METIS EdgeND (const int * const n,  
const int * const xadj,  
const int * const adjncy,  
const int * const numflag,  
const int * const options,  
int * const  
int * const  
metis edgend (integer  
integer (*) xadj,  
integer (*) adjncy,  
integer (*) options,  
integer (*) perm,  
integer (*) iperm)  
The METIS EdgeND function performs a nested dissection ordering of the graph  
passed as arrays xadj and adjncy, using the default Scotch ordering strat-  
egy. The options array is not used. The perm and iperm arrays have the  
opposite meaning as in Scotch: the MeTiS perm array holds what is called  
“inverse permutation” in Scotch, while iperm holds what is called “direct  
permutation” in Scotch.  
While Scotch has also both node and edge separation capabilities, all of  
the three MeTiS stubs METIS EdgeND, METIS NodeND and METIS NodeWND call  
the same Scotch routine, which uses the Scotch default ordering strategy  
proved to be efficient in most cases.  
7.14.2 METIS NodeND  
void METIS NodeND (const int * const n,  
const int * const xadj,  
const int * const adjncy,  
const int * const numflag,  
const int * const options,  
int * const  
int * const  
metis nodend (integer  
integer (*) xadj,  
integer (*) adjncy,  
integer (*) options,  
integer (*) perm,  
integer (*) iperm)  
The METIS NodeND function performs a nested dissection ordering of the graph  
passed as arrays xadj and adjncy, using the default Scotch ordering strat-  
egy. The options array is not used. The perm and iperm arrays have the  
opposite meaning as in Scotch: the MeTiS perm array holds what is called  
“inverse permutation” in Scotch, while iperm holds what is called “direct  
permutation” in Scotch.  
While Scotch has also both node and edge separation capabilities, all of  
the three MeTiS stubs METIS EdgeND, METIS NodeND and METIS NodeWND call  
the same Scotch routine, which uses the Scotch default ordering strategy  
proved to be efficient in most cases.  
7.14.3 METIS NodeWND  
void METIS NodeWND (const int * const n,  
const int * const xadj,  
const int * const adjncy,  
const int * const vwgt,  
const int * const numflag,  
const int * const options,  
int * const  
int * const  
metis nodwend (integer  
integer (*) xadj,  
integer (*) adjncy,  
integer (*) vwgt,  
integer (*) options,  
integer (*) perm,  
integer (*) iperm)  
The METIS NodeWND function performs a nested dissection ordering of the  
graph passed as arrays xadj, adjncy and vwgt, using the default Scotch  
ordering strategy. The options array is not used. The perm and iperm  
arrays have the opposite meaning as in Scotch: the MeTiS perm array holds  
what is called “inverse permutation” in Scotch, while iperm holds what is  
called “direct permutation” in Scotch.  
While Scotch has also both node and edge separation capabilities, all of  
the three MeTiS stubs METIS EdgeND, METIS NodeND and METIS NodeWND call  
the same Scotch routine, which uses the Scotch default ordering strategy  
proved to be efficient in most cases.  
7.14.4 METIS PartGraphKway  
void METIS PartGraphKway (const int * const n,  
const int * const xadj,  
const int * const adjncy,  
const int * const vwgt,  
const int * const adjwgt,  
const int * const wgtflag,  
const int * const numflag,  
const int * const nparts,  
const int * const options,  
int * const  
int * const  
metis partgraphkway (integer  
integer (*) xadj,  
integer (*) adjncy,  
integer (*) vwgt,  
integer (*) adjwgt,  
integer (*) options,  
integer edgecut,  
integer (*) part)  
The METIS PartGraphKway function performs a mapping onto the complete  
graph of the graph represented by arrays xadj, adjncy, vwgt and adjwgt,  
using the default Scotch mapping strategy. The options array is not used.  
The part array has the same meaning as the parttab array of Scotch.  
All of the three MeTiS stubs METIS PartGraphKway, METIS PartGraph  
Recursive and METIS PartGraphVKway call the same Scotch routine, which  
uses the Scotch default mapping strategy proved to be efficient in most cases.  
7.14.5 METIS PartGraphRecursive  
void METIS PartGraphRecursive (const int * const n,  
const int * const xadj,  
const int * const adjncy,  
const int * const vwgt,  
const int * const adjwgt,  
const int * const wgtflag,  
const int * const numflag,  
const int * const nparts,  
const int * const options,  
int * const  
int * const  
metis partgraphrecursive (integer  
integer (*) xadj,  
integer (*) adjncy,  
integer (*) vwgt,  
integer (*) adjwgt,  
integer (*) options,  
integer edgecut,  
integer (*) part)  
The METIS PartGraphRecursive function performs a mapping onto the com-  
plete graph of the graph represented by arrays xadj, adjncy, vwgt and  
adjwgt, using the default Scotch mapping strategy. The options array  
is not used. The part array has the same meaning as the parttab array  
of Scotch. To date, the computation of the edgecut field requires extra  
processing, which increases running time to a small extent.  
All of the three MeTiS stubs METIS PartGraphKway, METIS PartGraph  
Recursive and METIS PartGraphVKway call the same Scotch routine, which  
uses the Scotch default mapping strategy proved to be efficient in most cases.  
7.14.6 METIS PartGraphVKway  
void METIS PartGraphVKway (const int * const n,  
const int * const xadj,  
const int * const adjncy,  
const int * const vwgt,  
const int * const vsize,  
const int * const wgtflag,  
const int * const numflag,  
const int * const nparts,  
const int * const options,  
int * const  
int * const  
metis partgraphvkway (integer  
integer (*) xadj,  
integer (*) adjncy,  
integer (*) vwgt,  
integer (*) vsize,  
integer (*) options,  
integer volume,  
integer (*) part)  
The METIS PartGraphVKway function performs a mapping onto the complete  
graph of the graph represented by arrays xadj, adjncy, vwgt and vsize, using  
the default Scotch mapping strategy. The options array is not used. The  
part array has the same meaning as the parttab array of Scotch.  
Since Scotch does not have methods for explicitely reducing the communi-  
cation volume according to the metric of METIS PartGraphVKway, this routine  
creates a temporary edge weight array such that each edge (u, v) receives a  
weight equal to mboxvsize(u) + mboxvsize(v). Consequently, edges which  
are incident to highly communicating vertices will be less likely to be cut.  
However, the communication volume value returned by this routine is ex-  
actly the one which would be returned by MeTiS with respect to the output  
partition. Users interested in minimizing the exact communication volume  
should consider using hypergraphs, implemented in Scotch as meshes (see  
Section 7.2.3).  
All of the three MeTiS stubs METIS PartGraphKway, METIS PartGraph  
Recursive and METIS PartGraphVKway call the same Scotch routine, which  
uses the Scotch default mapping strategy proved to be efficient in most cases.  
8 Installation  
Version 5.1 of the Scotch software package is distributed as free/libre software  
under the CeCILL-C free/libre software license [6], which is very similar to the  
GNU LGPL license. Therefore, it is no longer distributed as a set of binaries, but  
instead in the form of a source distribution, which can be downloaded from the  
Scotch web page at pelegrin/scotch/ .  
All Scotch users are welcome to send an e-mail to the author so that they  
can be added to the Scotch mailing list, and be automatically informed of new  
releases and publications.  
The extraction process will create a scotch 5.1.10 directory, containing several  
subdirectories and files. Please refer to the files called LICENSE EN.txt or LICENCE  
FR.txt, as well as file INSTALL EN.txt, to see under which conditions your distri-  
bution of Scotch is licensed and how to install it.  
8.1 Thread issues  
To enable the use of POSIX threads in some routines, the SCOTCH PTHREAD flag  
must be set. If your MPI implementation is not thread-safe, make sure this flag is  
not defined at compile time.  
8.2 File compression issues  
To enable on-the-fly compression and decompression of various formats, the rel-  
evant flags must be defined. These flags are COMMON FILE COMPRESS BZ2 for  
bzip2 (de)compression, COMMON FILE COMPRESS GZ for gzip (de)compression, and  
COMMON FILE COMPRESS LZMA for lzma decompression. Note that the correspond-  
ing development libraries must be installed on your system before compile time,  
and that compressed file handling can take place only on systems which support  
multi-threading or multi-processing. In the first case, you must set the SCOTCH  
PTHREAD flag in order to take advantage of these features.  
On Linux systems, the development libraries to install are libbzip2 1-devel for  
the bzip2 format, zlib1-devel for the gzip format, and liblzma0-devel for the  
lzma format. The names of the libraries may vary according to operating systems  
and library versions. Ask your system engineer in case of trouble.  
8.3 Machine word size issues  
The integer values handled by Scotch are based on the SCOTCH Num type, which  
equates by default to the int C type, corresponding to the INTEGER Fortran type,  
both of which being of machine word size. To coerce the length of the SCOTCH  
Num integer type to 32 or 64 bits, one can use the “-DINTSIZE32” or “-DINTSIZE64”  
flags, respectively, or else use the “-DINT=” definition, at compile time. For instance,  
adding “-DINT=long” to the CFLAGS variable in the file to be placed  
at the root of the source tree will make all SCOTCH Num integers become long C  
Whenever doing so, make sure to use integer types of equivalent length to declare  
variables passed to Scotch routines from caller C and Fortran procedures. Also,  
because of API conflicts, the MeTiS compatibility library will not be usable. It is  
usually safer and cleaner to tune your C and Fortran compilers to make them inter-  
pret int and INTEGER types as 32 or 64 bit values, than to use the aforementioned  
flags and coerce type lengths in your own code.  
Fortran users also have to take care of another size issue: since there are no  
pointers in Fortran 77, the Fortran interface of some routines converts pointers to be  
returned into integer indices with respect to a given array (e.g. see sections 7.5.10,  
7.8.8 and 7.11.3). For 32 64 architectures, such indices can be larger than the  
size of a regular INTEGER. This is why the indices to be returned are defined by  
means of a specific integer type, SCOTCH Idx. To coerce the length of this index  
type to 32 or 64 bits, one can use the “-DIDXSIZE32” or “-DIDXSIZE64” flags,  
respectively, or else use the “-DIDX=” definition, at compile time. For instance,  
adding “-DIDX="long long"” to the CFLAGS variable in the file to  
be placed at the root of the source tree will equate all SCOTCH Idx integers to C long  
long integers. By default, when the size of SCOTCH Idx is not explicitly defined, it  
is assumed to be the same as the size of SCOTCH Num.  
9 Examples  
This section contains chosen examples destined to show how the programs of the  
Scotch project interoperate and can be combined. It is supposed that the current  
directory is directory “scotch 5.1” of the Scotch distribution. Character %”  
represents the shell prompt.  
Partition source graph brol.grf into 7 parts, and save the result to file  
% echo cmplt 7 > /tmp/k7.tgt  
% gmap brol.grf /tmp/k7.tgt /tmp/  
This can also be done in a single piped command:  
% echo cmplt 7 | gmap brol.grf - /tmp/  
If compressed data handling is enabled, read the graph as a gzip compressed  
file, and output the mapping as a bzip2 file, on the fly:  
% echo cmplt 7 | gmap brol.grf.gz - /tmp/  
Partition source graph brol.grf into two uneven parts of respective weights  
and 11 , and save the result to file /tmp/  
% echo cmpltw 2 4 7 > /tmp/k2w.tgt  
% gmap brol.grf /tmp/k2w.tgt /tmp/  
This can also be done in a single piped command:  
% echo cmpltw 2 4 7 | gmap brol.grf - /tmp/  
If compressed data handling is enabled, use gzip compressed streams on the  
% echo cmpltw 2 4 7 | gmap brol.grf.gz - /tmp/  
Map a 32 by 32 bidimensional grid source graph onto a 256-node hypercube,  
and save the result to file /tmp/  
% gmk m2 32 32 | gmap - tgt/h8.tgt /tmp/  
Build the Open Inventor file graph.iv that contains the display of a  
source graph the source and geometry files of which are named graph.grf  
% gout -Mn -Oi graph.grf - graph.iv  
Although no mapping data is required because of the “-Mn” option, note the  
presence of the dummy input mapping file name “-”, which is needed to  
specify the output visualization file name.  
Given the source and geometry files graph.grf and of a source  
graph, map the graph on a 8 by 8 bidimensional mesh and display the  
mapping result on a color screen by means of the public-domain ghostview  
PostScript previewer.  
% gmap graph.grf tgt/m8x8.tgt | gout graph.grf  
’-Op{c,f,l}’ | ghostview -  
Build a 24-node Cube-Connected-Cycles graph target architecture which will  
be frequently used. Then, map compressed source file graph.grf.gz onto it,  
and save the result to file /tmp/  
% amk ccc 3 | acpl - /tmp/ccc3.tgt  
% gunzip -c graph.grf.gz | gmap - /tmp/ccc3.tgt /tmp/  
To speed up target architecture loading in the future, the decomposition-  
defined target architecture is compiled by means of acpl.  
Build an architecture graph which is the subgraph of the 8-node de Bruijn  
graph restricted to vertices labeled 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, map graph graph.grf onto  
it, and save the result to file /tmp/  
% (gmk ub2 3; echo 5 1 2 4 5 6) | amk grf -L | gmap graph.grf -  
Note how the two input streams of program amk grf (that is, the de Bruijn  
source graph and the five-elements vertex label list) are concatenated into a  
single stream to be read from the standard input.  
Compile and link the user application brol.c with the libScotch library,  
using the default error handler.  
% cc brol.c -o brol -lscotch -lscotcherr -lm  
Note that the mathematical library should also be included, after all of the  
Scotch libraries.  
Recompile a program that used MeTiS so that it uses Scotch instead.  
% cc brol.c -o brol -I${metisdir} -lscotchmetis -lscotch  
-lscotcherr -lmetis -lm  
Note that the “-lscotchmetis” option must be placed before the “-lmetis”  
one, so that routines that are redefined by Scotch are selected instead of  
their MeTiS counterpart. When no other MeTiS routines than the ones re-  
defined by Scotch are used, the “-lmetis” option can be omitted. The  
-I${metisdir}” option may be necessary to provide the path to the orig-  
inal metis.h include file, which contains the prototypes of all of the MeTiS  
10 Adding new features to Scotch  
Since Scotch is free/libre software, users have the ability to add new features to it.  
Moreover, as Scotch is intended to be a testbed for new partitioning and ordering  
algorithms, it has been developed in a very modular way, to ease the development  
and inclusion of new partitioning and ordering methods to be called within Scotch  
All of the source code for partitioning and ordering methods for graphs and  
meshes is located in the src/libscotch/ source subdirectory. Source file names  
have a very regular pattern, based on the internal data structures they handle.  
10.1 Graphs and meshes  
The basic structures in Scotch are the Graph and Mesh structures, which model  
a simple symmetric graph the definition of which is given in file graph.h, and a  
simple mesh, in the form of a bipartite graph, the definition of which is given in  
file mesh.h, respectively. From this structure are derived enriched graph and mesh  
Bgraph, in file bgraph.h: graph with bipartition, that is, edge separation,  
information attached to it;  
Kgraph, in file kgraph.h: graph with mapping information attached to it;  
Hgraph, in file hgraph.h: graph with halo information attached to it, for  
computing graph orderings;  
Vgraph, in file vgraph.h: graph with vertex bipartition information attached  
to it;  
Hmesh, in file hmesh.h: mesh with halo information attached to it, for com-  
puting mesh orderings;  
Vmesh, in file vmesh.h: graph with vertex bipartition information attached to  
As version 5.1 of the libScotch does not provide mesh mapping capabilities, nei-  
ther Bmesh nor Kmesh structures have been defined to date, but this work is in  
progress, and these features should be available in the upcoming releases.  
All of the structures are in fact defined as typedefed types.  
10.2 Methods and partition data  
Methods are routines which take one of the above structures as input, and update  
the fields of the given structure according to the implemented algorithm. Initial  
methods will behave irrespective of the former values of the structure (like graph  
growing methods, which compute partitions from scratch), while refinement meth-  
ods must be provided an existing partition to improve.  
In addition to the topological description of the underlying graph, the working  
graph and mesh structures comprise variables describing the current state of the  
vertex or edge partition. In all cases is provided a partition array called parttax,  
of size equal to the number of graph vertices, which tells which part every vertex  
is assigned to. Other variables comprise the communication load and the load  
imbalance of the current cut, that is, all of the data necessary to measure the  
quality of a partition. Some other data are also often provided, such as the number  
of vertices in each part and the list of frontier vertices. They are not relevant to  
measure the quality of the partition, but to improve the speed of computations.  
They are used for instance in the multi-level algorithms to compute incremental  
updates of the current partition state, without having to recompute these values  
from scratch by considering all of the graph vertices. Implementers of new methods  
are highly encouraged to use these variables to speed-up their computations, taking  
examples on typical algorithms such as the multi-level or Fiduccia-Mattheyses ones.  
10.3 Adding a new method to Scotch  
We will assume in this section that the new method to add is a graph separation  
method. The procedure explained below is exactly the same for graph bipartition-  
ing, graph mapping, graph ordering, mesh separation, or mesh ordering methods.  
Please proceed as explained below.  
1. Write the code of the method itself. First, choose a free two-letter code to  
describe your method, say “xy”. In the libscotch source directory, create  
files vgraph separate xy.c and vgraph separate xy.h, basing on existing  
files such as vgraph separate gg.c and vgraph separate gg.h, for instance.  
If the method is complex, it can be split across several other files, which will  
be named vgraph separate xy firstmodulename.c, vgraph separate xy  
secondmodulename.c, eventually with matching header files.  
If the method has parameters, create a structure called VgraphSeparateXy  
Param, which contains fields of types that can be handled by the strategy  
parser, such as the INT generic integer type (see below), or double, for in-  
The execution of your method should result in the setting or in the updating  
of the Vgraph structure that is passed to it. See its definition in vgraph.h  
and read several simple graph separation methods, such as vgraph separate  
zr.c, to figure out what all of its parameters mean.  
At the end of your method, always call, when the SCOTCH DEBUG VGRAPH2  
debug flag is set, the vgraphCheck routine, to avoid the spreading of eventual  
bugs to other parts of the libScotch library.  
2. Add the method to the parser tables. The files to update are vgraph  
separate st.c and vgraph separate st.h, where “st” stands for “strat-  
First, edit vgraph separate st.h. In the VgraphSeparateStMethodType  
enumeration, add a line for your new method VGRAPHSEPASTMETHXY. Then,  
edit vgraph separate st.c, where all of the remaining actions take place.  
In the top of the file, add a #include directive to include vgraph separate  
If the method has parameters, create a vgraphseparatedefaultxy C union,  
basing on an existing one, and fill it with the default values of your method  
In the vgraphseparatestmethtab method array, add a line for the new  
method. To do so, choose a free single-letter code that will be used to desig-  
nate the new method in strategy strings. If the method has parameters, the  
last field should be a pointer to the default structure, else it should be set to  
If the method has parameters, update the vgraphseparatestparatab pa-  
rameter array. Add one data block per parameter. The first field is the name  
of the method to which the parameter applies, that is, VGRAPHSEPASTMETH  
XY. The second field is the type of the parameter, which can be:  
STRATPARAMCASE: the support type is an int. It receives the index in the  
case string, which is provided as the last field of the parameter line, of  
the given case character;  
STRATPARAMDOUBLE: the support type is a double;  
STRATPARAMINT: the support type is an INT, which is the generic inte-  
ger type handled internally by Scotch. This type has variable extent,  
depending on compilation flags, as described in Section 7.1.4;  
STRATPARAMSTRING: a (small) character string;  
STRATPARAMSTRAT: strategy. For instance, the graph ordering method  
by nested dissection takes a vertex partitioning strategy as one of its  
parameters, to compute the vertex separators.  
The fourth and fifth fields are the address of the location of the default struc-  
ture and the address of the parameter within this default structure, respec-  
tively. From these two values can be computed at run time the offset of the  
parameter within any instance of the parameter structure, which is used to  
fill the actual structures in the parsed strategy evaluation tree. The value of  
the sixth parameter depends on the type of the parameter. It should be NULL  
for STRATPARAMDOUBLE and STRATPARAMINT parameters, points to the string  
of available case letters for STRATPARAMCASE parameters, points to the target  
string buffer for STRATPARAMSTRING parameters, and points to the relevant  
method parsing table for STRATPARAMSTRAT parameters.  
3. Edit the makefile of the libScotch source directory to enable the compilation  
and linking of the method. Depending on libScotch versions, this makefile  
is either called Makefile or make gen.  
4. Compile in debug mode and experiment with your routine, by creating strate-  
gies that contain its single-letter code.  
5. To change the default strategy string used by the libScotch library, up-  
date file library graph order.c, since it is the graph ordering routine which  
makes use of graph vertex separation methods to compute separators for the  
nested dissection ordering method.  
10.4 Licensing of new methods and of derived works  
According to the terms of the CeCILL-C license [6] under which the Scotch  
software package is distributed, the works that are carried out to improve and  
extend the libScotch library must be licensed under the same terms. Basically, it  
means that you will have to distribute the sources of your new methods, along with  
the sources of Scotch, to any recipient of your modified version of the libScotch,  
and that you grant these recipients the same rights of update and redistribution  
as the ones that are given to you under the terms of CeCILL-C. Please read it  
carefully to know what you can do and cannot do with the Scotch distribution.  
You should have received a copy of the CeCILL-C license along with the Scotch  
distribution; if not, please browse the CeCILL website at http://www.cecill.  
I wish to thank all of the following people:  
Patrick Amestoy collaborated to the design of the Halo Approximate Mini-  
mum Degree algorithm [47] that had been embedded into Scotch 3.3, and  
gave me versions of his Approximate Minimum Degree algorithm, available  
since version 3.2, and of his Halo Approximate Minimum Fill algorithm, avail-  
able since version 3.4. He designed the mesh versions of the approximate min-  
imum degree and approximate minimum fill algorithms, which are available  
since version 4.0;  
Alex Pothen kindly gave me a version of his Multiple Minimum Degree algo-  
rithm, which was embedded into Scotch from version 3.2 to version 3.4;  
Luca Scarano, visiting Erasmus student from the Universit´a degli Studi di  
Bologna, coded the multi-level graph algorithm in Scotch 3.1;  
Yves Secretan contributed to the MinGW32 port;  
David Sherman proofread version 3.2 of this manual.  
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