Sunpak 72-in-1
High-speed Card Reader
SIM Editor Software
Installation and Users Guide
Congratulations on your purchase of your new Sunpak 72-in-1 card reader. Before using the unit, please read
this manual thoroughly, and retain it for future reference. This manual will help you use many of the exciting
and useful features that will make your card reader usage more enjoyable. No internet connection is required.
1.1 Package Contents
Your new Sunpak 72-in-1 card reader has the enclosed following items:
72-in-1 Card Reader
Installation CD
User’s Manual
1.2 System Requirements
Please be sure that you meet all of the system requirements below to avoid difficulties during installation:
PC System with USB Port
Windows® 2000, XP, VistaTM, 7 and latter
1.3 Specifications
Supports high-speed 480mbps/full-speed 12 mbps/low-speed 1.5 mbps
One red LED for power indication
Once blue LED for card status indication
Provide USB 2.0 interface fully backward compatibility with USB 1.1 devices.
Supports USB power - no external power required
1.4 Multilanguage Supporting
− Languages Supported: English, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, German, Italian, French, Japanese and Dutch.
1.5 Features
− With SIM Editor, you can easily create, edit, and backup SIM card user’s data, phonebook and message entries using
your PC instead of typing in the information into your phone.
1.6 Memory Cards Supported
Slot 1: CF I, CF I Pro, CF I Elite Pro, CF I Ultra, Shoot & Store CF, CF II, CF II Magic Star, CF II Ultimate, CF-Digital Film,
CF 3.0, CF 4.0, Extreme III CF, Extreme CF, Ultra II CF, HS CF, XS-XS CF, CF Elite Pro, CF Pro, CF Pro II, IBM MD,
Hitachi MD, Magic Star MD. Slot 2: SD, Extreme SD, Extreme III SD, Ultra SD, Ultra II SD, Ultra II SD Plus, SD-Ultra-X,
Ultra Speed SD, SD Pro, SDHC, SD Elite Pro, HS SD, MMC, MMC 4.0, MMC 4.2, HS MMC, HS RS MMC, RS MMC, RS
MMC 4.0, MMC Mobile, MMC Plus, Mini SD, HS Mini SD. Slot 3: M2. Slot 4: MS, MS Pro, MS Duo, MS Pro Duo, MS MG
Pro, MS Pro MG High Speed, MS Pro MG Extreme III, MS MG, MS MG Duo, MS MG Pro Duo, Extreme MS Pro, MS
Select, Extreme III MS Pro, Ultra II MS Pro, HS MS MG Pro, HS MS MG Pro Duo, HS MS Pro, HS MS Pro Duo, MS Rom,
MS Pro Magic Gate, MS Duo Magic Gate, MS HG. Slot 5: xD. Slot 6: SIM. Slot 7: Micro SD.
Note: The SIM driver needs to be installed when you want to a SIM card. The SIM driver is not required for other
cards. However, it is recommended to install the driver, otherwise the installation window will always appear when
using other cards.
1.7 Note
− PIN (Personal Identification Number) is the password to unlock the SIM card. If the PIN codes password window
shows, it means the user had set up a PIN code password to protect the SIM card. Please enter the correct PIN code
password to read/write to the Phonebook.
− PUK (Personal Unlocking Number) can unlock personal identification. As a safety feature, the SIM card will be locked
after the user enters wrong the PIN code three times. At this time, user must enter a PUK to unlock password.
Please Note: The SIM card will be no longer work if the PUK is entered 10 consecutive times.
− GSM/CDMA has four kinds of coding methods.
SIM Editor can support all of it and select the best editor model automatically.
− The only valid input characters for GSM are: “0” ~ “9”,” #” and “*”.
− Please refer to the right side of Phonebook about entries of phone numbers and messages. The quantity of entries
depends on the capacity of SIM card memory.
2. Drivers Installation
2.1 Installation Notice
− SIM Editor can edit data of SIM card in Windows environment.
− It means the SIM card reader only can read/write the SIM card released by the Mobile operator. The copy SIM card
can't be read/write.
2.2 Installation Procedures:
− When the card reader at attached to a computer, the below window will appear. Click “cancel” to close the window if
you don’t need to read the SIM card.
If you need to read SIM card, put CD Driver into CD-ROM (execute automatically by CD-ROM), please follow
instructions on window to finish driver installation.
− Click “Next”
− Select the below column to create a desk icon and click “Next”
− Installing
− Installation finished
− Desktop icon will be shown as below. Click this to edit your phone book.
Product Installation
4. SIM Editor Operation Manual:
4.1 Phone Book Operation Manual:
− Select Phonebook folder and then press Load icon
− User can read/write phonebook data in the SIM card after entering the correct PIN code
− Please DO NOT remove the SIM card while data is being transferred
− A. Load: Backup phonebook data from SIM card to PC
− B. Save: After editing phonebook entries by SIM Editor, click “Save” to save edited phonebook entries back to SIM card
− C. Enable, Disable or Change PIN code: User can start to use, unlock or change PIN code by clicking this icon
− D. Unblock:SIM card will be locked to avoid misappropriation if user enters wrong PIN code 3 times consecutively.
Please enter PUK code to unlock. Please note! The SIM card will no longer function if the user enters PUK code
consecutively 10 times.
− E. New: User can press “New” icon to add a name and phone number after filling in related info. Supports up to 14
characters in name entries. Phone number can support up to 20 digital or special characters.
− F. Delete: User can delete selected phonebook entries in editing area on left hand side by pressing the “Delete” icon.
− G. Close: Close and exit SIM Editor window.
− H. Phone Book Status: Shows phone book storage information in GSM/CDMA memory as Total Number/Used Number/
Unused Number. The total number for GSM is 150 and 80 for CDMA.
− I. SMS Book Status: Displays Short Message Service (SMS) storage information in GSM/CDMA memory as Total
Number/Used Number/Unused Number. The total number for GSM is 25 and 15 for CDMA.
− J. Select Language: Select from 10 supporting languages.
− K. Import or export data: Transfer phone book and SMS data between different SIM cards by TXT or CSV format.
− L. SIM Card Information: Display Phone Book and SMS book information.
4.2 SMS Operation Manual:
− Select Phone Book folder and then press “Load” icon
User can read/write messages in the SIM card after entering correct PIN code.
− Please DO NOT remove SIM card while data is being transferred
5. Safely removing USB Devices:
To prevent any loss of data and/or hardware damage you must safely remove your USB device from your computer,
please follow the instructions below:
For Windows 2000®, XP, Vista
Make sure your USB storage device is not in use and there’s no activity between your computer and your USB device.
5.1 .Click the “Safely Remove Hardware” icon in the system tray on your desktop.
For Windows 2000®, XP
For Windows® Vista
5.2. Select the USB storage device that you want to remove from the list.
5.3. After a few seconds, a message will appear notifying you that it is now safe to remove your USB device from your
5.4. You can safely disconnect your USB storage device from your computer.
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